a soggy Monday morning

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a soggy Monday morning

Postby grammynmaggie » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:02 am

Good morning everyone..
it really is a soggy Monday morning here in Ntorthwest PA
we had a bunch of nasty storms roll through here yesterday afternoon
and early evening. ... scattered storms today still.. I will get working on the house again today
and also have a doctors appointment for yearly check up.... so it will be a busy one
I sure enjoyed my break camping with Liz this weekend.... and I did make a blog post
about our first day if you want to check it out.... I will post about Saturday soon and let you know
well I better get busy so have a fun filled day and stay safe..
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Re: a soggy Monday morning

Postby Dawn309 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:41 am

Good morning all.

We had a little rain here this morning too. Nothing like what hit the middle part of the country. I am so glad our temperatures are going to drop into the 80's this week. I am so tired of heat indexes of 104-108 everyday. Much better weather to get everything stowed so we can leave out next Monday morning heading to Florida. We will definitely be traveling mainly in the mornings. DB, Paul's, genny is not working. He had the mobile repair guy out here to take a look at it. Repair guy said just needed tune up and new spark plug. He was supposed to be back last week to do this. He did not show or call. Paul said if he does not show this week, he will just get his genny fixed when we get to Florida. Luckily the temps are supposed to be cooler looking at the 10 day forecasts for our trip. We plan on being off the road by 1:00 each day with early starts each day.

Have a great day everyone and if you are traveling, stay safe.
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Re: a soggy Monday morning

Postby Othersharon » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:46 am

Good morning all. Made it home from CO last Wed. and had to hit the road running! My one pup had some large hot spots on his back end and had to go to the vet. He's on antibiotics for a couple of weeks but it's looking much better now. My sister in law saw him Tues night and said it had gotten really much worst by Wed. Everyone that knows him agree that much of it was because I was gone for such a long time. The couple that lived in my house love the pups and said he didn't eat much and just wasn't himself. Another reason to rv, I guess! It usually takes the guys a day or two to get into the routine of the travel but after that they do fine. We had some thunderstorms yesterday and last night here in central PA. Enough already! And now temps in the 60s...for July! Crazy weather. Oh, and while I was gone my Roadtrek sold. Didn't get the price I wanted but at least I'm not supporting 2 vehicles. Now I can concentrate on Lola and get her ready for a trip! Not sure when I can get away but hope to be able to break away soon! Something always seems to get in the way and trips take backseat to what needs done. Sure hope Liz stays ahead or behind the storms running across the NE today. Sister in law is heading for MA today too so I'm really watching the weather. Gotta get busy and get my day going. I slept late this morning so I'm already behind! Travel safe all.
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Re: a soggy Monday morning

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:27 am

Hot and sunny here in Portland. No time to enjoy the city because I am headed north today closer to Seattle and farther from the heat! (I had changed my schedule from staying farther east in 100 degree temps, so no extra days because of reservations farther north where it is cooler. Don't know how you ladies in the south can handle the heat.)

Enjoying some of IKEAs frozen Swedish pancakes this morning. If you like crepes, buy a package of these, put a few on a plate, and add some of their ligonberry preserves. Then add a bit of whipped cream and you have a fantastic breakfast!! Yum. :)

Much easier than making your own. I stopped at IKEA yesterday and stocked up. I used to live very close to an IKEA and got them often, but have not had them in a while. They also have blueberry preserves that are good on them.
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Re: a soggy Monday morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:35 pm

Good afternoon ladies! :D

Took my dad to the doctor this morning. He is having back pain so now he needs to go in on Wednesday for an MRI.

I picked up my new bike at Walmart last night. The seats they come with are usually very uncomfortable so I got a wider memory foam seat to put on it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the old seat off the post, so I brought it in to a bike shop today and had them do it for me. $5 later, I have a new seat on my bike! Took a ride on it when I got home and it is very nice and comfortable, so hopefully, I will get out on it more often. It is a better size (24") for me.

Got all in a panic the other day when I got a notice from the state about my state health insurance and having to immediately apply for Obamacare before the end of July (this week! :shock:) or I would be out of insurance for 4 months before I could reapply. So I filled out the paper form (tried the on-line deal but was impossible to do) and faxed it right away on Friday. Now, I just read in our local paper an article saying that the state mistakenly sent out this letter to 8000+ people and not to worry about it. Huh?? I tried to call MNCare but they keep saying (in a recording) that their office is closed and to call back when they are open and their hours are 8-5 M-F. I called at 3pm today. Huh?? What the heck is going on there? They are really messed up! I just hope my insurance doesn't get all messed up now that I filled out those forms and sent them in when (apparently) I didn't need to.

Just relaxing here before heading off to play golf later.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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