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End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:20 pm
by Bethers
It's already afternoon in Utah, where is everyone? Not that I can talk. Lol
Sandi, when I was looking at your recipe I was wondering about your painting. I love this new one posted. You are so talented.
Nothing going here. I'm pretty much doing nothing with my 3 days off. Well, I'm cleaning some cupboards and reorganizing, but that's ongoing. At least when I do some of that I feel I haven't wasted the entire day.
One of the other workampers brought a ball into the RV office just to play with Ty. She's off today, but he showed another workamper where it is this morning and actually preferred playing ball with her to a treat!
Have a great day everyone.
Last Tuesday
Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:32 pm
by Othersharon
Afternoon all! Just came in from mowing for a quick break and see no one posting yet today so figured I’d kick this off! Martha, glad you didn’t get anything from Ida but she’s not done yet apparently. I’m not remembering a time when they’re talking so much about the rain and flooding in this area of the state. Or else I have a short memory which is very possible! I was just talking to my neighbor and she told me her husband is on his way to LA. He works on power lines which is about all I know of his job. He was gone for 2 months with Katrina so who knows this time. I know they’ve had a problem with flooding in their basement due to the run off from the street but the borough is turning a blind eye to the problem as usual. Same problem I had with them a while back. So still no resolution. Very frustrating. I told her if she needed help to let me know. I have experience sweeping and cleaning water in basements!!
Beth, glad you have gotten the job in Maine. Great that they were willing to go out that far! So sounds like you’ll get to make your trip east even if it’s aa year later then you wanted! Okay, break is over so I’d better get out back and try to mow before it starts raining this afternoon. Hope you are all having a good day.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:48 pm
by OregonLuvr
Almost noon here but not quite. I wanted to finish putting the primer on my shed today but of course the wind has kicked up a bit and it whistles down my carport where I want to paint. My back deck doesnt get the wind at all or at least barely depending on the direction of course. So, on to plan B. Took out a tomato plant and went on "poop patrol". Fellows are coming in the morning to take the moss off my roof so wanted to pick up all the equipment I had out in the yard and put it away in the shed.
Need to run the big vacuum I think Emma is done (or close to it) blowing her undercoat. She seems less itchy this morning and I didnt get much hair when I brushed her. Now time to get some lunch. The weather is nice and cool this morning and will be 78 today, I like that.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:29 pm
by Bethers
Sharon, you actually posted to yesterday's thread, so I moved it here.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:00 pm
by Othersharon
Thanks Beth! Some days I need a keeper! Or as my sister and her family call each day, it’s Blurday! Guess that’s what today is for me! Glad I managed to mow both front and back today since it was my one big accomplishment for today! We’ve had off and on light rain since about 5 so guess it’s moving in. Wish we could send some of this to you all in the west. Have a great evening and I’ll try to remember that tomorrow is rabbits day!
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:47 pm
by monik7
Bethers wrote:Sandi, when I was looking at your recipe I was wondering about your painting. I love this new one posted.
I took a break for awhile Beth, packed up all my painting supplies and put them in the garage. But, I’ve missed it so dragged some of it back inside today. We’ll see if I can come up with anything interesting and whether I can learn and improve my technique.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:56 pm
by JudyJB
I have finally finished going through every storage place underneath my rig and every plastic tote in those storage areas! Whew. And besides that, yesterday, I finally finished going through the last of my 11 big Rubbermade or plastic storage bins at my son's house. When i first started out, I saved every advertising brochure from everywhere I went. I tossed almost all of those but saved the actual booklets and books I paid money for. I brought a lot of the books back to my motorhome from the storage room, and my goal is to read through the most important books and then give them away to a couple of friends. I also found some teaching books, and I have packaged those up to send to the lady who has taken over my online classes. Whew again, but at least I got rid of some clutter and weight on my overweight rig. I've also been sending photos and such to my cousins if the photos are of them or their parents. Had my kids split the photos of their childhood. I also put some stuff I got from my aunt and uncle's house and put it in a medium-sized plastic tote, which is now in my son's basement.
Luckily, my son has a very big house (4,000 ft sq) with a 2,000 sq ft basement. Part of that is a big storage room filled with heavy-duty shelves, but when you add my stuff to their stuff, we are running out of space. His kids are now, as of next week, ages 12, 13, and 15, but they have a ton of toys in the basement that need to be sorted through. Some of it is good stuff and worth saving, but much of it is just plastic doll houses, Barbie campers, garages, and such, so not worth anything and missing most of the pieces.
I have not really done any cleaning, plus I have several stacks of books I need to work through over the next year, but it is nice to not have to teach anymore, which gives me time to actually read all the books I have bought with good intentions and then never read over the past 9 years!!! It felt especially good to pack up my teaching books to send out tomorrow.
Weather is cooler today, but there are still hoards of little gnats and other bugs of some sort, and I hate even going outdoors. I assume the wet and hot weather caused these swarms, but they really irritate me outside or inside. Need a freeze, but that will be a few weeks or months away.
Also, i need a keeper also, as I bought into the wrong day along with a few of you. In addition, I found three sets of drill bits and two brand-new packages of printer paper, plus a lot of other stuff I had no idea I had!! Gave the extra drill bits and paper to my son.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:17 pm
by BarbaraRose
My day started out quiet and boring while at work. But once I left, apparently all hell was breaking loose outside!
We walked out to insane winds with the sky to the south/east looking brown! It was a haboob! I could barely get into my car because of the strong winds. Then pulling out, the dust was blowing so hard I could barely see the stop lights. The visibility all the way down the road I take to the freeway was almost completely gone! One intersection I couldn't see anything until I was right up to it before I realized there were stop lights there. At one intersection, I was stopped next to my co-worker so I got out and told her not to take the freeway since that would be even worse. We decided to take back roads. It was better as I got to more built up areas but there were trees down all over and branches in the roads along with lots of other debris. Looked and felt like a dry hurricane! I made it home OK but it was crazy and scary! Now there is a rainbow AND lightning to the south of me heading this way.
My yard was a mess! Everything blown over including my swing.
I can feel dust in my throat and eyes and on my face. I remember once being in something like this in Phoenix but not here.
On the bright side, I was super excited to see that just a couple miles from here, they are building a Grill & Chill Dairy Queen!! Yay!! There are only 2 DQ's in the whole valley and they are a long way from me. I can't wait until it is open!
Now I need to find something for dinner...
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:43 pm
by BarbaraRose
Don't forget to say "rabbits" tonight/tomorrow morning!
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:34 pm
by Acadianmom
Barbie, that was crazy wind. I hope your new Dairy Queen is better than the one in Abbeville. I have only gone twice and they are so slow I quit going. Restaurants don't get many chances with me.
The electricity must have gone out for a while sometime last night because the clocks were blinking when I got up. The Directv wouldn't work. I unplugged and plugged all the things they want checked and nothing. As much as I hate it, I called them. Had to redo all I had already tried and she finally made me an appointment for someone to come on Saturday. This just happened a few weeks ago and as soon as I got off the phone everything started working. It is still out tonight. I can get a few over the air channels but it's mostly reruns and old shows. I think they cut the transmission power at night. Stations that come in fine all day start going out about 10:30.
I mowed Sugar's yard with the push mower. Part of it was knee high so had to mow a strip, rake it up and throw it over the fence. I would have started mowing the rest of the yard but I can't get the mower off the carport for the tractor. At one time I knew how to operate the tractor but I didn't want to run over something.
My son came and helped me move the truck and motorhome back. It started raining so hard I could hardly see before I got home on the last run. I thought by now more gas stations would have gas. I am still seeing stations without gas.
I have aggravated my bad shoulder so much that it was waking me up last night. I have a bunch of pain patches that Harold had for his back. I think I'll try one of those if they will still stick on.
Re: End of August
Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:42 pm
by snowball
still have a air alert on the phone yesterday it was suppose to be over at 1 pm today now it says 1 pm Wednesday .
it will be nice when it's over for a few days... On the 8th I will make the last payment on my 5th wheel how nice that will be but won't have mortgage papers I can burn!!! still it will be a relief ... and this last one is just a part payment could go ahead and pay it off up on well it will happen and I will be so thrilled...
should get the supplemental insurance as I won't have an excuse not to IE can't afford it...
it's basically forget to look into it..
I finally got a geranium moved that hadn't grown this summer ... think it was due to other plants grew and took the sun from it but it's sure small in a planter that will go South with me and probably get eaten by that creature that ate all my plants last winter... except the ones hanging...
sure didn't do much unless coloring several pages on the phone count then in that case was busy
been a sleepy day for mom two nights of not sleeping well can cause that I guess...
went to get ice for her mug of water and no ice
or not much anyway... I guess what happened is I didn't think to turn it off when we went on our trip and my brother thinks that some ice is frozen in the one area that it makes the ice used a hair dryer on it. when I got up on something I could see a ice cube and one in the exit area so did use the hair dryer on it will see in the AM if there is ice if not guess I will do more of the hair drying blowing....
haven't mentioned it to mom she gets worried about these extra expenses!!! so hoping for the DIY
My mom really likes DQ shrimp something maybe popcorn shrimp they aren't too bad here but then every place is slow just nature of the game
you all have a great day
got to remember rabbits