good morning Tuesday sunshine...
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:13 am
Good morning everyone... deja vu at HL last night another alert from my phone tornado watch.... called Carol..Soos..left message for Nan...Carol called Sarah ...did not have Brenda # or Patsey... but luckily it stay to watch and not a warning did not have to make a mad dash to the bathhouse.... really been great weather here we have had potlucks every night and campfires every night but last night because of rain.... taking some walks and doing some yakking as usual... only one trip to town so far... maybe some thrifting today or tomorrow... I really wanted to keep up with my blog but it's really hard I will try better though maybe I can do one right ... thought I might do some crafting or sewing in my spare time lol... I did get a king Jack antenna put on George the RV tech did it Saturday ... well all for now have a good one...& B safe...donna