Good Morning. Light snow coming down here this morning. We have anywhere from an inch to a dusting depending on whether in the open or under trees. Rain/snow, bit of upper 30 degree weather and the coldest air of season on tap for this weekend and next week. Hard to say if wi term is here to stay or not. It can go justvthe opposite in mid month
I see a few of our “rabbits” posters haven’t been around in a while. Guess a lot of us are getting into other things and RV’s and adventures aren’t one of them. Beth, glad you heard from Lyn, so hoping she can get back on here. I’ve noticed that Martha hasn’t posted in awhile either. Peggy, glad to hear from you. Hope your party goes off smoothly.
Judy, I agree on the Catch 22 with the SS. I lost my Medicare card and called to get a new one sent. Was told it would be a month. Month came and went, no card. Called and was told same thing, but she did give me a claim number for an upcoming doctors appt. plus said she would send a letter proving I was on SS. Letter came and still no card, so made 3rd call. This lady said she would send a second card. Finally got one in the mail a couple weeks ago. Whether it was the original one or the second one, who knows Be interesting to see if I get another one.
O’Sharon, nothing like camping out in your house Be careful with those gas appliances, And you have an RV with a beater in the yard, but put away for the season. How ironic.
Off to monkey with my scrapbook. Don’t forget to change your clocks, those in tbe states that do.