Frosty Thursday Morning

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Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby HorizonSeeker » Thu May 05, 2011 6:16 am

Welcome to blackberry winter in TN. Those who planted their gardens before the blackberries bloomed this week were out covering up the gardens before the frost hit last night. That's the last one of the season. 36 outside this morning but highs in the 70s this afternoon and all temps steadily rising as we move into late spring weather.

Good morning for coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Having my oatmeal and made extra for anyone interested.

Normally on my way to work by now but going in an hour late today since I'm driving Seeker over to the shop to have the Blue Ox tow package installed. My HHR is there getting the Tow Daddy switch installed. So, this weekend when I drive to Hohenwald I will be towing for the first time. A little nervous but also excited. One more new skill in RV adventures.

Now finish up your oatmeal and get into the shower girl. It's a workday.
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby Carolinagal » Thu May 05, 2011 6:32 am

Good morning !!! Frost on my car and over the yard, 32 here, Should get up to a comfortable temp, I think later on. Maggie, liked it, sniffs better you know :)

Back feels better this morning, hoping it stays that way. Diningroom, still hasn't been finished in its Spring Cleaning , maybe I should do that today :P

Coffee is hot, no breakfast out yet, moving slowly today. Maggie, just told me she is ready for hers :D

Have a great day everyone, hopefully some fun will be in it somewhere, Just be sure to stay safe !!!

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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby Nasoosie » Thu May 05, 2011 7:29 am


I've often wondered what a person does to avoid geting Lyme Disease after getting bitten by a deer tick, not that I hae, but I am curious-----I know that tetracycline is what you take after you get the disease, but what about right after the bite and red circle? I know that Molly has always tested positive for Lyme Disease antibodies in her system, and every once in a while, when she seems to show symptoms of joint aches, etc., the vet has given her a two week regimen of tetracycline, which has always worked. That's another reason I am quite positive that she was once running free with the other Carolina Dingos at one point----constantly chasing the deer down there. How she ended up on the streets of Detroit has always been a puzzle, but I suspect a trucker probably got her in the Carolinas and when he trucked to Detroit, she somehow escaped to live a life of pure hell on the streets. Her collar was grown into her neck, killing her by slow suffocation and infection, she had broken ribs, broken rear leg and severe stomach problems. I am so happy I decided to drive there through a blizzard and ice storm to get her from the Detroit Animal Shelter.

I now have three members on my website (that has the info about the Ruckus in the Mountains GTG), so, if you joined yesterday, you should now be able to see all my pages as I have approved of you. I must admit that, until I got to my site where I approve, I had no idea who 'Montana' was! Thanks for letting me know your stage names on this site, or I would withold approval! Kath, Sharon, and Anita are now able to view all my pages.

Today is downright cool here in Orlando, in the 70s, and perfect for coffee and computering out here on the screened porch. I have been watching wild turkeys, brilliant cardinals, ducks of all sorts down by the pond, mockingbirds, sparrows, a big blue heron, several ibises, and, of course, the ever-present grey squirrels----but they are avoiding the house now that I have my Bell and Howell solar-powered animal ultra sonic animal repeller out there!

Today I will go look for some tile red driveway paint to redo surface my driveway, if I can find some that's not too expensive. That should brighten up the house a bit. I hope to have enough to redo my front sidewalk, too.

I hope everyone is having a good weather day, for a change in many places. Carolina Carol and Horizon Seeker are having a touch of late winter, which is infinitely better than tornadoes or constant rain! Carol, take the day off agan and give your back another day to heal better before you tackle any more spring cleaning! Horizon, I hope you have better luck towing things than I do! Beth has learned fast to tow her car, and I guess she hasn't minded it at all.

Today would also be a great day for me to go canoeing on the pond and back in Shingle Creek, too. Maybe after painting the driveway......
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby carold » Thu May 05, 2011 9:08 am

Another beautiful day here in Sedona. We've been in the area for 12 days (a long time for tGM to spend in one place :roll: ) and he's ready to roll. So we will be off to Page for a few days. Sorry Carolyn and Becky that we will miss you here :cry: We've had a great time playing tennis, hiking and spending $$ :lol: tGM has posted some pics on the blog. This area is beautiful if anyone gets a chance to wander this way. Hopefully, this will be a good day for everyone. Off to read posts. Guess I should do that before I post. :oops: carold
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby dayspring39 » Thu May 05, 2011 10:17 am

Good Morning coffee is waking me up slowly... I did so enjoy the albums Soos... even if I cannot come to the ruckus I can vicariously be there... I will be touring relatives and friends in Michigan... sadly to say it has been so rainy and cold I have not completely emptied Bright Hope... I did call Comlara park and I can dump the tanks free... free is good... I would like to go spend a few days there but it is so rainy and cold it is not inviting at all...
I got my hair cut last evening and she cut it real short did not think so when she started but now that I look at it it is an oops for sure... glad it grows!!
Carol take care of that back... I have not searched real good but is there a post from Sarah or Liz telling where they are and how things are going...
Have a great day everyone those on the road drive safe...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby Redetotry » Thu May 05, 2011 10:58 am

Good morning, lovely sunny and cool here once again.

Soos, you can pick up a tick most anywhere here, our yard is fenced and I wear wellies as soon as it starts to warm up to help keep chiggers and ticks off as much as possible but I have had two ticks already and a few chigger bites. I hate them as they itch forever!

Off to lunch with friends from high school who still live in the area. Then I need to go to the AT&T place and ask questions about this iPad, it belongs to DH but I seem to get to figure out a lot of the hard stuff ;) I still prefer my iPhone and have no desire for an iPad maybe if I had the iPad first it would be different.
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby khenrie » Thu May 05, 2011 11:18 am

Today is the day! The chateau is already off her blocks. We've had a practice run hitching up the toad. Everything is loaded. We've said our goodbyes. Just have a class to teach this afternoon and we are off!

Coffee was especially good this morning.
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby AlmostThere » Thu May 05, 2011 11:20 am

And they're off!!
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Re: Frosty Thursday Morning

Postby Echo » Thu May 05, 2011 12:39 pm


We are still sitting in the same site at the camp ground in Kanab and will be until Monday or Tuesday.... It took 3 da ys but finally talked to Mrs. Boss to double check on us getting up there today, but she said that there's a "lot of stuff" going on up there and could we please hold off until Monday??? My off the wall guess would be snow clearing and possibly broken water piped in the employee housing area. I think I will call back up there and let them know that we will be up Tuesday instead. If instead of going today and needing to wait till Monday, we might as well hold off another day too. That one extra day for us will allow to collect unemployment one last time and get extra groceries!!! And the extra groceries would be a good thing for sure as we wont be able to drive the ? 70mls ? back down here if we get short on the groceries before our first payday!! :lol: It is gonna be so freaking good and a huge relief to be back to work and earning a paycheck again!!! Not to even mention the money that we need to put into this TT to make it good and livable again!! Hey at least it's better than tents! As I keep reminding myself. :lol:

Have been cleaning up around outside getting prepped to leaving. And have been doing extra cleaning inside too. Still finding holes and spaces for what we still have in the TT. I'll tell ya'll this, the next dang TT will have a slide and STORAGE SPACE!!!! ;) Need that slide big time. ?? Need a wide body TT so that it will accommodate our wide bodies!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, other than the extra cleaning that's going on here? There isn't much! :lol: Weather has been super tho a few nights ago it got down into the low 30's. Brrrrr Hope everyone has a grand and glorious day today and make sure it do it safely too!

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