Goooood Morning Sistahs!!!!
YAWN!!!! Dang Lori's being an early bird on here this morning. What woke you up so early today Lorie??? It's Sunday and I know that your behind me in time???? LOL Thanks so much for having the coffee ready to guzzle! Will someone PLEASE eat up the rest of the Christmas cookies!!! OMG
It's time to go back to muffins, brownies, biscuts and Biscotte. Hmmmm? I think I will be right back!!!
Yep, here me is. Got some English Muffins here some peanut butter, some strawberry preserves, got blueberry and peach and apple butter to offer too. I had David pick it up on his last run to NY and back. We run I81 up thru there and of course so much of that is Amish country, so it was noting for him to grab some good stuff. YUM nothing better than Amish made preserves. He grabbed some bread and stuff too but of course that's all gone. Wish I had thought to tell him to grab some New Hope Mills buttermilk pancake mix while he was up north!! It is the best mix and I can't find it down here. Oh heavens I had better behave myself or I wont be able to walk away from the table only waddle!
Temp on my back porch says 56 but it's raining. Last I knew before going to bed was that our high today was suppose to be 58??? Usually when ya reach your high time first thing in the morning it's down hill all the way from there. So I guess we shall see what the weather brings. Hey Liz??? Maybe I'll get my wish!!! YeeHaw!
Work was ??? a little rough yesterday. It seems like on Friday, our usual day off when night shift is suppose to work?? They had 80 agents lay out from work!!!! That is a ton of people. So they were ragging on us badly to collect as much as possible. We did end up collecting more yesterday than night shift did on Friday. By time they let us go home the floor supervisor was happy. Every dept had met their goal for the day. Night shift had not met any of theirs the night before. So Janet the floor sup proceed to let everyone know that she appreciated their effort and that she was proud that day shift had come thru and beat nights!!! LOL You can bet she'll be crowing about that for awhile!!!
Ok it's time for me to go check my email and get my comic fix. I also need to take a shower and then start getting around for work, got to be in there by noon and we work till 9pm. Got a new coloring book last night so I should be good to go. Had to pickup another pack of colored pencils for Kelly and a couple of coloring books for her to do at work. LOL Yep I think I started something.
Hope everyone has a great day and remember to stay safe!!!
Love to all