Goooooood Morning Sistahs!!!!
Only have time for a quickie this morning. Hope your all doing fine today.
The first day of the weekend. Ahhhhhhhh Even tho we are going into work today it's still a good day. Work today is voluntary not mandatory so it's not so bad. And to tell the truth I really don't mind working on Saturday mornings. I guess I've just done so much of it that it doesn't really bother me anymore?
Kelly just stepped out of the shower and she needs to get dressed for work. I'm dressed and except for needing to brush my hair I'm ready to go. Kinda rough tho working evenings and then turning around and going back in in the morning. Get home at 9:pm and not go to bed until 11:30pm. Makes that alarm about the last thing ya want to hear so early. But I did set it a tad bit later, instead of getting up at 5:30, I got up at 6am. WooHoo
Ok, coffee is sitting waiting on ya'll. I've raided Barbz cupboard and gotten out the goodies. Mmmmm That cake smells yummy. Also brought some peanut butter cookies too. Found the Biscotti, but then she really didn't hide that!!!
Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe and warm.
Love to all