Good Morning on this last Sunday of July. Hard to be,ieve summer is going to be over in a few weeks. We will probably get our reminder shortly, in that generally around the latter part of July into early August, we get a round of pretty cool weather for a week or so and thrn it warms up again. Yesterday’s rain was followed by a cool front that dropped us into the low 70’s. Today and tomorrow, it’s back to low, mid 80’’s and then back to 70’s after that.
Velda, my neighbors friend was probably just referring to how much work it has been trying to rid the house of smoke smell. That kind of fire and smoke can really penetrate into everything. Might be in vain anyway, with fires in the area again.
I never did get into cleaning house yesterday. Decided to tackle the painting I had to do around my new countertops. The backsplash is a bit shorter than the old ones, so there was about an inch of exposed drywall all along the top of the backsplash. And because I had an extra foot added on to the new countertops, I took a piece of paneling off the wall next to a section of cabinet so the counter could be installed. So hauled out the paint can and took care of it all. Gave the kitchen a good cleaning too. Now it looks finished. And also painted the other side of the half door I’m making for the garage.
Not sure what’s on today’s agenda. Definitely will work on the door project. Need to paint other side of the lattice and a second coat over yesterday’s on the frame. Might work in the deer and see if I can finish it. Martha, reason I get into these things is because I want to be outside and these projects keep me out there. Creative minds are never idle
Was approached yesterday by couple of my neighbors who are interested in buying my extra lot next door if I want to sell it. . They want to move but not out of the neighborhood. So I’m considering it. Need to find out a few things. I figured it would only be a matter of time before somebody approached me, the way property is being sold here. There are three lots for sale down the road, but they butt up against a motel, turned intorental apartments. Going to be a hard sell. There was an interested buyer, but he wants to put up 4 houses for rental purposes and that’s not allowed in the deed restrictions. It was brought up at our POA meeting and unanamouisly voted down.
Time to move on here. Got to get neighbors paper and head for mass.