Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:39 am


Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ????? Well, I thought this picture was apropo ...for sure this is how I feel...Weekend went by a blur...came in and swirled around....lots of noise...lots of people and then went poof...and here it is Monday..ugh...Infact I had a dream (now where have you heard that one before ) that I had got up and wrote the Coffee session...yes, was clear to me..all were sitting at my table and just a gabbing away...and then I heard this woof sounds and got louder and louder and I got up to see what it was...It was friggin Monday...LOL I woke up and here it was...yep, just like that bat on that lamp post I feel like I'm hanging upside down and the room is just a moving on me...Goodness what am I in store for today...When ever I get those wild and crazy feelings I always get my surprises...and speaking of which.. what's happening with you all...let me let my fingers go walkin and a talkin.....

Paulette done left for her southern trip...So hopefully she'll post let us know how things were going...and look out Echo she'll be meeting up with you and Kelly on Paulette if you is a readin this..just pop in and say hi..if ya can ...:)

Speaking of which haven't heard from Carolinagal..(Carol) hope you are ok and reached your destination..just let us know you are alright ..

Marslet (Sharlotte) Acardianmom (Martha) Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) and Bethers..We are all watching that Edouardo..closely.. seems lately they are forming now in the Gulf of heads up to you all... I know Marslet (Sharlotte) you didn't get to the camp this you were having some heavy rain when we spoke.. Please stay safe..

Olive Oil (OO) all the garlic I eat seems not to help me.. I put that bug spray on and yes, I did try the mouthwash..and my DH gave me a strange look .... it did seem to help..Poor Mr Minute Man.. he looked at me like, you know that's for your breath not your skin LOL>.. ya have to buy a bigger bottle of freshens my skin too !

Getup n'go (Janice) seems lately my Senior Moments and Mysterious Dents are lately often... they appear out of the blue..yes, gals..check that one out.. maybe you can tell Janice how it happened or even write a few up... Oh Janice I have a tip for you ..... Why when you are staying in a place that long you don't have the "Extend A Stay" kit put on... I had mine put on the last two Rigs I had... those with Class A's and even Class C's.. they attach it to your Propane tank.. it's very simple too.. when you are set up you never have to move to be refilled... You have to carry the extra tank.. I have a 60lb tank that I get filled up when I'm there's easy as you can ride it up in a car then get it filled ..attach it with the tube and ta da.. you main tank stays full for back up.. and you run off the portable one.. Now you don't have to use the bigger tanks you can use the smaller ones too.. some people just use them and carry two .. 30lbs.. what ever is easy for you.. I also if hooked up can run a gas grill too... but when I'm parked with my rig for long time.. I set that up...and that you can do yourself no big deal.. and you don't have to pull out or I hear ya.. put it over on the tidbit info ..sure will...

Echo.. that was some weekend dear.. Ya gotta watch them mud spots.. will do it every time.. and sure glad you didn't get hurt..yikes... that will definitely shake ya... and by the way.. What do the other young ones in your household do Mamma.. I mean.. sure sounds like you is the Main one doing all the cleaning... Maybe put up a List... who's turn it is besides yours.. ?????? ok..Sister.. :)

Mtngal (Diana) what I use to do with my Traveling Pamphlets.. I gave them to my neighbor's kids they brought them into school..guess the teachers really enjoyed them.. and they got to talk about places I'd been.. Check with the kids Diana..see if their teachers could use them...School will be starting before long ...aaaaaaah the school buses and the kids ...uh oh..

Avalen (Ava) you all ready for the busy time ? How's the new puter running....? Sure hope it's starting to get a little cooler for ya too...!

Liz is heading to GA.. to do some sittin' yeah that sounds good Liz.. and ya have to tell us how you are doing at it :) I know you are gonna enjoy that ....

RV Granny ( Lori and Erni) oh my that Grand Fur Baby has that sweet look to him.. oh what a wooser face too..yep you done spoiled that critter.. laying in your bed...mmmmmmm been there done that one.. now my little ones Reba and Joe have their certain spot.. Me and Robert have to sleep around them LOL don't dare move either !!!!

Carold.. (Carol ) I love the Boston area.. loved that Mall.. when I use to fly up for business .. that was one of my stops before heading back home.. ooooh man.. brings back really fond there's a place I liked to shop..(food wise)

Cedar (Nancy) I know you're back .. I dun seen you posting.. where is ya.. and what happened this weekend besides a few side steps....LOL

Gentleladybear (Nan) good to hear things are going a little smoother for ya.. it's tuff getting back into that swing of all those hours... but yes, you best get some time away.. shake them numbers loose..!!

Ms B Haven ..(Margie).. I loved the inside of your Rig.. interesting.. but maybe some day I'll get into the smaller rigs then look out.. I'll be zooming again all over LOL... free Scarlette I is Free >>>>LOL... yeah I hear that sound but don't know if I wouldn't have critters....they are so much apart of me.. but hey .. I can fit a small one in there :) you do....!!! ok,alright...

Oh and yes, for all of you that may be heading south for the winter months.. do keep us in mind.. Liz, Gentleladybear (Nan) and myself Zeee... we will be planning a GTG .. gosh.. if we don't you all can stop by and visit me... LOL always love that one.. or even meet somewhere even in a rest area no big deal....but do think of us... !!!

Fernie.. ok what's the latest..haven't had chance to catch up with you...Tell all dear we are all ears and eyes.. !!

On the Rally in New Mexico... boy I would love to go.. unfortunately with me.. because of my critters I can't.. I missed out on several .. I did call to see if I could get in at the time.. and they were very nice about it..but the answer was "No"...bummer....but I do understand.. like my RV friends that go to Bransen, Mo..for all that fun... so I enjoy it through them telling me... that's one of the misfortunes when you have critters... one or two you can get away with and of course cats..well.. no big deal.. but when you have Rotties..or the dogs on the Dangerous list..( I hear discrimination suckers ) have to abide by the law... in fact got notice from Breed clubs that are fighting this.. in Colorado.. there is a bill trying to be passed to remove the "Pit Bull" it's the people that own them, not the breed.. geeez.. sure hope the powers that be get off their duffs and stop this nonsense..

Ok, well speaking off which I need to get off my duff..and start my morning ugh... My coffee pot is filled and ready.. Ladies will you join me... I have lots of good stuff too...even yes, Beth.. Cinnamon buns..and Apple and Cherry Pockets..(my recipes) and Nonni's all is well..and like always... Mntophoundz (Mollie) I know you are back and it's a blur for you... so I have your mug of coffee ready.. and Echo.. I know you need a big Mug.. so I went out and got them speically for you two....okie dokie... clicking away..

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too !!

PS...See Marslet .. LOL I got it right this time..duh !!!

God Bless
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby carold » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:46 am

Good MOOOOOrning everyone. Can't believe I got here so soon. Already had my first cup of java, getting the rig ready for travel to the Finger Lake region to visit relatives. Heading on early to NC. DIL asks if we can come before 8/25 when school starts-love that we can plan in jello LOL.

We were real busy in this area-so much to see and do-Boston, Cape Cod, Newport (to see those fancy, fancy mansions) Harvard, JFK library---hope to post pictures soon. And yes, loved that market area. Yep, even went----SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES-- :mrgreen: I know all you shoppers are jealous. HA.

Have a great day even if it is Monday. carold
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Echo » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:47 am

YAWN!!!! ohhhhh I smell coffee.

Oh I am soooooo not ready for Monday morning. Yuck. I've been up for a bit now, set my alarm for 7 1/2hrs and of course when it went off both my other alarms did too. My bladder and Shade in my face, letting me know, come on Mom I gots to go too. ~sigh~

Stood out on the porch while Shade ran the back yard and had the poop scared out of me. My phone was ringing! It was David's GF calling my number cause she couldn't get David. He left his phone in his Blazer. sheesh Hear my phone ringing at 6:15am? I always figure it's trouble....

Barbs Kelly and I have split up the housework. I have my chores I do and she has hers. Most of the the actual mess is just clutter that we don't take care of during the week. But on the weekends we do our chores. I do dishes, table, floors and the toilet. :) Kelly cleans the bathroom, but not the toilet, vacuums all the rugs and furniture and the night before puts away any and all clean dishes left out so that I can do the weekend batch. So it's not bad. David usually does the 'man' stuff. Takes out the trash and mows the lawn. :D But believe me he will get his hands in the sink and wash dishes. He's my neat freak! The GF???? Told David if and when they get their own place? I kinda figure he's gonna be doing most of the housework.... And to tell you the truth? I honestly don't know if her mother ever really taught her about cleaning??? I know she has 'swept' the floor a couple of times but I had to go over it after her before I could mop. :roll:
Saw a program one time on TV that was talking about teaching women how to clean house and it amazed me. I just couldn't figure out how a female got to be an adult out on her own without ever learning how to clean house. And the show wasn't a recent one where they were talking about the spoiled babies of today. It totally confused the he77 out of me. Just cause there are times I choose NOT to clean doesn't mean that I don't know how...... :oops:

Ok, Kelly's alarm has went off 3 times. It's time to shag her butt out of bed. And it's time for me to get dress and around for work. BLECH

Hope ya'll have a good day, or at least as good as ya can have on a Monday. Be safe.
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Mtntophoundz » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:22 am

Good Morning! Boy am I needing my coffee this morning. I got back to work Wednesday and I had the great idea that I would go ahead and get up at my normal time today and tomorrow. Well the alarm goes off and I was going to get up...but fell back to sleep. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. :) I even fixed myself an entire pot of coffee so I would be able to function today. (normally only drink a couple of cups)

Our trip was nice, except for our son. Thursday hubby & the kids went on one of their bike rides. Well, dd decided to come to a complete stop halfway down a hill and ds had to either run over her or drag his feet to stop. Well, the sweetie chose to drag his feet and all he had on were flip-flops. He took a big chunk of hide off his toe. Then Saturday we were taking a hike and he got into a yellow jacket's nest. We think he was stung at least 6 times... mostly on the head and a couple in the hand. One of his eyes swelled shut, bless his heart.

I was proud of us though we went for the entire trip and didn't have to dump. I knew we could do it, but just had to prove it to hubby.

Today, I am going to do laundry and clean. That way tomorrow I can have my one last day of nothing before work starts Wednesday. Well, I guess I must get started. Have a wonderful day all!!!!
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Fernie » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:22 am

The latest here is that Bash went to the hardware store Sat. and her ankle started hurting bad. She has a bad right knee and has been putting more weight on her left leg to baby the right. Yesterday, it was all she could do to make it to the bathroom---with her wheel chair no less so I went to Walgreens and bought her a Cadillac walker with wheels and breaks and a seat. She can barely make it to the bathroom with it. We are waiting for the Drs. office to open. I'm worried she has a stress fracture. Everythiing is kinda on hold here. Doing what I can in between playing nurse-maid, cooking and taking care of Tobey!!
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Fernie » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:24 am

That is brakes on the wheelchair. I need a break!! I'm not awake yet.
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby asirimarco » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:30 am

Good morning all. I've been reading the posts the last couple of days but then dashing outside to work in the yard while it was still cool. The last couple of days here in Brown County have been real nice. Mid 80s and LOW humidity. But for the next week we are out of luck. Supposed to hit the mid 90s and very high humidity.
Any way - I made the mistake of seeing some pretty flowers at the nursery and bought them. When I got home it dawned on me that I would have to plant them too. I always said that when I retired I was going to linve in a one bedroom condo with one plastic plant that I could rinse off once a week. So here we are on 5 acres in the biggest house we have ever lived in. Must have blinked again.
Had a nice evening last night - sat out on the back deck and watched the fishies swimming around in the pond and had the waterfall running. Also had a nice fire going. A very clear night could see the lights from way far away. And all the stars. We have hummingbird feeders out and one came right up to my husband and stuck his beak in his ear! Guess he is just so sweet.......
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:52 am

Zeee,....i'm here,..... bleary eyed,.... took me all afternoon yesterday to catch up on this forum,... we are a busy group, for sure. But i love it,.... this new forum has taken off like a rocket and everyone is having such a great time here.

Then my 5th grader grandson called me and wanted to come visit,... he did and we ended up going out for supper at a local hot dog stand. We took our suppers "to go" and drove to the boat launch and watched the sailboats and folks dodging raindrops. So much rain here in the northeast,...while others are crying for some rain. I'd love to share, but mother nature seems to just keep dumping it on us.

Oh my,.... hummingbird checking out your hubby's ear, Carol? :lol: I can't imagine that!

OK,...time to get a second cuppa,... have a great day gals!

Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:57 am

Oh, Zee, put another pot of coffee on, please.....the "fur grandbaby" had me up until 1:30AM.....He decided that he wanted to know how those puppies do the "3 turns in the bed" before laying down to sleep....well, he must have done that about 5 times, each time putting his wet nose under my neck just to make sure I was awake....we went outside 2 times between 11PM and 1:30AM.....YAWN....but he finally settled down so we all got at least 6 hours of's chilly here this morning, but it's to get up in the 80s today.....well, got to finish my coffee and get stuff around to do the laundry today....Note to self: re-fill those Hummingbird feeders in case we get an "attack Hummer"

Everyone have a great day!!!

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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:20 am

ok, ok, I'm up, but I'm only on my second cup and I just can't think yet, so I'm
only gonna say Good Morning and leave it at that. I'll post more later and let
ya's know what I've been up to.
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby oliveoil » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:27 am

Well I got up with hubby when he went to work------& I felt so rotten I went back to bed-- & just got up again a little while ago-------
Got the fur & feathered babies taken care of------I just have no air today------ guess I need to get on my oxygen generator for a while today!
I know Hubby & I both have been over doing---- & not enough sleep & late hours & not eating on time-&--lots of stress--- & lifting too much weight-----& there is going to be a lot more of it before we are through with move & auctions & settled in new home!
This morning as I went up & down the 20 plus steps from upstairs to down stairs I thought I'm not going to miss all the stairs in this home when we move!!!!!!!!!! Short on air & all those steps---don't work well!!!!!
Well Hubby has to deal with the attorney today---by phone---- also see if we are closing on the new house this week--- I talked Hubby out of trying to load a u-haul truck & take down when we close-----too much to do & too much stress any way with out a u-haul full to mess with & unload all at the same time!!!!!!
If we get to close this week---we will take the u-haul later & load & unload at another time---not at closing!!!!
Just plain toooooooooo much to do & tooooo much stress----- can't do it all this week---plus hubby is still working!
Well today I'm going down in the basement---- & sort down there today-------& also get laundry caught up----- also wash quilts & things I found in trunks at the warehouse----that I want to make curtains out of later when we move-------for the new house.
Well tons to things to do-------when I need a break & grab a water bottle & a snack bar & head for my office up stairs & get on the putter------ as that reduces the stress level a little!!!
Well I'm clicking my ruby shoes & I'm out of here------ have a great one every body!!!
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Sunseeker » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:38 am

O.K. and...we're off. Well, almost. I have a breakfast casserole baking and going to grab a quick shower. After breakfaast we will move all our vehicles around and hitch up the enclosed trailer we plan to tow on our trip. It will be much easier to load on the driveway than if it were on the lawn. Lots of things to put in the MH today and start the fridge. (I consider THAT to be the official getting ready to go signal).

I've already had 2 cups, thanks Barb, and I caught up on all the posts so should be able to get some work done for a little while before heading back here to the computer for my 'fix'.

You all have a great day today and try to do something nice for YOU. :)
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:19 am

Morning all ya'll. I'm off work today. Have started putting things away getting ready to head out on the 12th or 13th. Pulled the wheel covers off yesterday and washed them. Need to check the tires and air up if needed. Any of you travel with an air compressor, too? I know I'm going to regret leaving so early when I get back to Kerrville. Its hot AND humid there but I'm ready to go home. Its really windy today (more than usual for Wyoming) and I'm hoping its NOT going to be windy the day I leave. When I drove up here I had wind all the way from Texas. Really tires me out.

I loved the Southern "talk" posting. I've only lived in Texas for nine years and I'm still learning the language.

Am really looking forward to meeting some of you at the Texas GTG and hoping more of you can make down.

Well, need to take the dogs out for their morning walk. They're standing at the door glaring at me. Bad mommy for ignoring them.

Hope you all have a great Monday.
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Bethers » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:47 pm

I'm just finishing my lunch break and got to read a couple posts.

Zeee, we need to figure out why your morning posts get a lot of extra empty lines in them. I went into it this morning and deleted them out (but if you look at yesterday or some of the past days, you'll see what I mean.) Today's just seemed excessive to me. Do you, by chance, write in word then copy it over? That might be bringing some extra code. No biggie, I'm just curious as to what's doing it. At least it was a simple matter to just go delete the empty lines - hope you didn't plan them and I ruined the effect?

Have a great day everyone - I'm gonna read a few more posts and get back to work :)

Oh, I hooked up an extra gas last year - haven't done it this year. I have been told I should drive my rig at least once a month and usually make sure to do so, until this summer. So, if the rain and bad weather from Eduoardo hold off, I intend to unhook on my days off this week - and will fill my propane then - and make a run to the HEB Plus also. Run the generator while I'm gone - make sure all systems are go. I do get worried about sitting too long.
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Re: Here it is ! Monday Morning and all is what ?????

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:01 pm

Don't know wny it's wrapping like that .. have noticed it the last few times. Yes, I do write via another program but that never had the problem before.. but have noticed that when I hit submit it's been losing the text..and have had to re maybe when I re copy could be the spacer happens.. have to see what happens with this text.. as I'm doing it exactly the same way...

Checking it out..

Thanks for fixing...

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