Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:33 am

Mornin' All,

Bit of a snow morning here at the 45th. A fine, very wet snow and a bit foggy too. Leftovers from the fast moving storm that is now heading into the Northeast. We have about 3 inches of heavy wet stuff on the ground I would say. Don't know if I will blow it or not. Will wait till I get out there and see what's going on. Probably will cause it lets the sun finish it off on my drive and gets it down to bare blacktop again. Supposed to quit this junk this morning.

But I have a busy morning first. Tessa is heading for the groomers and we will be leaving in about an hour or so. Gonna need a little extra time to get out there cause roads will be a bit slippery I expect. Then I have my monthly Chiropractic checkup after that, plus run to bank and store. After that will come home and see what's up with the white stuff.

Sassy will be home with me all day, so that will make her happy. Maybe we will get in a walk if county plows the road so we don't have to walk in the wet snow. She's laying out on the deck right now, gradually turning into a white mound :lol: Not ready to come in as she likes it out in this kind of weather. Temp is around 29, so it's not cold for them and their heavy coats.

Got my spring cleaning done yesterday, so that's finished for another year. Now the house is ready to market when I decide for sure what I am going to do. Took the plastic storm windows off my breezeway windows as the sun is getting warmer, so don't need them anymore. The intense cold of winter is over. Even got out some steel wool and shined up and cleaned the door sill plate into the kitchen from the breezeway. The breezeway was added on to the house so the sill was actually the entrance door before then. Nice and shiny now.

So guess I will get my act in gear here. Gotta make my bed, get washed up and dressed and get Tessa ready to head for her bath. Have a great day everyone. Stay safe if you are driivng, dry if it's raining, warm if it's cold and snowy and firmly planted on terra ferma if it's windy!
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Postby Liz » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:01 am

Good morning! It's a rainy Thursday in central FL today. I've been up since 6 a.m., but Roe and I still haven't been outside. So far he's not complaining. I'm hoping the heavy downpours pass before we just have to go out. We (well, not me, but the area) need the rain right now.

It's a waiting game for me...waiting for Aunt Bea (house buyer...neighbor's aunt) to come up with the money so we can close on the house. I'm continuing to sort through a pile of stuff I put in the RV to sort through "later." Later is more room for "stuff."

I think I'll call Moffitt today & see if I can move up that last dr. appt. to sooner, so I can leave a few days earlier, maybe go to the LA gtg...maybe, maybe not.

I know you and others are sick of the snow, Sue. It can't last much longer, can it? (She says as a cold front bears down on FL, predicted to send temps plummeting to the 30s again this weekend.) :roll:

Wishing all some blessing in your day.
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Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:17 am

No Liz, it won't last a lot longer. It's that time of year when we are in the "season transition", so snow will be in and out. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, Saturday we get more snow, next week sun and mld temp and maybe rain on Wednesday. So it's bouncing all over. Last year we lost our snow in early March and it never came back. Back in the 60's and 70's it wsn't uncommon to have at least 2 feet on the ground in mid April yet. And we have been known to even have snow on Mother's Day. So you never know. But once it starts to melt, it will go. With the sandy soil here, it just melts on down through.

These system snows are good though as they replenish the lakes which lose a lot of snow due to evaporation (Great Lakes) and hence our getting so much lake effect snow.

So this time of year becomes a waiting game. But when spring starts to move in, you forget all about winter and the fact it even existed.

Thought maybe I was going to blow snow today perhaps, but after seeing the forecast calling for it to snow all day, I will wait till tomorrow as we might pick up another inch or two today.
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Postby Nasoosie » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:36 am


I am very happy that the part of this storm that we are getting is a steady rain! Central FL, ALL of FL, actually, needs rain desperately. It is coming down in a nice steady amount, with no winds or lightning, so far, and it's perfect for all the plants which have struggled all winter down here. It amazes me that I can barely hear the rain inside this house, unlike at home on my metal roof. I had to open the shades and look out to make sure it was indeed raining. This is just what those poor firemen who have been battling those wildfires on the east coast need, and all those poor animals and people in the paths of the flames.

I am supposed to head over to St. Cloud today, but am thinking that, unless it clears up before the evening commute hours, I will wait for tomorrow. This is the weekend I am dogsitting for Melissa's parents' guide dog at the kids' house. The temperature at night for about three days now is to fall into the low 40s when this cold front passes, but I guess I will be staying in the house down there anyway so that Fallon doesn't freak out and think she has been abandoned. The others will be staying at some resort at Disney, and then spending the days going on rides, as it's one of the greatest loves of her blind parents to be tossed and twirled and inverted and spun and whatever else all those amusement rides offer! ACK is all I can say about doing that!

Molly and I went to a neighbor's house last evening after our walk to watch a couple of idiots from a nearby village try to capture an alligator on a fishing line with half a chicken on it. They were fishing for bass all day yesterday from a boat they put onto the pond (illegal, I learned, to have any boats on that pond other than canoes) and saw the gator. I am happy they missed capturing it. But, while we were there, the dog who attacked Molly once before when we walked past her house slipped her collar and attacked again! I screamed for her owner to get her off Molly, which she eventually did, and when I left, she was down on the ground on top of Daisy screaming for one of her kids to get Daisy's collar for her! Molly made out ok, with just another couple of ear slices. I am wondering what happened to Daisy and to her owner who insinuated herself between the two madly fighting dogs! Apparently Daisy hates Molly!

I sure hope Aunt Bea comes up with some money soon, Liz, because if she doesn't, you have nothing left in your house to use there! Joselyn will miss you, I am sure----say hi to her for me. Will she still camp with you now and then? I looked at that place (on their website) you mentioned yesterday that you hope to get a spot in for April----it looks very nice there! Maybe I'll get a chance to get up that way and visit for a bit-----or maybe not when gas hits the 25.00 per gallon level!

Sue, just hang in there as spring cannot be far down the roads of time now! Was it this weekend that someobdy told me the time gets set forward again? It will be so dark in the mornings again, and I hate that.

Coffee is hot, as I got up at 5:00 and made a fresh pot, and then climbed back into bed for another two hours! I hope you all have a safe day and a fun day wherever you may be. Always keep an eye to those unpredictable skies of late!
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Postby Redetotry » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:05 am

Good morning all, it is gray and drizzling rain here but at least no sign of the snow they mentioned, even I am ready for a little sun. Sue, sounds like you have a bit of cabin fever which I can understand. I wish I had my spring cleaning finished, not that I plan to wash walls or anything like that ;) but I do feel the dusty curtains calling out.

Sending a big hug to Molly, what a bad experience, I hope she got at least one good bite in on Daisy. I'm with you Soos, I have no desire to be tossed and twirled on a Disney ride, or anywhere else for that matter other than maybe being twirled on a dance floor.

Liz I sure hope Aunt Bea comes through soon!

Time to get going here and get my breakfast before the dogs want to be first.
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Postby Birdie » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:36 am

Oh, Sistahs, it is such a beautiful sunny day here at Stone Creek cg. had to pull the curtains on the east dining room window to allow me to see the monitor. Early morning was 39* here and now we are way up to 56*. Started to the laundry over an hour ago and haven't made it out the door yet.

So I plan to play with some of the San Antonio Sistahs for a bit today. At least I hope that we can have some play time as I'd love to meet Longdog2 and see Yakn1 again, and meet TGallgher, too. Lots of other Sistahs here in the area I bet. We just need to find them and get them signed up. So I need to think about joining the Texas Ramblin' Roses. Soon as things slow down for me I'll do some research.

Need to do some more planning on my travels around TX the next couple of weeks.
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Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:52 am

Peaches and I walked in the rain this morning. I bundled up as I didn't figure getting chilled would help me any with this dang cold. I spent most of the night lying in bed listening to the rain - occasionally drifting off, just to wake up and listen more. Will probably lie on the couch and listen more today. At least it makes me feel less guilty about doing nothing. We've managed, with my cold, to do all the trails here. And hopefully if the rain stops will do them all again before leaving next Monday. The birds are in hiding. Talked to a ranger yesterday who says he believes they disappeared with the fire not far away last week - and that they probably sensed this weather system coming. So, as it passes, I'll hope they come back. Meantime, instead of the hundreds of species of birds normally here - am seeing only a few. Lots of cardinals - they must not scare easily.

Vickie - I don't think sand in the new rig is a good excuse to miss Port Lavaca! Sand is so much easier to get rid of than dirt, etc. Believe me, I know :) Just giving you a hard time. I'm excited that you are going ahead and getting the rig.

Have a good day all.
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Postby Irmi » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:14 am

Good morning everyone!

It's a wet, miserable morning in MD. We have lots of rain moving into the area with a chance of 2 - 3 inches of rain plus wind gusts. I saw on the weather map that the worst of the rains could follow the I-95 Corridor, so Paulette could really get dumped on. Hopefully there won't be any serious flooding anywhere.

My father called me from the hospital this morning and his doctor seems to think that since Dad is still in so much pain from the previous hand/wrist surgery, that he is going to operate on him this afternoon so see if he can figure out what is causing all the pain. I'm going to take off noontime today and hubby and I will go to the hospital and stay with my parents. We originally were going to do something special for my birthday but we can do that anytime.

I hope everyone has a good day and remember that spring time is on its way.
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Postby dayspring39 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:22 am

Good Morning everyone... did the dumb thing of trying to copy like I normally do and pasted instead so the message went bye bye... rainy here in Fl... cooler also for a few days... the park is thinning out and each night I get a new neighbor only to find that in the morning they are gone... the migration north has begun... my neighbors Ceil and Bob left yesterday morning... I actually got up at 7 to say good bye... now you know I am sick... :lol: they got to SC where they will spend some time before heading out for another park farther north for a bit then on to NH...
Sue soon the snow will be gone and the flowers will be poking their heads up... Liz you are such a worker glad things have gone so smoothly... Soos give Molly a hug for me also... that bad bad dog... wow those boys better be careful what they fish for... Birdie enjoy the Sistas... Red snow must be finished in SL... Beth take care of that cold...
Now lets see if I can safely copy and post...
Have a good day everyone...
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Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:21 pm

I'm late today (and lazy! :roll: ).
Sunny and 78 right now, with a high of 74. Huh?? That is what our forecast is telling me...

Was thinking of going down to Palm Springs today to do some hiking but was too lazy and tired this morning to get up (gotta get to bed earlier!). So will just hang around at home and get a few things done around here. I wish the pool was heated, then I would go swimming.

Lola is doing great! She is so sweet and seems very happy and content here, with no desire to go back outside. She and Sophie are getting to know each other slowly. They sit across the room from each other and stare or growl and hiss. A few physical encounters but more noise than anything. They just creep around each other for the most part.

Yesterday at work, I started a haircut on a little girl, then discovered she was covered in lice! They were jumping all over, including onto me! I told her father about it and said I couldn't finishe the haircut. He was OK with that, but my manager came over and told me I had to finish it. I did a very quick job but was not the least bit happy about that. When we talked later, I told her that in MN we are not legally allowed to continue a haircut if we find lice. She said that once we start a haircut we have to finish it, because it was my fault for not finding it before I started the cut. It isn't about that, it is about getting the customer out of the chair and out the door before the place gets contaminated with lice! I planned to go home, change clothes, take a shower, etc and come back, but we suddenly got swamped with a lobby full of customers so I had to stay (I am sure they wouldn't appreciate knowing I had lice crawling on me!). At lunchtime, I went to the drugstore and bought some Nix spray and rubbed it all over my hair and scalp to at least fend the critters off my head. As soon as my shift was over, I went home, showered and threw my clothes right in the washer and dryer. Apparently, they aren't too concerned about lice infestations out here. I don't understand that :roll:

This new manager is becoming very unreasonable with a lot of things. I just cringe whenever a new manager takes over. Seems nothing good ever comes of that. My haircut time is around 16 minutes and they require (now) that it be at 15 or less, so they have been cutting my hours back (de ja vue from the last place I worked) until my time gets down. I am down to 19 hours a week now! One gal has been cut to only 5 hours this week! I have been a nervous wreck trying to cut faster, and of course that is felt by my customers, so my tips are way down too. And because I am so stressed, I am not enjoying myself either, and don't look forward to going to work. I can't believe that one lousy minute is that important to them! What a drastic change of attitude from when I started here! I have tried to talk to them about this but haven't gotten much response so far. I told them I am more than willing to have them work with me and show me how I can get my time down by using different techniques.

So anyways, I am feeling a bit down in the dumps lately, especially with less money coming in. Have to be very careful now about what I spend on things.

I am planning to go to MN the end of April to visit with my daughter! So that is something I am looking forward to! I can get free airfare thru my dad with his frequent flyer miles, so that will be good. Can't wait to see her again! She will be 10 on March 29th! She's growing up so fast!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby Echo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:36 am

Gods Barbie!!!! So sorry you are having crappy luck at this job! I for one think it's highly unreasonable for anyone to think that all haircuts can be done correctly to a customers satisfaction in 15 minutes or less. Some yes, but not all of them.

This last haircut I got will be the last one from the girl that did it. Not only did she cut it shorter than I wanted but she was so fast that I felt like I was simply a thing to be done and gotten out of the way. There was no personality to the service. When a salon insists that all cuts be done that fast, 15 minutes or less they are doing a dis-service to the customers and to the girls doing the cutting. The girl doing my cut was fast, quick, abrupt, clumsy and I honestly cringed when she got around my ears. She poked my head, pulled my hair, bumped me and dropped 2 combs. Nope wont go back to her. To top it all, there was not another customer in the shop so she really had no need to be in such a huge hurry. And not to mention that she took the cape off and still proceeded to clip then shave my neck after I made it a point to say I didn't want any hair down my back as it was going to be hours before I got home.

Sure hope you can get it straightened out and that you again enjoy your job there!!!
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