Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby grammynmaggie » Sun May 10, 2015 5:58 am

Happy Mothers Day everyone and good morning...hope you all have a good one...I was going to head over to WP and spend the day...but weather man is saying temp of 90 ...I think I would do better here in the A/ much as I want to go ...better not...ugh... might fix pan cakes for breakfast...did a load of laundry yesterday and cleaned the rig...bird hit the side of it with purple poop so hosed that off also...very boring here at camp driveway that I have to talk about purple poop...thank goodness for you that are traveling keeping me your blog post Liz you and Nan having a wonderful trip ...good thing you have your car...I am thinking I might be doing a little more exploring here if I had a car...dads car I can not trust...afraid to drive it to far..besides no A/C...only one window on drivers side will go hot in Florida without those two items...guess I better get something done today...getting upset with myself being lazy...have a good one have a fun filled day and B safe..donna
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Postby IrishIroamed » Sun May 10, 2015 6:56 am

Mornin' Donna and all that follow~~~

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, Grand Moms, Aunts who are like Moms, etc - furkids Moms included too. :D No big plans with my Mom today she maybe wants to go shopping at Farm & Fleet (I love that store) but I have a TV to give her also. So we'll see what she thinks is more important.

I had a one-nite reservation for last night, but because of threatened T-storms I stayed home. Basically just rain. Sometimes it bugs me that the weather people cry disaster, severe weather all the time. I understand the need for warnings, but it's almost like they cry wolf now. I wonder how many other people think they've gone to far. Look at all the people who take tornado video now...

Went to CW yesterday to be nosy and walked away with a $400 loss :shock: but did buy some things that were cheaper than Amazon, plus a Rand McNally GPS that was on sale for $267 (Amazon was closer to $400 I think).

Just curious, has anyone heard from Lori? Miss her in MC. Last I saw she was having some health problems. Sending her good wishes anyway.

That's about all from the Chitown area today. Have a good day ladies.
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Postby dayspring39 » Sun May 10, 2015 7:17 am

Happy Mothers day... my mom passed many years ago... I have been up for several hours... have taken my shower and am dressed for church... will go even though not feeling like it...
I ordered a bright sangria colored maxi dress yesterday... will wear it to my granddaughters outdoor wedding in June...
Thank you Donna and Cheryl for the wakeup call... coffee is good here... nothing else yet... baked a loaf of bread yesterday... they make great frozen loves ready to raise and bake... much different from the preservative kinds on the shelves...
I trust everyone has a great day... enjoy!
Last edited by dayspring39 on Sun May 10, 2015 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Colliemom » Sun May 10, 2015 7:18 am

Good Morning and Happy Mothers Day :D not a very nice day for the Mothers here as cloudy, chilly and damp. But this is a mostly dine out day anyway as compared to Fathers Day with it's more outdoor theme.

Heading for church here in a few minutes. Donna, you got to get heading north. I too am enjoying Liz and Nan's trip. Cheryl, you gave me a laugh about "browsing" in CW. It's rare for any of us to get out of there without leaving green behind 8-) and nomI don't always think the weather people cry wolf too much. Weather is very unpredictable and people don't pay attention. Case to point, all those people standing in front of windows or on porches taking tornado pictures. Debris is flying missiles and it will always find a target. Better to be forewarned and prepared, than not. Just watching all the storms in the plains this week, tornadoes heading in one direction only to change and go another. Wonder how Beth is doing in the snow?

Not much gonna happen here today. Probably haul up some stuff from basement for trailer etc. organize a few things and so forth. But right now, gotta leave. Have a nice day :)
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Postby avalen » Sun May 10, 2015 7:45 am

good morning ladies :D and Happy Mothers Day to all, two feet or four paws, their all children.
nice cool weather here for us and I'll continue on my project outside and even get a little more done in
the shed. Packed up many bags yesterday for charity, will pack some more today and drop them off.
For those asking about Carolb, she is home and her wrist is healing, she has a hard time typing right now but
texting on the phone is easy since it will voice text.
For those asking about Lori, her and Ernie have moved out to their summer area which has no service. She said
she would check in when she could.
Have a Mothers Day lunch scheduled with daughter on Tuesday, looking forward to that.
Not a whole lot more going on in my world.
Ya'll have a great day, be safe and be healthy.
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Postby bluepinecones » Sun May 10, 2015 8:15 am

Good morning
I had not intended for yesterday to be a do nothing day but that is pretty much what it was. Just could not get myself motivated to accomplish any thing.
Will try to get back to cleaning/painting on the porch project today. Need to cook something too as I don't want to get into Mothers Day crowds at eateries around here.
Hope you have something more interesting planned for your day.
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Postby carolb » Sun May 10, 2015 8:38 am

Crikey, poofed a msg :x So just saying happy mom's day to all :P been keepng up with reading, & no, did not get taken down by dog leashes, as many of you may have surmised :lol: , was being a kid again, roller skating! Ava/Honey ;) , thanks for letting the forum family know I arrived home safely. Yes, still typing onehanded, , excuse typos, please. Martha, a driver would have been nice, but will take your word that Harold literally drove you crazy :lol: Sarah, having been at your beautiful home, your spring cleaning/projects are very impressive :D Tina good to have you back more frequently, BJ, glad you found your Toyota without the dealer hassle! Anita, enjoy Yellowstone, SNOW & all! And thanks to all my forum family for sending good wishes for a quickly healed wrist, and for sharing your lives & adventures!

Y'all have a great day, happy & safe travels always 8-)
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Postby cnq50b » Sun May 10, 2015 9:33 am

Good morning, everyone! And Happy Mother's day!
Ava, thanks for keeping us in the loop for our strays. :D
Carolb, really??? roller skating? why am I not surprised>!!! :o Stay young at heart though - that's what we love about you - just be careful!
Sarah, yes, your spring cleaning goes way beyond mine.

Continue to be busy here. Had a great response for my position - can't wait to get the new person on board.

Continued decluttering in the house -tackled part of the garage yesterday. Will probably take weekly carloads to Goodwill - and the trash service might take away my senior discount if I keep filling up the trash & recycling bins each week. Feels good to get it done though.
Finding an apartment in LA that will take a dog is going to be harder than I thought... :x . argh... Oh well, if I keep upping my allocation for that & I'm sure I'll find somthing.

Disaapointed in the USPS - sent a package to CA 2-day priority mail on Wed. it arrived in Spokane WA on Thursday, :? left there on Friday & arrived in Shrewsbury, MA this morning! :evil: This is the first time this has happened - not sure what went wrong, but I'll use more caution when using them from here on out.

Hope you all have a great day.
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Postby JudyJB » Sun May 10, 2015 10:47 am

Indeed, Camping World is definitely a dangerous place--almost as dangerous as roller skating. About 15 years ago, I was seriously thinking of getting myself some roller skates. I figured I would do OK since I had done a lot of ice skating as a child and teen. And THEN, I went to work and found two faculty members in casts from roller skating. One lady had just broken her arm, but the other, a man, was in a wheelchair from breaking his femur! In fact, he spent four months in that wheelchair. That made me reconsider the roller skates, although every once in a while I get tempted. :o

CarolB, hope your wrist heals fast. :)

Woke up early (for me) this morning and could not get back to sleep, so I packed up and left the campsite. I am headed to Ohio today, but won't make it all the way to where my son lives. My GPS sent me down some really winding roads to get to the campground I was in, and in leaving, it did its best to find me some more winding roads, but I had checked a map and chose a longer, but much better route on a four-lane divided highway. I would easily rather drive an extra 25 miles of good roads than those curvy ones that have no shoulders and require constant steering. Honestly, it was selecting county roads through hill country rather than the freeway! So, I am taking a break at a rest area because I got sleepy. Having some high-caffeine snacks like a Coke and dark chocolate.
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Postby Carolinagal » Sun May 10, 2015 11:15 am

Happy Mother's Day Everyone !!! Hope you all have a day you enjoy to the fullest. I have no plans, other then a couple of projects here. I'm finishing up an aphgan (misp?) for neighbors son and new wife. So nice to be able to see and do my favorite pass time while watching tv. I have never been one to just set in front of a tv, when I couldn't see to crochet, I ate, and that's bad :cry: I'm really enjoying getting back into the things that have always brought pleasure and peace to me.

So nice to see and hear from you Carolb, sorry about the wrist, we sure missed you. Sarah, love the colors of chairs you're painting, and your porch project sounds like it will really be nice here soon. I'm glad for you all the work you've accomplished this past week, loved seeing the pictures. I'm still waiting for fella to get my mower going, boy across the road has mowed and cleared back area, but so much I need to do. Oh well !! Catherine, your package must have picked up the traveling bug from you, my word, ended up on the wrong side of the country didn't it??

Time to think of lunch, no news, just good wishes for all of you to have a wonderful day,

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Postby gingerK » Sun May 10, 2015 11:32 am

Happy Mother's Day to all my friends!

Went out for a nice breakfast and DH and I will take his Mom out for supper tonight so I get out of cooking for the day woo hoo!

I am trying to get used to my new laptop; bought it about 2 months ago (or more!) and just never felt like getting it out of the box. Sometimes I just feel so electronically challenged and don't want to be bothered trying to learn a whole new system but today I am a bit at loose ends and my darn desktop is having hissy fits lately.

Very cool and rainy here today, not comfy at all. At least we didn't have the bad storms they predicted-yet!

I am being very bad ordering things on line for AG. Getting a Progressive surge protector, wheel covers for her new shoes and trying to find some type of ladder for the cabover bunk that would work in the limited space I have when the couch is pulled out. Not easy to find anything that narrow.

Need to get DH to cut some boards for AG for leveling. We have some in the shed, just need him to cut them to size and I want the ends beveled also. Maybe I can get him to do that this afternoon.

Time to get going, still need to clean stalls and pups want to get outside to sniff and go potty.

Have a good day everyone,
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Postby Bethers » Sun May 10, 2015 12:03 pm

Oh, Carolb, remember my knee. I had to promise the doctor I'd stay off roller blades :(

I just posted about my snow here in the general room, with a few pics. Power is out both to rig and store. Will be a lazy day. Possibly another tomorrow.
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Postby chalet05 » Sun May 10, 2015 12:16 pm

Happy Mother's Day!

So nice to see all the posts - including our one-handed typist!! :D Even tho the Wi-Fi extender works, connection is slow so I am missing the photos on Liz's blog! Will have to catch up - especially Walton's Mountain - loved that show.

CArol, I just get excited every time I read of your being home and doing things again you love. Catherine, USPS really bugs me at times - pay a high price and then they don't deliver! Happy to hear your retirement plans are going well. BJ, a new vehicle - woohoo! Ava, counting down with you!!

I understand about the t-storm predictions - it's a little iffy in Yosemite today. I drove the SS (I now call it 'Freedom' at times) into the park yesterday. As expected, it was crowded. Think I'll head to some other scenic routes today and maybe the park crowds will have thinned at least a little tomorrow.

Everyone have a great day and safe travels.
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Postby bluepinecones » Sun May 10, 2015 1:50 pm

I love roller skating - practically lived on them for years. In fact I met my husband at a skating rink (when we were about 13). We skated together for several years before we started dating; even did competition dance skating and made it to state finals twice. Hard to believe I was once that graceful and limber.
The heat, humidity and a couple of bug bites have driven me back inside for now but I did get one more table painted while outside.
Lunch and dinner both in the oven now.
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Postby MandysMom » Sun May 10, 2015 2:06 pm

I too roller skated and roller bladed and loved it until a nasty fall when a,pebble locked my blades and sent me flying. I actually felt my helmet flex as I hit. Gave it up that day. I was 40! Now I prefer being in my 4 wheeled RV to on my 4 wheeled skates!
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