Tuesday... Morning.. grrrrrrrrrr
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:58 am
Tuesday...Morning grrrrrr Lost my whole dang post..and it was funny..but now I'm exhausted and tired and ain't funny now..
Gosh I hate that..and I was just submitting the dang thing and it zapped away...far far far away...Like I'm going very shortly..
Ok, here's the scoop..not much happening..Campfire is going strong..and all seem to be out and about with the extra light of day...
So, you will have to do your looking on your own this morning cause I'm spent !!!
I put the Tea pot up and had such a cute story..but that will have to happen another time...However, I have Crumpets and Tea Cakes for the table..
and hope you all understand...
May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey a Safe one too..
God Bless
Looking for her manuscript it was that good !!!