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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 5:41 am
by Colliemom
Good Morning,

Woke up before 6 this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Even before Molly woke me up :lol: and nothing special on agenda for today either :roll: Going into mid 80's and too warm for me. So this may be a go find some things I need for trip yet or work on maps and expenses day. I did finish my little clothes pole project yesterday except for putting the lines on it.

Pretty rough weather in OK last night, hope none of our forum sisters or families got caught in it. I sat here watching the whole thing live on Weather Channel. Those clouds were unbelievable. One gets quite some lessons in meteorology watching it all and listening to their interpretations of it, both visually and on radar. I've always been interested in weather anyway, was one of my favorite parts of my one college natural sciences class. And Beth, although I know you really need rain out there, like we do here, the snow threat can disappear before I get there :lol: Catherine, hope none of the KS tornadoes came close to you.

Found out from my "Summer neighbor's" who will be here in mid June that they are taking a trip to CO in mid July. Ridgeway, Ouray and Telluride. They love it out there. Made reservations in Ridgeway State Park for two weeks. Said they would love for me to join them if I am still out west. But I will be back here by then. Hadn't planned on being gone all summer. If this had come up earlier, I would have worked my tip later and put them together. Oh well.

Guess it's time to fix some bottles. Ham and eggs if anybody wants to join Molly and I. She loves eggs. So have a nice day everyone :)

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 8:11 am
by grammynmaggie
Good morning Sue and everyone...well the weather system is moving on north and now we will have a string of days in the 90's looks like at least a week...ugh...think I will try and leave right after Memorial day...I have a lot of what I am taking with me pack and the rest will be last min. stuff...just need to clean up and organize my two rooms in the house...I think I also need to check some systems in the rig... I don't use some often like the water pump and hot water tank..or my fresh water tank...well have to get a little more done before it gets hot...have a fun filled day &B safe....donna ;) ;)
PS Sue I sent you a PM...

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:21 am
by Carolinagal
Good Morning Everyone, break time here, yesterday I didn't accomplish much but decided today I would get several things done. I have to tell myself I will do this :D Already have several chores done I have put off and so maybe there is hope for today's accomplishments. Theres always hope ;)

Gosh Sue, hate you'll miss your friends out west, especially area they will be in, is gorgeous. No jello in your plans ??? Donna, I feel so for you, my memory conjures up visions of what you're dealing with, :cry: Don't mean to rub it in, but I am so appreciating our spring like weather here, love the cool mornings and days have not been bad at all. I hope I can get through most of the house clearing while weather is like this, as the outside really needs to be washed down, yellow house, green in most places. Will need warmer weather for that job. I will do in stages, one job I decided I don't mind and I can do, it cost a fortune to have it done. Need that gas money :roll: for trip I hope to make before summer is over :D

No news from here, my cold or whatever it was seems to be better, but I can still get into some coughing fits that leave me drained. Usually happens in afternoons, when I'm tired anyway. Hope all of you are well, those that were in the storms last night, wish you would report in, scary times.

Have a good day, breakfast was a long time ago, thinking of whats for lunch here :D
Stay safe, but enjoy your day,
CArol :)

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:31 am
by Othersharon
Good morning! I slept in this morning so getting a slow start today! Sue, I was watching all the horrible weather last night too and hoped everyone from here were safe. Looks like another active day today. Also watching the storm forming out in the Atlantic and about ready to scrub my trip to Hatteras next week. I'm not sure what I'll do now but have the maps out and looking! The boys got their summer cuts the other day so they are ready! And Lola is ready, just need to finish loading some stuff. Sometimes I think I overthink this! Maybe I just need to start driving and see where it takes me! Not much else here, waiting for Donna to make it back to PA! Need to get busy, laundry day today plus other things that need attention! Hope everyone has a good day and stay safe!

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:35 am
by bluepinecones
Good Morning
Feeling a bit better past couple of days and got a lot more accomplished on my porch project tho I have to admit that it looks worse right now than when I started. I moved furniture and other clutter from north end to south end of porch and scrubbed down the north 1/3. Have also washed some of the furniture and am painting the plastic furniture an apple green. Will start shifting stuff back toward the northern end so can get the middle section scrubbed down next. This porch is a difficult one to arrange as it is only 8 feet wide but 80 feet long. I have for years used it mainly as a work area for antique mall projects and allowed it to get cluttered. Since I don't do much in the way of refinishing or painting furniture any more am trying to make it a more pleasant area for sitting and watching the birds and Nicky when he is out. Also better for RV friends visiting with their dogs. Shamefully shabby looking when Wendy and Carolb were here at Easter.
Have dentist appointment this afternoon so that will slow work down today. Going to be 90 this afternoon so too hot to work out there anyway as the porch faces west.
Have a good day.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:57 am
by BarbaraRose
Nothing much new here. Just rainy today but possible severe weather later on. Very stormy south of here and sounds like more severe weather coming for the plains states this weekend.

Going to run my dad around today with errands and then get some stuff done at home here later. Need to frost my hair today too. Looking kind of frumpy now. :roll:

Got a heavy downpour now and just looked at the radar and there is a big blob of rain coming into my area. Will have to postpone going to my dads for an hour or so as this next system moves thru. We sure need the rain tho, so not complaining!

Hope you all have a safe and fun day! :D

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 12:27 pm
by dayspring39
I spent too much time reading other parts of the forum so it is no longer morning here...
Hot 88 here today... living in a mobile home with the best shade tree taken down by the city I have had to have air on... keep it set at 80+ but sure helps...
Stay safe everyone...

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 12:36 pm
by chalet05
Good Morning,

What a great day yesterday! Diana (mtngal) picked me up for some touring in the area. Really was excited to finally get to meet her!

Thunder about 6 a.m. with very small hail - now rain. Good day for PJs and a book.

WiFi extender has worked well here until this morning - I assume due to rain. Now I can't get on to some sites and trying to find out how close tornadoes hit near Kansas daughter as I could see they were under a watch last evening. Thanks for the reminder about the Weather Channel - obviously I am computer addicted.

Granddaughter with Crohn's will start Remicade infusions Saturday. After the initial infusion schedule, she will have them every 8 weeks indefinitely. Very scary to have to start that at 16.

Wishing you all a nice day and safe travels.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 12:52 pm
by avalen
good morning, wondering about Birdie and how she held up in the tornado weather.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 1:18 pm
by MandysMom
Woke this morning to the gentle pitter patter of a rain shower going by but I'm sure it's laughable when I call it rain when folks in Texas got 9 inches in two hours! But we are grateful for each drop. More this afternoon they say, but I'm more concerned about sister in law 35 miles north of Ok city. Have not heard from her but saw nothing about Guthrie on news so that's hopefully good news. Praying all of you in the T zone stay safe.
Let hubby drive the few blocks alone today to get his diabetic shoes the VA pays for and have lab work drawn, as I'm waiting for call from Medicare. Nice and quiet here. Having my usual brown rice with Greek yogurt for breakfast.
Stay safe all.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 6:39 pm
by gingerK
No longer morning here (or anywhere in the U.S.) but just wanted to add that Angel got her new shoes today! One more step in the right direction! Tomorrow I will call my mechanic and ask him to give her an oil change as there isn't any info on when her last one was. Also have him look over a few other things.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:50 pm
by Bethers
Ava, Birdie finally posted on Facebook. She made it through last night, but will be getting more of the same tonight.

Re: Thursday

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:45 am
by MandysMom
Spoke to my sister in law in Guthrie north of OKC this afternoon. Said they are fine but the flooding had been horrendous south of her. I asked why someone would drown in a shelter which has a big door on it as we heard a woman in her 40's drowned in her underground shelter. Joyce said she had not heard of it before, because the combo of 8 inches of rain in a few hours with a tornado was a rare occurrence, but apparently debris blew on top the door, blocking her exit and the rain came in and she could not get out. Sister in law has one of those shelters in her yard, like a big box mostly under ground with a mound over all but door and she said it worried her because she had not even thought of that terrible combination of debris and water. Said they are in for a rough next few days weather wise in tornado alley. Oh, and she said a entire family was in their shelter dug into the garage floor as is common now, and water was rising in it but they got lucky when a neighbor came out after the twister passed and heard them screaming and got debris from their house off in time to save all of them. Scary stuff.