My last day of work for awhile! I have two weeks worth of sick pay coming so that will cover the next couple weeks and then will wait a few weeks, once I move to get settled in out there, before starting to work again.
Already went to Home Depot and Walmart this morning. Needed more flea spray and bombs and got a set of queen sheets on sale at WM. Also bought some paint for my headboard. It looks like a picket fence and is white but is dinged up and dirty, so it needs cleaning up and a nice paint job before I move it to the new place.
Lola got a clean bill of health yesterday altho I need to wean her off the prednisone. Also got some flea treatment from the vet that is supposed to work better than the stuff at the stores. Don't need any hitchhikers going with to the new place!
My second butterfly never hatched out of his chrysalis. I guess they don't all make it. He was right next to the first one and that one was fine, so who knows what happened.
The sun is out here and is breezy today. Rain returns on Monday for the whole week.
Hope you all have a good day!