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Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:23 am
by rvgrammy1953
Still dark out...but am up with the chickens...yes, the rooster is crowing.... :roll: :lol:

Breezed thru the CT scan yesterday....folks at the hospital were great! Then about 4pm we went to a local Wine & Food Fest....We ate so many "samples" that there was no need to cook supper last night....and the wine tastings were great..... ;) Today, I hope to just rest and work on getting rid of this stupid head cold...At least I did sleep last night with the help of Benadryl and Tylonal...(okay, so I can't spell, but you got the idea... :roll: ) Oh, well, hope it runs it's course and goes away soon..

Suppose to be about 86F today....then here comes the rain over the weekend...with a little cooler temps....So will again fight The Sultan about the A/C then he'll fight me over the furnace :roll:'s just one of those constant battles we have....I like it cool....He likes it hot... :roll: :roll: in the 5er....

Seems all of us with health issues are getting better and things fixed....I'm hoping next year will be better for us all....and yes, Mitch, we're still planning a visit for next August/September.... ;)

Okay, time to get out of here and do some internet surfing....Coffee and Strawberry/banana muffins ready for you...

Have a great day, all.... ;)

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:08 am
by carolb
Good morning Lori & all to follow :D

Wow, it does sound like everyone breezed through their med tests yesterday! Don't know how many others celebrated with wine :lol: Red, how did you do??

Friday, still magical even though retired :) We had rain overnight & duh I left the fantastic fan open in my HB!!! Was in there yesterday with bro, surveying the accommodations--he's hitching a ride with me to FL!!! Bro, me & three dogs in my 17ft Roadtrek :lol: :roll: Good thing it'll be only a couple nights.

Good to hear that Sharon was on her last leg home. Hey, Soos, have you PMed Louise & Gayle??? It is strange they've been MIA--did you serve them the "recipe"??? :twisted:

Off for more coffee...Y'all have a great day, stay HEALTHY, & safe travels always! 8-)

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:27 am
by Redwahine
Good morning Carolb and Lori and all to follow. I did not wiz through the torture of the Neuro test yesterday. OMG a torture of sticking long needles into the muscles and nerves and pressing against said muscle and nerve and measuring the response or lack there of. OUCH :cry: I have an area in my neck/cervical area that has stenosis and bulging discs that are pinching the nerves that effect my right shoulder and arm. I will see the other Neurosurgeon next week. Not much they can do, because at this point I will not consider surgery :P

Wondering how many are heading for Mexico. Sounds like the same group that went to Alaska last summer. I really enjoyed reading all their blogs as they explored and I felt like I was on the trip with them. Looking forward to my virtual trip to Mexico this winter.

It is 59 out this morning. Will get up to 77. I'm loving the fall weather. Today, will be a catch up on stuff day. Just have to decide which stuff. There sure is a lot of it. Right now I'm sitting in RED running the electric fireplace that was installed last July and testing the various heating sources like the heat pumps on the A/Cs, the gas furnace and the little heat fan in the fake fireplace :P Everyone have a great day and stay safe. Aloha

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:56 am
by Ladyhawk
Good morning. A couple of inches of snow on the ground. Very pretty. Would be even more pretty if I could enjoy it from the warmth of my rig, reading and drinking coffee.

Red, seems like you were the one who needed some wine after your tests. Does not sound at all pleasant.

Happy Friday and good health to all!

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:12 am
by bluepinecones
Good Morning
Cold, damp dense fog here this morning. Actually think temp is about 50 but it feels down right cold. Was hoping the forecast for early nasty winter was wrong but looking as if it may happen. Magic needs a lot of attention before it really gets cold.

Still fighting the difficult task of coordinating all the medical issues with niece (she is on disability with a number of physical and mental issues) but surgery is finally scheduled for the 28th. Actually only one hurdle left to deal with but doctor says cannot put surgery off past that date.

Wishing all a great day.

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:19 am
by chalet05
Good Morning,

Rain as predicted yesterday here in Mt. Airy, NC, but the sun is out this morning. I will move a couple hours south to a Thousand Trails park for a week. I have complained about being on the go too much since April, but now I am feeling guilty for sitting in one place for a week when there are things to see. However, if the weather would cooperate, I would not be sitting!! Hoping for a few days on the Outer Banks before the month is over.

My late DH grew up about 40 miles east of here. I am meeting 2 of the nephews and one of their sons for lunch on Sunday.

Lori, glad your test went well, but Chris, ouch.

Carolb, what a fun ride to FL you will have!!

Hope you all have a good day!!

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:23 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning everyone... coffee is good... muffins sound good also... but alas mine is toast!
Getting ready for my insurance lady... choosing which supplement I will have... have had Humana now not sure...
Then this afternoon my caseworker is coming to help me figure out what cleaning service to have... the last one did not show up for two weeks...
Take care everyone...

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:42 am
by avalen
Good morning ladies
Restless sleep last night but not surprised being in a strange place. The beach
was fabulous, I could feel the workout my feet were getting walking in
the sand until we got to the solid wet part.
Walking Maggie this was chilly on my arms but
it will warm up as the sun gets higher in the sky. Jack's birthday
celebration at noon today. He was one year yesterday. Need to
walk over to Walgreens in a little while to pick up a card and
a little toy to keep him busy. Target is also walking distance.
Time for another pot of coffee. I brought my own little 4cup
pot and grounds as I have never been impressed with motel
coffee. Ya'll have a great day. Hope to get a little visit in with

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:33 pm
by BarbaraRose
Sounds like lots of you are getting great test results lately! Yay! Finally lots of good news around here! Red, I have had similar tests like you had and they are NOT fun at all!

Ava, where are you staying now?

Getting colder here. Maybe flurries this weekend :shock: ! The boats and docks are starting to come out now. The trees out in front of my apartment are still full and green but will be turning yellow soon and then bare :( .

Hope you are all having a great day!

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:14 pm
by Excel
Hey Barbie.... just wondering how you feel about moving back to your home grounds.... Seems like you've done well there & don't have the anxiety that you had in CA.... Just being nosey... but glad you are happier & close to your Dad so you can be there for him... Hope the future brings you closer to finding a RV or ? so you can travel a little Considering all the beautiful pics you post it's obvious you're an outdoor person... anyway, was just interested... enjoy!

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:41 pm
by BarbaraRose
Thanks for asking! Being back here is kind of bittersweet. I love my job, coworkers, manager, and customers, (I am back at the very first Great Clips I started at 9 years ago). However, I really do miss San Diego. I miss the weather, the beaches, the flowers, etc. I think I will probably end up back there eventually. Just need to figure out how to afford to live there again (without roommates :roll: ). For now tho, I am OK being here, altho not looking forward to winter at all. I feel so cooped up all winter here like I am wasting 6 months a year doing nothing. My grandfather lived in California and used to say "you only have to live half as long out here because you can live twice as much in that time!" Ironically, he died in his mid 50's, but he loved living there!

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:05 pm
by Bethers
Barbie, you switched jobs again? You had left a Great Clips, right? Back to one again?

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:23 pm
by BarbaraRose
I got that job right after Christmas at Fantastic Sams down the street from me, but I hated it there. Quit the first day. There was an opening at the GC's in town that I had first worked at. They had a new manager there who was wonderful and I got hired back right away. Mostly the same girls I worked with 3 years earlier who were like family to me, and it didn't take long for my old customers to find out I was back. I have been very happy being back there, have gotten 2 raises and the tips are awesome! (The Fantastic Sams shop is going out of business already).

Re: Good Friday Morning, All...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:24 pm
by Bethers
Good to hear that things are going so great - and you are happy.