Sleepy Monday

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Sleepy Monday

Postby ilovecamping » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:27 am

Good morning! Coffee is on and cereal and toast are waiting. I'm not much on sweets for breakfast but will fix you rolls if you like. I am up early this morning with my youngest granddaughter, 2 1/2, as her mommy has training for work today. My 8 yr old granddaughter is still asleep. She had a long day swimming at her other grandma's yesterday and is resting up. We are expecting some storms to pass through here this morning and possibly the next couple of days. Hope everyone has a great day and I look forward to hearing from you. Granddaughter wants more milk and I need another cup of coffee, so I have to run for now.
2 DD's grown, 1 DS grown and married, 3 DGD's, 1 DGS
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Re: Sleepy Monday

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:18 am


Coffee tastes great this AM! Birds are singing their little heads off. Life is good!

Enjoying a quiet house after having my youngest (9 yr old), GD for the weekend. Her parents were in a duathalon on Saturday so I kept her until late yesterday afternoon. Of course that meant that my neighbor's daughter, 11, had to be here, too. She and my GD have become great friends. Let's see: we played tennis twice, made up silly songs, went thru the drive-thru at Burgerville twice (once for chicken strips and another time for smoothies), went out for breakfast at Shari's, grocery shopped once and walked the state park. Oh, and babysat the neighbor's puppy for an afternoon, which I'm sure was the highlight of the weekend for her.

So today I'm getting my house/schedule back to "normal". Choco has been sleeping non stop since she left!

I ordered the update DVD for my car's GPS, $179! :o After the DVD loaded I'm getting a disk error mssg. Called NavTeq as when I turned the DVD over I see some scratches on it so I'm thinking something happened either before I put the DVD in or my GPS DVD player did something to the disk. Anywy, NavTeq is sending me another DVD and I'm returning the old one that is suppose to be picked up today by FedEx.

Also got my X's latest mail forwarded. The mail service place my X used only sends me his mail once a month and in this batch was a certified letter from Keybank. Nothing too earth shattering but they did say that the repo'ed boat was being sold after May 23rd and if they didn't recover the amount owed on the boat, the estate would be liable for the difference AND if they got more than the amount owed that they would put that extra $$ towards the Keybank credit card debit still owed.

Then in a second letter from Keybank they said they are going after the "full amount" owed on the credit card. All of this is within their rights as it is $$ owed to them, but they'll soon find out there is no $$ to go after. There is a little cash left over from the sale of the pick up and that's it. Other than that they'd have to mess with repoing the 5th wheel toy hauler and the Harley. I'm not sure if they'd do that, but actually hope they will, as I want them gone!! So here in a bit I'll take all the mail to the lawyer's as it's his job to sort thru all this.

It's raining! Actually it's pretty light and welcomed for my lawn/flowers. Suppose to cloudy/partly sunny all week, so thinking of getting Little Missy out. I need to call my dermo Dr first as I got a letter that it's time for a skin recheck. With my luck the appt will be mid week and mess up my camping plans once again.

Carol/The Driver, hope your weekend kept getting better. Glad things are progressing well.
Anxiously await pics of the PA GTG, like the rest of you!
Barbie, hope you find the puppy's owners. Good for you in helping him. You have such a tender heart for animals.
Hope all of you suffering from the latest colds/allergies are getting better. My allergies are a mess with the cotton trees releasing their cotton. Looks like snow on the ground!
Have a blessed day everyone!
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Re: Sleepy Monday

Postby avalen » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:33 am

good morning ladies,
coffee is good and cinnamon toast makes my breakfast, then its off to walmart for groceries, stop and gas up the car and
by then it will be time to get ready for work. Yesterday was a fabulous day, hauling passengers non-stop from 10:30 am
until 9:30 pm. It was the biggest tip day on record for me. Hope today is the same as it makes the time go so fast when
its like that.
Time to get dressed and get to the store, have a great day ladies.
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Re: Sleepy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:54 am

Slept in this morning and then was told by the dog "GOTTA GO! GOTTA GO!" so dragged myself behind him outside for a quick walk. I am ready for a nap now! He is ready for another walk!
I'm gonna take him back to where I found him in awhile and look for signs posted in that area. I looked on Google Map last night and there is only one neighborhood/development near there, so that narrows it down nicely!

Have lots of cleaning to get caught up on here today! Been lazy lately and then busy with the dog...

Have a great day! Will let you know later what happens with the dog!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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