Good Morning from the Snowy 45th,
Yep, the storm has finally passed through here after two days of rain/snow, Snow, rain, cloudy etc. but can't complain as the U.P. Got hit far worse. I'm waiting for the local John Deere dealer to deliver both my snowblower and my neighbors tractor this morning. I took mine up there 3 weeks ago for a repair and since neighbor took her tractor in to have blower mounted, told them they could bring mine back at same time. No plans to blow snow today. Will put the cab back on and park it in garage till tomorrow.
Carolb, I had forgotten all about the snow we had in May when you were here. I was trying to be an accommodating host, as you had mentioned you missed seeing snow last wintr
Got to play catch up on here. Saw that a GTG is being planned for FL? CArol, I know all about those eyes drops. Been there done that. Barbie, get yourself a can of Prestone Spray DeIcer for your windshield. Will save you a lot of scraping. I also use Prestone DeIcer Windshield fluid in my trucks washer bottle. Works much faster and in colder weathere way better than that blue junk out there.
Okay, time to be off here. Got eggs, sausage, bacon, cereal, toast, bananas, etc. if anyone wants to come up to snow country. You all ha e a great day out there and keep warm.