Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:59 am
Good morning all!
Trying to catch-p still & wondering where all the MC peoples went? So I ven-chered over to Campfire & fownd several of them! Good to see they're still posting somewhere
Donna, I stayed at several WM's along the way & never had a problem. I'm a very small RV tho (17ft), so maybe I'm not too noticeable. Also, tho, I looked for other RV's of any type that were parked there. I aksed one RVer abowt "checking in" with WM mgmt. He said it was a waste of time since they'd have to go threwgh many levels to get the "okay." I decided the worst that coold happen is they woold ask me to move; if so, then I'd plead with them that I had nowhere to go & ask for a "waiver" for jst one night. Do yew think they'd "evict" a little old lady in the middle of the night????
I have another laptop with a "yew" key, so I need to get that readied!!! Also will continyew doing yard work today. It's to be warm, bt only 27 degress at 5:30 this a.m.!!!
Y'all have a great day!
Y'all have a great day
Trying to catch-p still & wondering where all the MC peoples went? So I ven-chered over to Campfire & fownd several of them! Good to see they're still posting somewhere
Donna, I stayed at several WM's along the way & never had a problem. I'm a very small RV tho (17ft), so maybe I'm not too noticeable. Also, tho, I looked for other RV's of any type that were parked there. I aksed one RVer abowt "checking in" with WM mgmt. He said it was a waste of time since they'd have to go threwgh many levels to get the "okay." I decided the worst that coold happen is they woold ask me to move; if so, then I'd plead with them that I had nowhere to go & ask for a "waiver" for jst one night. Do yew think they'd "evict" a little old lady in the middle of the night????
I have another laptop with a "yew" key, so I need to get that readied!!! Also will continyew doing yard work today. It's to be warm, bt only 27 degress at 5:30 this a.m.!!!
Y'all have a great day!
Y'all have a great day