We are at 46 degrees this morning, with a hefty wind whipping what's left of our deciduous leaves off the trees and onto the ground. Things are flying around as if they have life, and the cold robins had better begin thinking of massing together for the long flight to warmer climates for the winter. My Monitor heater is feeling very comfy this morning! If the rains hold off, Molly and I will do a lap of the trails this morning. I also need to make a dump run to clean out the refrigerator and some stuff from the freezer in the cellar.
Wondering if Colliemom got blown away overnight, as she usually has the morning chat started by now!
Grandbaby and mom both made out great at the docs' yesterday----Mom had staples removed, and Orion weighed in with several ounces gained with the advent of Mom's milk flowing like honey from the gods now! I miss them!
Here's hoping we hear a few words from everyone this morning when you stop by for coffee. I picked apples to make some apple crisp yesterday, but that won't be ready until later. Coffee is hot and tastes really good with the smells of fall all about me.