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Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:53 am
by rvgrammy1953
Good morning, ladies.... :) Have been up since 3:30am....that's what happens when I go to bed before 9pm.....but I was totally exhausted last night....I believe I over did on the activities Friday and was achy & tired all day it was an early night for me....Now, I know I'm older, cause I use to bounce back quicker than will take it easy again, today.... ;)

Ernie made those "mini pizza" things in the muffin pan yesterday...they were good, but told him next time cut back on the sauce cause they were a little soggy for me.... :roll: ...but it is a keeper in the recipe department...

I'm more enthusiastic, now, about getting back on the road...still a little iffy about it, but things are looking up....Ernie is ready to hit the road, like yesterday, but I'm still healing and still have drs. appts. to finish...a little scared about leaving my medical support team here, but hopefully, I'll get over it soon...We're moving from the CG to the family farm (where sister, Barb and family live,) on the 31st for 5 days of "boondocking" in the hay field.....before leaving the's mini adventure as it will be our 1st ever maybe it will get me ready for the road....and help me let go of my "safety net".....We do need to get back in the swing of things again...

Spinner & I were out for a really early pee walk at about 5:15am...I call those the "flashlight zips" out with the flashlight...walk to the tree pees...walk back to the camper..we're done... :lol: :lol: when Ernie gets up, he can do the longer, more "complete" walk with Mr. Spinner... :lol: :lol:

Okay, I'm rambling and typing silly things, so I'll stop for now....

Have a great day, all.. ;)

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:53 am
by Irmi
Good morning Lori & everyone!

Lori, moving to your sisters farm sounds like fun. Since you have a portable generator, you should be fine for the five days.

We're in the mid 60's today and should reach about 80 by days end. Yesterday I broke down and ended up lighting the woodstove because I was so chilly.

We're having new front tires put on my Buick today and had all six tires replaced on the motorhome a couple months ago. One vehicle at a time. Tomorrow I'll leave to go to my parents house for the day & night and I'll be home Wednesday sometime.

I'm enjoying following the ladies on the move with their posts and pictures. Take care everyone.

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:09 am
by mitch5252
rvgrammy1953's mini adventure as it will be our 1st ever boondocking.....

YOU'VE never boondocked??? I don't know why that really surprises me!

rvgrammy1953 wrote:...and typing silly things, so I'll stop for now....

Yeah, that NEVER happens on this Forum. Ever. Glad you stopped. I hate silly.

OHBOY - I get to see you guys in a short while!!!

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:27 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning... coffee is good... I too was up early but I went back to bed and slept for a few more hours...
Mitch behave yourself remember Lori is a wounded soul... lol
Will have to check and see if the gtg people have posted anymore... sure has been a great summer for the traveling...
Have a great day everyone

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:50 am
by Nasoosie

Sniff, sniff------Richard just departed for his home in VT to pay bills, do a few roofing jobs, get his truck inspected, and whatall other necessities. I hope to see him on the 28th in Bridgewater, VT for a 5 day bluegrass festival, trailer in tow. issy and I plan to depart for there early on that Wednesday for music and boondocking. His empty space looks lonely----or is that just me? :|

Glad you are taking it easier, Lori----healing after surgery is not child's play. Be kind to yourself, and do just what your gut tells you to do.

We saw Roy Hurd again yesterday at the annual Redford (SMALL TOWN USA) Picnic. Other groups played and sang as well, and the place was packed! Hit a booth for a 5 dollar tie-dyed shirt, and a rummage room for another drum set for Orion for 3 bucks and some 25 cent jeans for me. Weather was a perfect "Adirondack blue sky" day, with a gentle breeze.

Blueberry picking day for me here today, and getting used to more aloneness----although Joe and Orion are still here. Mandy went off to her first day of school and classes this morning.

Hope everyone has as nice a weather day as this promises to be.

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:56 am
by carold
Lori, glad to hear u r on the mend and that all seems to be well with travelers. We r back in the lower 48 in Great Falls for a few days and plan to travel south to be in Benson, AZ to visit with my sister around 8/4. Nice having satellite and phone service again. Hotter here than in Sarasota. But we have full hookup and air conditioning, so we r good to go. Might try tennis while we r here and see how my foot handles it. Waiting for tGM to return from his morning walk and out we go to do some shopping. Hasta luego.

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:31 am
by Bethers
Carold is heading back in time. :-)

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:08 pm
by JudyJB
Still morning here in West Yellowstone, MT. I had to get up very early for an internet live session with some students. Then because my urine was bloody on Saturday and is still dark, I called the local clinic and got looked at by a nurse practitioner. She took some blood and will be sending it this afternoon to the hospital in Bozeman, to see what is causing me to have these periodic bleeds. Probably a kidney stone, but I will just be drinking a lot of water and waiting until Wednesday AM for results.

Since I am a night owl and all of this made for a very strenuous morning, I am going back to bed for a nap! I have also been really, really tired lately, so am glad to be just off the road and relaxing this week. Have a set of papers I will not be able to grade today on time, so will have to make my excuses to students. I'll tell them I have a doctor's note, just like I make them produce for late work. :)

Re: Monday and more rested...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:22 pm
by grammynmaggie
To late for morning but hi everyone anyway...nice here now..but rain this morning
looking at all the traveling and GTG's all look great with lot of fun happening..
cant wait until I can join in on some of these happenings...had a busy weekend
with not much getting done...did make a blog post first one in a couple days..if
you want to look...must get back to work...donna ;)