by Nasoosie » Thu May 05, 2011 7:29 am
I've often wondered what a person does to avoid geting Lyme Disease after getting bitten by a deer tick, not that I hae, but I am curious-----I know that tetracycline is what you take after you get the disease, but what about right after the bite and red circle? I know that Molly has always tested positive for Lyme Disease antibodies in her system, and every once in a while, when she seems to show symptoms of joint aches, etc., the vet has given her a two week regimen of tetracycline, which has always worked. That's another reason I am quite positive that she was once running free with the other Carolina Dingos at one point----constantly chasing the deer down there. How she ended up on the streets of Detroit has always been a puzzle, but I suspect a trucker probably got her in the Carolinas and when he trucked to Detroit, she somehow escaped to live a life of pure hell on the streets. Her collar was grown into her neck, killing her by slow suffocation and infection, she had broken ribs, broken rear leg and severe stomach problems. I am so happy I decided to drive there through a blizzard and ice storm to get her from the Detroit Animal Shelter.
I now have three members on my website (that has the info about the Ruckus in the Mountains GTG), so, if you joined yesterday, you should now be able to see all my pages as I have approved of you. I must admit that, until I got to my site where I approve, I had no idea who 'Montana' was! Thanks for letting me know your stage names on this site, or I would withold approval! Kath, Sharon, and Anita are now able to view all my pages.
Today is downright cool here in Orlando, in the 70s, and perfect for coffee and computering out here on the screened porch. I have been watching wild turkeys, brilliant cardinals, ducks of all sorts down by the pond, mockingbirds, sparrows, a big blue heron, several ibises, and, of course, the ever-present grey squirrels----but they are avoiding the house now that I have my Bell and Howell solar-powered animal ultra sonic animal repeller out there!
Today I will go look for some tile red driveway paint to redo surface my driveway, if I can find some that's not too expensive. That should brighten up the house a bit. I hope to have enough to redo my front sidewalk, too.
I hope everyone is having a good weather day, for a change in many places. Carolina Carol and Horizon Seeker are having a touch of late winter, which is infinitely better than tornadoes or constant rain! Carol, take the day off agan and give your back another day to heal better before you tackle any more spring cleaning! Horizon, I hope you have better luck towing things than I do! Beth has learned fast to tow her car, and I guess she hasn't minded it at all.
Today would also be a great day for me to go canoeing on the pond and back in Shingle Creek, too. Maybe after painting the driveway......
Life is about learning to dance in the rainHappy travels!![Image](