Sunday Morning

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:04 am

Good Morning all,

Guess you all must be busy this morning as it's almost 10 a.m. and nobody's up fixing breakfast. We could all starve to death :lol: Well, I have bacon, eggs, sausage, toast here if you want some. Also some yummy looking zuchinni, blueberry and walnut cake from neighbors, but sorry it's off limits as I'm taking it with me on my trip :)

Made some changes on my reservations for this week. Cut a day off Indian Lake State Park in favor of heading way up north to the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula to Ft. Wilkins State Park instead. Found a beautiful campsite open up there and haven't been up there in a few years. So cancelled out Baraga State Park to go up there for two days instead. For those of you unfamiliar with MI, it's way up at the tip of that peninsula sticking up from the west end of the Upper Peninsula. Very remote area up there. No cell service expect top of Brockway Mountain. So I won't have WIFi either till latter part of week at Van Riper State Park. Not to mean that I may not be in a restaurant with some someplace along the line. But with all the beautiful scenery up there, who has time for computers, TV and what not.

Need to run to town this morning and pick up a few things. No hurry to leave in morning though as only a 3 hours drive from here to Indian Lake, so not one of those gotta hit the road early things. Pork loin cooking in crock pot for supper and some to take along. Will be packing trailer today and also truck. Course taking BBQ grill along, debate as to whether charcoal or gas :roll:

Ava, sorry you had such a rotten week at work, but a new eeek is starting, so time to begin anew. Irmi, hope you poison ivy is getting better. Barbie, forgot to mention that you sounded like you had a nice camping trip where you were. Hope you can get in another one before cold weather hits. The raccoons, well, guess they go with the territory. Now you can look back and laugh at it.

Time to run along here, busy day ahead. You all have a wonderful week and I'll check in when I can. By the way, somebody mentioned Kathleen yesterday. I talked with her on FB last week. She's at her girlfriends house but can't get her computer to connect to her WiFi service, so was using her girlfriends at the moment. Supposed to be back in IL the last week of this month.

Gotta run. Bye :)
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Liz » Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:16 am

Good morning! That sounds like a great trip, Sue....wish I was going with you! Looking forward to your pictures when you get back in wifi range. I've never been up that far.

Linda and I watched my video of the mule trip into Grand Canyon last night. It was well done and made me want to do the trip again. (I'd given up on thinking I ever would.) Maybe some day.

Things are progressing slowly here. I have Linda (sister) doing Wii exercises most every day. She is noticing an improvement in her balance. She likes it, so I ordered a Wii Fit system for her for her upcoming birthday.

She goes to her orthodepic dr. on Tuesday, so we'll see what he has to say about her arthritic knee and need for a knee replacement surgery. Either do it soon while I'm here, or get a cortisone shot and postpone it until next spring.

Not much excitement happening here as you can see, but weather has been beautiful.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby brendac » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:00 am

Good morning ladies,

It's been a while since I posted here but I have been reading daily. Most everyone sounds as though they are having a great summer.

The RV G-ds are against me this year. I had to cancel my 2 winter reservations in Florida and now here I sit at my son's apartment, 450 miles away from where the trailer is being repaired.

I need to vent so here's my story and I am sticking to it. :(

I was 5 days into my well planned 3 month vacation when, unbeknownst to me, the bolts on one wheel sheared off and the wheel headed for the hills. As I was driving through a small town in northern Ontario someone noticed the trouble, contacted the OPP who flagged me down in the middle of nowhere. Good Sam Roadside Assistance kicked in and found me help. They were able to add blocks to the suspension and I limped into their facility in the booming town of Thessalon, ON (60 miles east of Sault Ste Marie, ON.).

There the trailer sits while my insurance company from the US and the Canadian repair facility work out a deal to get me back on the road ASAP, which may not be as soon as I would like.

The good news is no one was injured and the trailer is repairable. The not so good news is that I have lost my confidence in pulling the trailer across to Alberta and then down to Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. The one thing I do know is that I will be driving to Alberta to visit my daughter and her family which now includes a second granddaughter born in June. Whether or not I pull the trailer remains to be seen.

The rest of my plans are on hold and in God's hands right now.

Have a great day and remember to keep safe out there.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby avalen » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:08 am

good morning :D
good fridge is fine, just needed to get some water in those batteries I haven't replaced yet. I've been through
this 3 times over the life I've had my rv and you'd think I'd remember to check the water. smh
I was up way early this morning, when I went out on the deck (dark still) the coyotes were out there yippin, Maggie was still
in bed sleeping. She missed it. Soon as it was daylight I did a little gardening, replanted a vine I had and tossed an old dead
one. Went out in the shed and found my crockpot and a few other things I wanted, my windchimes :D I'll get those hung up
on my deck.
About time to get to the store and buy some groceries, ya'll have a great day.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby gingerK » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:13 am

Good morning to all!

I'm kinda squeakin' in under the wire here, as it's already almost 11:00.

Taking it easy for today; we had out employee bbq yesterday and what a lot of work that was! But also tons of fun. Since we are always cooking out and inviting lots of people over this was nothing new. Of course today I have way too much food (I TOLD my DH we didn't need to make so much but does he listen? NO). Oh well, some of it will freeze and some we'll just call friends over to help us eat up.

Made DH take me out for breakfast today as I woke up craving strawberry crepes with whipped creme! They were yummy! Then it was back home to finish up cleaning up and putting away bowls, pots, pans, etc. that we used yesterday. Pretty much got everything put back and done, so he went off to see a car show that's nearby and I went on my computer to see what's going on with my FB pals.

Sue, someday I'd like to hit some of those CG's you talk about; they sound like places I'd love to see.

Ava, glad your refrig was an easy fix. Watch out for those coyotes-they may be on the lookout for your kitty!

Brenda, I'm sorry about your trailer, that could have been really scary.

Liz, it sounds like your sis is feeling better with the help of the Wii.

Need to go grind up some huge zucchinis for zucchini bread or else DH says he will throw them out! I don't want to waste them.

Anyone want to come over & help me eat up these leftovers? LOL

Take care,
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Redwahine » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:26 am

Good morning. I know I haven't posted in a while, but my life has been complicated. I think the last time I posted was from FL at Thanksgiving when my brother suddenly passed away. Since then 2 more family members and 2 BFF from high school have passed. In April, My DH had surgery to remove the artificial knee and take out infected bone (osteomyelitis). He has no knee-just a spacer while we go through 12 weeks of I.V. Antibiotics. We are now on week 15 cuz the first batch of meds did damage to his kidneys. Now it'll be another month before kidneys are good enough for surgery for new knee. Last week, my best friend and companion, Tyler, died and I thought I was going to follow Robin Williams. But friends that I originally met on this forum have helped me get through these tough times. Just wanted to say, HI! I hope to have time and good spirits to get back online. Aloha y'all
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby JudyJB » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:48 am

Oceanside at Pacific Beach WA watching the weekenders pack up and leave. Glad school starts tomorrow so crowds will be less. Going to grade papers today and make some pasties from scratch. Yum. (Sue knows about pasties!)

Good view but foggy. Will take a long beach walk later. Temp right now is 57 with high today of 63 so really cool. Using cell phone so typing is hard. Did use mcDonalds free internet yesterday but long drive there so will stick mostly with phone.

Updated blog with Olympic Peninsula photos. Will get Hoh Valley photos up in couple of days.
Last edited by JudyJB on Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby PeggyinCT » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:58 am

Hello Everybody,
Red, it is so nice to hear from you. I had a feeling you were going through a rough patch. Big hug coming your way from the northeast.
Alice, it is always unnerving when somebody complains to one's supervisor because so much is at stake. If your supervisor is supportive of you, just put the incident out of your mind. Having a special needs child becomes all consuming and the mother just couldn't handle anything more and took offense needlessly. Hang in there.
We have been having glorious weather and it has been a pleasure to be outside... Enjoy the rest of today. Peggy
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Irmi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:53 pm

Hi everyone!

It's not morning here on the east coast, but I wanted to say hello to Chris and also tell Dawn that it is so good seeing some of the old timers back. Chris/Red, I feel your pain. I should mention Mitch also, because she's had a tough road to haul here lately. Within nine months, I lost both my parents and a 50 year old brother that I worked for, for many years. Life isn't always fair, but I still think the Big Man upstairs has something in store for us to learn from these losses and heartaches. Dawn, I will be thinking of you in a couple weeks when we go to have the base plate and Blue Ox put on our car! Ava, so glad your fridge is working again and that is was an easy fix. Liz, your sister is so fortunate to have you there to help her along. Breanda, I can't even imagine how scarey that must have been for you. Hopefully this won't stop your travels. Ginger, breakfast out is always good. Peggy, it's good seeing you here. Will you be trekking anytime soon? Judy, you just keep going and going! Sue, enjoy your travels and keep us posted with pictures.

Here's wishing all of you a wonderful rest of the day, safe travels and good health.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby monik7 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:08 pm

Redwahine wrote:Last week, my best friend and companion, Tyler, died and I thought I was going to follow Robin Williams.

So sorry to hear about Tyler Chris. I always loved his pics and how you talked about him. Stay strong and know he will be waiting for you when God decides you should be together again.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:29 pm

Red, so good to have you back. You have been going through lots of difficult times. Thanks for posting and know we are all holding you in our prayers. Lyn

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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Bethers » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:43 pm

Red, you are in my thoughts daily. Good to see your post.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby gingerK » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:20 pm

Oh Red, that's been so tough. You are in my prayers.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Dawn309 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:17 pm

Red, we are always there for you.

Irmi, just let me know if you need me to send an email for you. I will be more than happy to return the favor.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby MandysMom » Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:04 am

Red, I have thought of you so many times over the past months. So sorry to hear of all the stress you have experienced. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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