Oregon is having some much-needed rain today. The grass is brown and I noticed that the blackberries are not as large as they usually are. Nice and cool, however.
I figured I would start this morning because I am actually up and dressed. I had a teleconference with my department at the college that started at 7:30 am my time! Yikes! Anyway, I did not get dressed, so did not turn on my video cam. The colleges are not doing well financially with the virus affecting enrollment. We have been 100% online for summer and will be online for fall, but many of the classes will have a live Zoom component. The classes will meet via Zoom for 2 hours per week and students will have 2 hours per week worth of online stuff to do. My class will be 100% online as usual because many of my students work weird schedules and cannot attend a regular session. Most are in their 20s and working things like restaurants, health clubs, retail, etc where they do not even know their schedules until a week ahead of time.
So, have to move spots today to one just down the row, so am getting ready to pack up and run all my errands. I have to dump my tanks and put stuff away outside and in. Then, need to go to post office to pick up a package, fill up my tank with gas, hit Dollar Tree to pick up the few things I like to get there, then on to Camping World for an oil change at noon.
Sometime, either before or after oil change, I have to find a laundromat. This county park has a fantastic laundry, but it and the showers are closed, per Oregon declaration from governor. Irritating because all that does is send us to more dangerous commercial laundromats. I have at least 3 loads of clothing and bedding and one load of rugs, so I really cannot put it off any longer, unfortunately. I will wear a mask and put stuff in the machines and then go sit in my rig while it washes.