Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:34 am


Tuesday Morning and all is well ...so far...and yes, my complete script disappeared...don't cha just love that....hit preview and it's gone into space...mmmmmmm wonder if they just liked my writing...it was pretty funny..but hey... no biggy...cause in our forum not too much is happening...I mean the Sista's are either packing up or on the road or...maybe the conventions got ya tied up...oooh speaking of which...it's gonna be a long week on TV...so if ya got a few minutes...Stop by and say "Hi"..

I know RV Granny (Lori and Ernie) are getting things ready for their departure..boy when that hitch itch hits ya.. you just can't wait to hit that open road....LOL

I believe Carold (Carol) is visiting her family...so she's busy busy.... and can't wait to hear how all is with her too...

Sparkle stopped in to say Hello or was it to inform us all.. She's got another Saga happening..and this time it's with the Indians....holy smokes...Sparkle they'll go on the war path....and sometimes I really can't blame them ...oh but she did notice we didn't forget her...even thou she fibbed her age...100...LOL..lots and lots of candles Sparkle...:)

Mtngal (Diana) Safe journey on your trip to Ca...and boy do I love the desert area..awesome take pictures if you can cause you know us nosy bunch here...we need things to talk about !! well some of us do anyway :)

Bether's has this voting thing going on.. I mean ifn' you wouldn't mind check it out..so she can decide to whether put another room on...our house is growing you know and we need more topics to talk about..well...so if you would please put your two cents in.. She's appreciate it...and we all know how Beth gets on issues...LOL oh yeah...

Cedar I had to look again at your pictures of the Bluegrass Festival and because last night with the convention on I put on the movie Brother where art thou...aaaah was good to laugh and toe tap at the same time :)

Alice has her on going Saga of Camping World and her Rig...it's really a good one..but of course she had to hit the topic of Ice Cream Spills...and I've got a few... a good one Alice ....:)

RetiredHappy (Karen) good to read that you made it through your first week ok.. then long hours are a little tough when you are not use to it...but the place you are at looks great and you seem content...and yes, I see them flamingos...LOL all is well right !!!...

OO is zooming through.. did you feel that gust... I'm searchin for her Ruby Reds..and when I find a great pair..look out OO they is gonna be posted and yours !!! Take your time and smell them Roses...and wish you great sales or is it sails...LOL

Genteladybear..(NaN) I know you've had hitch itch awhile but just a few more days and you are color me gone...alrighty looking forward to your great pictures too....enjoy ..enjoy...enjoy.. wish I was there !!!

Liz... sure hoping you are ok.. and didn't get caught in any bad weather.. post when you can..!!

Echo, I'm of the same persuasion...ifn' it's meant to be, it will be, if it ain't, it won't..but if I can, I will...LOL

Ok Gals.. seems I just couldn't sleep ..and reason being... my Reba Lee decided she wanted to be frisky at 3am...never mind Zeke was being good...she had to take her bony toes and tap me...until I woke up.... aaaaaaah I'm gonna go back to bed...and I thought ok.. I need to check the forum read through and because you were all so talkative NOT...I just whizzzzed through... and now I can go back to bed.....for at least a few hours...hahahaha...nah not me once I'm up that's it....but maybe I'll take a nap...oh yeah that sounds wonderful...

So gals I'm gonna get that coffee pot on... and start to put my feet up and sip my brewski....

May your Adventures be Great Ones..and your Journey be Safe too....

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby SeeyaGal » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:59 am

hey hey....well the coffee isn't on yet because I have not gone to bed yet! :lol:, bad enough I love chocolate and ate up the last of the Velveeta Fudge! DH loves that stuff so I guess I gotta make another batch and freeze it to go up to Chimicum to share with our friends Getting the last of my wash done and THOUGHT DH had emptied the tanks enough for the wash.....NOT! It came bubbling up in the shower!! Pheeeew!! Not to mention my new little green machine was in there so it got wet!! I was not a happy camper and DH got out of bed and drained the gray tank off into the blue boy before it overflowed the shower. The Alfa does not have a deep bathtub like the Tropi-Cal had.....it was better for boo-boo's such as this :evil: ! Moving day so while ya'll are sipping your coffee I will posey over to the Elks club for 9 days and then off to the WA Peninsula and Fun-Fun-Fun!! I am leaving my stress in WA!! Not allowed on the rest of the trip!!
Looking forward to seeing ya'll this winter and January.
Lordy it looks like a Squirrel has moved into the RV the lower compartment is loaded with craft stuff & Holiday decor!! :lol: Still have to load up the Jeep next week!!

Biff gets weighed in on Wed....ooooh scary!!
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:12 am

Good Morning! I am still here....I think. I just haven't recovered from the weekend. We had such a good time going to the race, it was the driving home during the night after that was so hard. Won't ever do that again! Now that I have slept as much as possible I think I am back on track. Well, it is raining cats and dogs here and I need to go let the dogs out. Have a great day!!!
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:44 am

Good Morning Barbzeee and all....

I slept much better last night,..whew. Guess it's because the full moon is over and i'm resigned to being back in the house for another couple of nights before I head out camping again. I always sleep so much better in the camper.

Looks like it's shaping up to be another fine day here,... got to enjoy this coming week as it's the last before I return to work and as usual this time of the year,...

Have a great day everyone!

Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Redetotry » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:53 am

Good morning all, I'm here at the table too, my big dog woke me up around 3:00AM not sure why, maybe I was snoring and disturbed him. Stayed in bed watching TV until five and the call of coffee and a bit of breakfast won.
Yes, this is going to be a loooong week on the tube but my current favorite show Mad Men was on Sunday night. It's on cable and next Sunday they are doing a catch up marathon. It's a show about men and women in the world of advertising during the sixties. Kennedy has just been elected and there are lots of great visuals and the presence of women in the office who want to be more than secretaries.
A friend since first grade, now that's a long time....and her husband will be in town tomorrow for a visit. They will camp in the area for about a week in their Class C. She said this smaller motor home was more comfortable for her to drive than when they had a larger Class A. Of course I'm anxious to check it out.
Think I'll try for a nap till the rest of the crew gets up. Hope everyone has a good day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the humidity stays down. Except for a few bad days, it's been an unusually cool summer so far.
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Echo » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:56 am

Yuck, it's morning. YAWN........ All I want is to go back to bed.

Thought there was gonna be a war erupting here this morning! All the kids got up at the same time and all of them wanted in the bathroom all at the same time to get around. :o Gads David beat Kelly into the bathroom, she stood in the hall outside the door waiting for him to get out. She finally came out in the kitchen and brushed her teeth. David came out of the bathroom, Jenny ducked in there to do her morning thing, me I went out side to get out of the way of flying pieces. Kelly is now in the shower, Jenny is out the door, David is in the bathroom while Kelly is showering to brush his teeth, me? I'm still staying out of the way. I want to go back to bed. I'm so glad I didn't over sleep and have to fight for my turn in the bathroom. I don't think we're gonna last past the lease expiration but if we did we would still have to move and find a house with at least 2 bathrooms.

I need to get off my butt and get dressed and around for work. I will be so glad when it's the end of the month. All the supervisors are ragging, nagging and riding our butts up there cause they want that big bonus that BOA has offered up. It has got all the agents in an uproar. Moral truly sucks up there. ~sigh~

Got mug in hand and raising it to all the sisters!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day and travels safely.

Love to all
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby asirimarco » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:19 am

Good morning to all. Well we are home from our little adventure. Once things settled down it was good to be in Alfie again. Just need to get those few annoyances fixed (like no refrigerator/freezer - battery problems) The area of Corydon, IN is a nice place for a weekend. Lots of history there and all the musical events. Guess while we were gone the electricity went out up here in the hills. When we came home the den TV was on and both lights in the living room. All were off when we left. But they pop on when the power resets. Still kind of spooky though. Alfie is back at the RV place. Another good surprise the new receiver box for the satellite TV was here waiting for us (it went kapoot Thursday the day before we left) and I even managed to set it up with only one short call to Dish. So things are pretty much back to normal. Will post about Corydon later. Our friend did great with his singing debut at The Jamboree in Corydon.
It's nice to be home, but now I have the travel bug again. We have decieded we can not just leave the motohrome sit for a LONG time without using it. That caused half our problems. On the way down The Driver turned on the front air and when I moved the little vent out popped a bunch of nut shells. Micies were even in there. Now we just need to get rid of the smell of mothballs. I could see peoples heads turn and their noses work as we walked by them.
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Sunseeker » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:35 am

Good morning! We are waking up this morning in South Carolina. We're at a nice campground in Walterboro, right off exit 53 from I-95. We are about an hour north of Savannah. We came through several storms on the way down here, and had to actually pull off a couple of times due to poor visibility. The weather cooperated long enough for us to set up and make a nice dinner outdoors...and as if on cue, the skies opened up soon after we came in. The sound of pouring rain made for great lseeping so we are rested and ready for our final day of driving.
Today's destination is Wildwood, FL...about 340 miles or so. The weather is humid but the rains seem to have passed so it should be a nice drive.

Coffee is gone so time to get on the move. I hope you're all having a stress-free week so far and keeping safe if traveling. I'll try to catch up on the posts later. You've all been so busy and I can't wait to read how your weekends went.
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:58 am

Morning, All.....Yeap, I'm up and going.....even got out of the jammies early today.... :D Yesterday was spent washing clothes in the AM and then visiting those relatives who are to busy to come up to the CG to see us, before we leave next Monday.....then we met friends for supper out....Hey, Barbzeee, had Italian for the meal....new place in Hanover, PA and the food was wonderful.....too much to eat, so we brought the leftovers home and will have them for supper tonight... ;) The kids and grandkids will be up Sunday to spend time before we leave.....am really going to miss them.... :(

Today, I'm attacking the fridge in the Mallard.....throwing out "old stuff" and moving good stuff to the fridge in the 5er......but have to be finished with that before Noon as have to take the FIL to 2 Dr. appts. this afternoon........my last for this summer......Ernie's sister takes over next week for the fall/winter....he stays here at the campground in his camper for the summer and we do his Dr. runs, etc. with him......then in the fall/winter/spring......he stays with her and they do the runs.....SIL tries to get us to take him on the road with us every year, NOT going to happen.... :? Besides, he's not one to enjoy traveling.....

Ernie's got maps and "things to see and do" books from AAA all over the 5er..... :lol: Planning, planning, planning..... :lol: Boy, when he plans, he plans......

Well, this isn't getting the fridge project done....and I haven't surf the posts here yet.....so I go for now...

Have a great day everyone!!

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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby oliveoil » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:58 pm

Well it was morning several hours ago!!!!!!!!!!! :o
We just returned back to Kansas from Mo----------finally got all the closing on the sale of the house done----etc/etc/etc-------- & we sure can tell you who NOT to hire for an attorney in that area!!!!!!!! :shock: :roll: :roll: :!:
We should have closed at least three weeks ago if not before---------
I was NOT looking forward to the closing process----only getting it over with!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby took the HIGH road when the attorney made all the mistakes he did again!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Hubby redid all the figures & redid all the work------& got it all done right------so I pray everything will be filed correctly-etc/.etc-----------& the house is ours!!!!!!!!

We stayed there last night------- we took our bed & everything we could haul in the big farm PU-----we had it cramed full!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night was such a relief to have the closing over with----- when we got everything unloaded from the PU & got the bed made & things put away we bought with us------ we just sat out on our back deck in the dark & listened to the tree frogs!!!!!!!!!!

Today it was back to running--------- & later this week we will take a U-haul load down ---& still keep working on the auctions!!!!!!!!

We are looking forward to being able to sit on the deck & listen to the tree frogs more often!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Tuesday Morning and all is well..so far :)

Postby Sunseeker » Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:43 am

There's nothing finer than tree frogs and night air, OO, especially after all the hard work it took to get there. Congratulations on your new home and I hope you spend many wonderful, relaxing years there!
Sunseeker Jill
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