Enjoyed reading about all of your "fireworks" evenings.
Last night was probably the worst it has ever been here. The constant crashing-booming noise started at 8:00 p.m. and didn't completely stop until 1:30 a.m. Five and a half hours of Hell.
In the past, I have just put my Joe in his crate the kitchen with the lights off when the explosions started. . . they were so loud and so constant this year that I was afraid that he would injure himself - break a toenail or a tooth, or worse - thrashing around in his crate. After an hour or so, with the intensity of the cacophony increasing by the minute, I finally took him out of his crate, leashed him (this helps me to control him), and closed all of the doors in the hallway to the bedrooms, turned off the lights (couldn't see the flashes because the hallway takes a turn) and sat there stroking him and crooning to him, repeating the same "Joe is a good boy" phrase over and over.
This seemed to help some. He stopped trying to (literally) climb the walls to either side, and finally lay down beside me, still panting and shaking. After three hours of sitting on the floor with him in the dark I was totally exhausted. I started to get up, thought better of it, just rolled onto my side, lay down, and fell asleep right there on the hardwood floor. Thank goodness Joe was calm enough not to try to climb all over me as he had been doing earlier (he is a large-ish dog) but just lay there on the floor at my feet panting and shaking.
I, too, wonder where people find the money to pay for these things, with a LOT of people in my area really hurting. Donating to a local food kitchen would be a lot better than so much money literally "going up in smoke".
At about 1:15 a.m. I woke up knowing Joe desperately needed a potty run, got to my feet, didn't hear anything, got ten steps out the back door with him and the booms started in again (at freaking 1:15 a.m.!!). Joe did an about-turn and made a beeline for the back door - I barely restrained myself from screaming expletives at the top of my lungs. What the $$##%!! is the matter with people???
done. Next year I'm going to beat it out of town, no matter what, to the Medicine Lake Volcano in outer No-wheres-ville where fireworks are not allowed. Or maybe just rent a motel room somewhere out in the sticks.
Someone on here, I forget who - was it you, Velda? - suggested noise-cancelling headphones for him, as did my kids. Since I had planned to be gone on the 4th (before the heatwave hit) I had forgotten about them. If they are not too expensive, I might try them - but Joe is not a dog that likes to wear appliances.
Oh, Sue, thank you so much for posting your county.
It was the bright spot of my day! I looked on Zillow, found a really beautiful "never-happen"
house that I am sure I would love (1445 Mount Jack Rd, Elmira, MI 49730):
https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1445-Mount-Jack-Rd-Elmira-MI-49730/106572106_zpid/? The $217,500 price would be at least three-quarter mil here. Probably more. Be still my heart!
Thank you, Sue, for allowing me to indulge my Zillow addiction. Browsing Zillow takes my mind off of my problems, and helps me to imagine better days.