Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:12 am


Wednesday Morning and along comes Hanna Banana ! What can I say..."looks like the race is on "...yeppers it's hurricane season alright..just crossing fingers that all .. and I do mean all, don't have too much damage... kind of like history repeating herself... every few years we get these winners...mmmmmmmm who said "Global Warming" gosh I hear that so often lately.. almost like a new trend again...Gotta blame it on something...How's about Mother Nature... I remember when I was younger..when I'd hear..., "Gotta stop messing with that Moon, it's affecting the ocean and we're getting those rough currents and bad storms "... mmmmm see what I mean.. always an excuse for why Mother Nature does do her duty... Shoot I remember as a kid when we'd have those horrific snow storms I mean Grandmother use to heat our knee socks up in the oven LOL (visions of smokin legs as I walked 10 city blocks to school) We were definitely hot tamales LOL... Hottest kids in town hahahaha.. I'd run.. cause my legs were so warm..I'd melt any snow hitting me in a flash... hahahaha.. aaaaaah good old days... boy I sure wish I kept that momentum going ! Now let me see how fast I can make it through the forum ... cause my legs are burning but it's not from hot socks !!

MsBHavin (Margie) has a column going .."What we don't know" kind of a tell all..or maybe some..should turn out to be some what surprising... if the truth be told !!!! well, how about just a little story here and there LOL keep that imagination flowing LOL aaaaaaah :)

Welcome back Almost There (Lenora).. Hope al lis well with your son ! and you are recovering from all that as well...

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) has landed in Taylorsville, Ky...great Lori... I'm sure you're gonna have to visit some great horse farms.. I mean every time I went through..(dog shows) ya just had to check out some of that great breeding stock ! So you is holding up there for a spell.. and we can't wait to hear all the places you've visited.. yep and pictures .. you know this nosy bunch can't sit still... like we is right there with ya.....:)

Cedar, I hear ya on your first day back at school...all those darlings just waiting for ya... Smilin faces...mmmm is the weekend here yet.. can ya get away again... pack them warm clothes cause it's about to get a bit nippy in them there hills :) Hey, I'd be going every weekend till I couldn't... :o

Sparkle... mmmmm day from hell... now I can't imagine that would be a day from hell.. I mean you peeking out at some Indian runnin nekked doing a dance LOL.... You find them.. no matter where you are.. and visions of you bending them blinds to check it "all" out.... a hoot is not all you is... goodness anyone capable of reading your dairy .. the pages would be buring...LOL "What's next " ?

Echo.. what can I say.. I mean music to who's ears.. darlin... I clicked on that link.. and amazing all those bugs !! I clicked on that winner of yours !!! Forget about it.. I'd be finding that sucker... Life would not be long......but only you could put together that symphony ... LOL Wait till we meet !!! LOL>..

Watched American's Got Talent (gosh I love those type shows) and well... let me say this.. only a few acts would go through LOL some .. well I guess different strokes for different folks...hahahaha... Tonight is another episode.. We shall see :)
but did tape Big Brother to catch up on who won the power of Veto.. don't tell me LOL I'll catch that today ... !!

Well, it's time for me to set that table.. but there is one topic I stayed away from .. and that is the Political one.. When people (Man or Woman) choose the political life ..everything in their life is an open book..It is ashame that the "News Media" attacks the families.. as that should be off limits.. and for those that feel she is not qualified..well, not all that ran for VP offices were and for that matter those that are running for the President's office aren't .. kind of like Tit for Tat..
I'm not big on the Propaganda that's out their and always known the "Media" suffers from "hyperbole" and "partisanship" So I sit and wait it out.. Listen to all, and when I close that curtain I cast my ballot... for that is my right ...God given as some choose to say... but as for Sarah Palin's daughter... she's already made her choice.. knowing her mother was governor..I'm sure all over Alaska knew.. and in today's society.. being pregnant and not married .."No biggy".. in fact it's the in thing..haven't you heard... I mean check out all the Stars... Maternity is the way to go ... :) Yes, that woman is strong.. she has too be .. to get where she's gotten..let's give her a chance and see what she's about before we cast them stones ...

Ok.. table set.. do I duck or do we just grab our coffee and continue on with our wonderful day ? You are all welcomed and always willing to share a few laughs... Life is always a challenge let's try and make it a little easier..

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !

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Re: Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby Echo » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:09 am

Well I don't know about anyone else but I have my coffee mug in hand!!! 3rd refill.

Gooood Mooorrrrnnning ya'll. :D

Good grief I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, I just wanted to snuggle back down under my blankies. Only after I had thrown my alarm out the window. Went to bed a smidgen later than I usually do and set the alarm a little later too. I still need to win that big lottery cause this getting up in the morning and going to work sucks. I keep believing that I'm destined for bigger and better things! :lol:

As for Alice I hope she has bought stock in camping world!!! Maybe she can get some of her money back that way. And ya just know she aint the only one. And that Sparkle is a magnet for unusual things. Would love to be on her coat tails. LOL I was playing them bug sounds for Kelly last eve and David came storming out of the bedroom just a hollering and raising cane that we have been leaving the door open and that we had locust in the house now!!! LOLOL Told him no they were only on the laptop. He said they're gonna eat my wiring. LOL

Well it's that time, yuck. Got to finish up and get out the door to work. ~sigh~

Hope ya'll have a super great day. Stay safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby asirimarco » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:57 am

Morning to every one - its really weird here in central Indiana - at 7 a.m. it is still dark out! I open my eyes and still think it is the middle of the night. always surprised when I look at the clock. On 2nd cup of coffee now, checked the new posts and am ready to start working on my web site again. A few pages a day. Still haven't heard from the RV place about Alfie's refrigerator - hope we don't need a new one - just might end up with an ice box. :evil: Today and tonight we are supposed to get some rain from the well traveled Gus - sure need it - going to have a high water bill this month if we don't get it. One good thing about Las Vegas, we didn't need to water the rocks and cactus in the yard.
Just remembered I forgot the last load of laundry in the dryer yesterday, best get to it.
Have to mention - my hair is finally getting long enough I can gel the top a little - but I'm getting to like it think I'll keep it very short.
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Re: Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:28 am

well good morning, good morning
surprise! its a work day and here I am :D
Had to jump on the computer and check my bank account to make sure the
insurance company credited back my money they took "UNauthorized"
and yep they put it back. I really was afraid I was going to have to fight
them to do it, but all is well.
Just gonna check a few posts and be off to work. Have a great day!!

ps the fence done Monday morning, and I did a good job :P
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Re: Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby mtngal » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:32 am

Good morning all! We've had a lovely wave of cooler weather here in CA, forecast to heat up again this week. My sister
and her grandsons were here for dinner last night. Those boys can sure eat! It reminded me of when my brother was growing up. Today I'm visiting a local gold rush town with a friend for lunch. We will walk the old streets, check out the shops and have a yummy lunch. Dad and step Mom are leaving today for Alaska, my job is to "guard" the ranch while they are away. Watering, etc. Have a fun day everybody!
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Re: Wednesday...Morning and along comes Hanna...

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:40 pm

Ok, I am. I woke up at 17 minutes after 2 a.M. geeeesh! Never went back to sleep! somehow I just stumbled through the a.m. and didn't even get here. Then I worked all day,.... met my daughter for an attorney appt. to subdivide some property,... back to school to give granddaughter a ride home after her soccer practice,... back to school .... AGAIN,... for a meeting. Now I'm finally home for the evening and trying to catch up.

So the coffee's all gone and i couldn't drink it now anyhow as I want to SLEEP!

see you all back at the coffee pot in the a.m.... g'nite!

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