Bit of a snow morning here at the 45th. A fine, very wet snow and a bit foggy too. Leftovers from the fast moving storm that is now heading into the Northeast. We have about 3 inches of heavy wet stuff on the ground I would say. Don't know if I will blow it or not. Will wait till I get out there and see what's going on. Probably will cause it lets the sun finish it off on my drive and gets it down to bare blacktop again. Supposed to quit this junk this morning.
But I have a busy morning first. Tessa is heading for the groomers and we will be leaving in about an hour or so. Gonna need a little extra time to get out there cause roads will be a bit slippery I expect. Then I have my monthly Chiropractic checkup after that, plus run to bank and store. After that will come home and see what's up with the white stuff.
Sassy will be home with me all day, so that will make her happy. Maybe we will get in a walk if county plows the road so we don't have to walk in the wet snow. She's laying out on the deck right now, gradually turning into a white mound

Got my spring cleaning done yesterday, so that's finished for another year. Now the house is ready to market when I decide for sure what I am going to do. Took the plastic storm windows off my breezeway windows as the sun is getting warmer, so don't need them anymore. The intense cold of winter is over. Even got out some steel wool and shined up and cleaned the door sill plate into the kitchen from the breezeway. The breezeway was added on to the house so the sill was actually the entrance door before then. Nice and shiny now.
So guess I will get my act in gear here. Gotta make my bed, get washed up and dressed and get Tessa ready to head for her bath. Have a great day everyone. Stay safe if you are driivng, dry if it's raining, warm if it's cold and snowy and firmly planted on terra ferma if it's windy!