Gooooood Morning Sistahs!!!!
It's a bank holiday too! So that means that Kelly and I are off work today. I'm loving it. Had thought about going in today then said the he77 with it, the lure of an extra day off was to much to pass up. So here I am.
Barbz I am so glad that you are back on the job and back in your kitchen. I was about wore out. LOL And oh yeah I can smell them cinnamon rolls, yum yum! If'in ya got enough I take 2.
I've already grabbed some coffee of course. Grabbed some of mine here at the house on my way thru the kitchen to get the dogs out the back door. They were glad to get out there. HA! Shade was so happy. There's snow in the backyard!!! Oh as soon as she did her morning P she had to play in the snow. First thing she did was take a snow bath of course and roll all around in it. Dang silly pup. There isn't enough out there to bury herself but she was trying and she might get her wish too as it's still snowing out there, it's beautiful. Now Honey? That's a different story. She went pussy footing thru that nasty white stuff, squated and ran back for the porch. Ya ought to see her if it's raining or even if the grass is wet!!! Walks in that grass like it was broken glass. Never ever seen a dog like her for not wanting to get wet and she 1/2 lab. Now take her to a creek? Leave her alone and she will walk right out in the water and lay down in it. Go figure!!!
Will finish up the house work today, take my time and make it a lazy housework day.
Sounds good to me.
Gots a few newbies showing up and posting there
"Hellos". So good to see them. We got hike, dianeinaz, outandabout and Bumpjumper who are the most recent Sistahs. I sometimes don't post back to each intro but Ladies, you are monst welcome to the Sistahood!!!! It's an awesome forum with even more awesome Sistahs, we're nosy, fun, sometimes loud, goofy, intelligent, clannish, opinionated, caring, talkitive, loving and all around great bunch of WOMEN! LOL Hope to see lots of posts and pictures too. We want to know EVERY THING!
We are growing and growing. Whew, 6 months have gone by since Beth opened the doors. Can only wonder what it's gonna be like in another 6 months!!!
Ok, it's time to go check my email and get my comic fix for the day. I can't stand it when I miss my daily dose of 9 chickweed lane.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day and remembers to stay safe and warm.
Love to all