Judy why don't you take the gd up to the showers instead of supervising her shower in the motor home? I know I prefer the showers to the "navy" showers...
we had hail today small didn't put down much but it sure was loud and then it smelled so good afterwards... I know if it says there is a chance of rain and it's less than say 75 % I pretty much disregard it and am delighted when it does happened at a less percent.... although it seems like the phone meteorologists today seem to be much better than when I was a kid....
as to the substitute for buttermilk I go for buttermilk although I've heard that putting vinegar in with the milk will work to me that is just a way to make sour milk... which I use when it calls for sour milk just me though...
yesterday I did much of what I planned on today not so much was going to put varnish on the box I stained yesterday but didn't do that not sure I have a good brush for it although I was surprised that I could use a foam brush according to the container so think I will get some of those and just toss them away.... they are cheap enough to not feel guilty so will go get them tomorrow...
charging my phone so need to go get it ... strongly suggested that my sister call my mom either it will be ignored or reamed betting on ignored
I don't get it she says she doesn't call mom because she has nothing to say but her son broke his leg the other day and she didn't call to tell her about it.... it bugs me the lack of calls she gets... although my cousin did call and tell her about her son dying and this is a niece that she hasn't seen for probably a dozen years... it is hard to get with family when they live in FL. oh I forgot mom probably saw her when my mom went to FL with my brother's family a few years ago and they went to see my aunt and she lives with the niece that called her....
Glad Anita that so far all is well for your daughter so hope it continues...
you all have a good day