Goooood Morning Sistahs!!!
Oh goodness if it's the official weekend. And I'm going into work voluntarily to do overtime. Altho at this moment I'm really wondering what all they will be getting out of me that will be considered work???? Gads I have a headache. And nope, it's not from partying to much either.
Popping Advil hope that will nail it!!
Oh, was doing this up and glanced at the clock!!! Had to get my shower in before Kelly got up. Dang kid is still zonked. Got to get her azz dragged out of bed.
Raining here this morning, temp isn't bad at all for now. Popped open the patio umbrella on the back porch while I had Shade out. It was really nice standing out there under the umbrella listening to the rain hit it. Haven't done enough camping in the past couple years to say so and I love the sound of the rain hitting the tent. That's one really good thing about a tent, it doesn't have to be pouring to be able to hear the rain.
Ok, coffee is done. I've got some goodies out on the table and of course Biscotti for those of you who are addicts. I am gonna go check my mail, do my clicks for breast cancer and the Animal Rescue Site. Then it will be out the door to work.
Hope ya'll have a great day and be sure to stay safe.
Love to all