there are days when I feel all of my 74 years I must be tired cause I typed 84 years ooops
back to back cooking food is tiring... yesterday was the Indian food today made a corn salad and chocolate eclair cake... to take to a pot luck a friend was having was nice and filling... one couple thought the time was suppose to be 7:00 instead of 6:00 so when they came with enchilada's had to have one so had a 1/2 one people really liked my salad and dessert... one gal said if I cooked I'd ask for the recipe for the salad so she said she didn't want one her husband said I do... so wrote them out one wrote down the recipe for the eclair cake for another and texted her the salad recipe as it was on my phone so did that ... when I put the recipe together I goofed and it was somewhat lumpy... it was one of those oops I shouldn't have done it this way but too late couldn't undo it next time I will make it different and hopefully it will be not lumpy...
Cheryl will your dad let some one come in and help him with showers? and will you be able to take a bit to run errands? Of course they way things are now I guess you can do either a delivery or a pick up but hopefully you can get out and about for a bit... the other day I was driving to the store and thought I just want to go for a drive..... usually can't talk mom into going with me although perhaps one day I will suggest a trip to Wilson and go to Moos for Ice Cream then perhaps we can take the Moose Wilson road it's such a pretty drive... you really need to look into what "helps" are available to you... it will take time I am sure to figure out this new norm...
I know what you say about the moon without having Shadow to take out I rarely get to see it even today we were out but we left before the moon was up and home before then as well... and there is a huge pine tree in the way of where the moon could be seen at...
I think you are right Barbi if the plants had been in ground they should have grown... the bougainvillea grows in Mexico so you should have been able to grow it there as well as I think the hibiscus but that I am not sure of is there a reason you can't plant in the ground? there is a plant that grows in Q that is called bird of paradise not the one you see a lot in CA... not sure how long it blooms though...
I'm with Anita one poke is all they get well maybe two but no more and I know I'm a hard stick... but when I can show them where is the best and almost only place and they don't listen it gets aggravating...
I really need a pedi and Jackson is so expensive... but my right foot is hard to impossible for me to reach and trim nails one I noticed has split and now hurts now that I've seen it it starts to hurt
and my dd is not a trim the toe nail person...
my brother came today to see what he could do with the faucet but it wouldn't leak so he said that he advised just leaving it till it simply won't turn off...I guess he is concerned that it might be more than just replacing the faucets... me I think just start there and it could be not so bad to pretty expensive... well if we can make it through the summer then it won't be an issue... I don't think as I'm assuming that mom will once again be in Lander with my brother... guess we will see... told mom today about being gone for the wedding... she told db that she would think about going to his house... hopefully she will be ok with it when the time comes...
well you all have a good day