Afternoon here. Soos, sorry to hear how your day started. I wondered earlier where everyone was. I got up too early and when I didn't find anyone here, I went to my recliner and must have conked out for awhile
After resting decided with the holiday that a couple of calls I needed to make best be done today, instead of waiting for Tuesday.
Glad to hear you are in cooler weather, LIz, about time huh?
Looking forward to the Co. pics, as that lower area is gorgeous, depends on your route, but hopefully will be cooler for you, for a few days anyway.
For those of you who fussed at me about doing a load of wash yesterday. I didn't do anything that would hurt me. Only carried a few undies,(not heavy) to washer and I need to walk, so take things there often, so when there is enough, just put in washer. Thank you all for your concern though, so nice to know someone cares, and doesn't want you to be foolish.' I didn't even get them all folded until today.( that was the only thing besides reading I did all day
) Right now, the way I feel, I won't be foolish, but I will have to keep in mind for two months, no heavy lifting and that might challenge my memory when I am feeling better but I can't mess up, I'm leaving here in Sept.-Good Lord willing.
Can't believe its 1st of July. I am never home on this date. What a boring week end, ahead too. Oh well, better things coming in the future !! I have some great books to read, and maybe a visitor or two. Not sure, but will get dressed and be presentable, in case, which will make me feel better, even if no one comes.
Have a great day, everyone!! Those traveling stay safe.
Anyone heard from Janice about her furbabies? I hoped for some word this morning. One sick is plenty, but both. I hope they are ok>