Pooped!!! Landlord had 2 appointments to show the house today, both canceled out.
Jenny's Dad and then her Mother and then a friend all showed up to help Jenny pack up her stuff out of the bedroom and all of David's glassware he brought back from overseas. Jenny had nothing at all of her stuff packed and ready to go. I don't believe any furniture will be going out the door today, it's raining to much and Jenny's Dad is the only male. David got stuck working a double and I'M NOT LUGGING furniture out, down the steps and into the back of a pickup truck!!!!! I'm not in the shape I use to be plus I don't have the muscle to do it anymore. David will be home tomorrow he can lug furniture. Jenny also has a stepdad and older brother that can do that crap. ??? Tho to tell ya the truth Jenny's brother would probably be useless any way!
He doesn't strike me as very handy at things???
Was going to rent a u-haul truck for the kids to use. David informed me that Jenny's family were going to get one, so I didn't. David let me know this morning that they weren't getting one??? Talked to Jenny's Dad who told me that he had wanted to get one but was voted down. When I mentioned it in front of everyone??? You could have heard a pin drop. ??????? Seems to me that it would have been so much simpler, easier and cheaper to get a bigger truck and make 1? maybe 2 trips to get all the big stuff like furniture, washer, dryer, kitchen set, big microwave and well? Ya'll get the picture!!! Damned if I'm gonna go get one now!!! They can all stew and work and cart and carry and haul stuff in ??? how ever many trips it takes. grrrrrr!
Ok, I've sat on my butt long enough, time to get busy again.