Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

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Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:37 am


Oh my Gawd....It's Friday ...Yipeeee!!!!!..... Well just to fill you all in... I spoke with Jill and we got it together and I'll be leaving here in a few hours heading to our weekend GTG...the Critters know somethings going on... been up trying to get things done in the house and then load up the rig and all is well... Yes, have my list and am gonna re check it after I have my coffee...you all know how that's gotta happen... Even made my big jugs of Sun tea yesterday and have my coffee ready so I won't have to do a thing..other than make sure the critters behave..now that's another story..and speaking of which......

Echo....did I read correctly...did you just get another dog ????? I mean is there a transaction going on..LOL Possible one called Ceasar...LOL..... RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) pictures do it every time !!! LOL ooooooh boy..

Khenrie...(Kim) is on her Get Away...and Kim you know us... we sure would like to hear all about it...Pictures if ya don't mind...and how are you doing too LOL..

Asirmiraco (Carol) and Ms B Haven (Margie).. I have never had a problem as I stated here.. with my Air Card..conveinyant and 99% of the time right on... I don't download music ...that's been always such a mess with restrictions..I listen on the radio or buy the CD...I do a lot of art work which is graphics ..and still never had a problem nor did I get a bill... but in certain area's you have to watch crossing some towers..but if you notice it on your bill...hey, Verizon has always been very good about it.... I would have kept my Air card if I was doing a lot of traveling...and my luck where I am in Florida for the winter months I don't have cell service in my house LOL>.. so I went with Digital phone, Cable and Interent for 99 bucks..unlimited phone and can't beat that.. and I shut if off when I come back North... Home here I have Verizon and Directv...but DSL is through Verizon..and again a great package deal... Companies are getting very competitive..so do check around..but I was satisfied with the service..

Asirmiraco (Carol) hope you all pushed off for your Get A WAy too.... I know you had a little delay...It does feel good getting inside the rig.... I know I'm getting that feeling as I'm typing too....

Fernie...safe travels to you, Bash and Tobey....keep us posted and let us know when or where ya are...

Seems not too much activity...cepting you Gals rushing through your day..

RetiredHappy (Karen) now is pulling the 8 hour shifts...but only 3 days a week ..right Karen...take it easy and I know you'll be anxious after those days to lean back and enjoy ...

Mtntophoundz..(Mollie) it's Friday Gal...your week is over and kick it up a notch..Enjoy your weekend...Hopefully maybe you all in the TN area can pull a GTG even just for a day !!!

Paulette....welcome back ....you know when I read how you felt when you got back..walking into the house felt like a huge step..it sure does...when I'd go away for 6 mos come home it took me a few days...as I just felt like I was swollowed up..LOL but then it doesn't take long to get back into the mode...oh when's my next trip.... LOL...

Getup n'go (Janice)... Your question is really a tough one.. and I ask all that answer , sit back and ponder on it.. WE all have a lot of compassion and admiration for each of us on here..and I know Janice..my gut feelings are one thing..but then there is that afterwards... So, I am gonna sit back a bit..and then answer you on your column... Sista's it's a heavy load..but I know that we as a group have a very close bond..and will help our Sista Janice..... Holding you close Janice !!

Gentleladybear..(Nan) hope all is well with you...please keep us posted..

Ok, gals.. I need to get in motion here... I've got the food in the frig and I'm gonna take my long shower now..so I can really enjoy it...cause you know the weekend is gonna be roughing it LOL.....

Coffee Klotch...and Tea too...even Colas I'll bend..... come on get at the table.. and let's have a good chat....

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) see ya real soon...:)

May your Adventures be Great ones...and your Journey be Safe too

God Bless All

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !


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Re: Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby Mtntophoundz » Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:21 am

Good Morning! I agree Zee..... Yipeee its Friday!!! Its going to be a loooong day for me. Tonight is football night here then I am going to help with the back to school dance after the game. So I won't be home and in the bed until about 1am. Then we MIGHT be going to Bristol to the NASCAR race. Its not a for sure thing yet, but some salesman that Scotty does business with through his work might come up with tickets. I guess we will see. I have just come to terms with the fact that I will finally slow down when I am 6 foot under. Ok off to get ready for the day. Have a good one!!!
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Re: Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:35 am

Morning, all......

Enjoying my coffee while reading posts.....up late again watching the Olympics......I so enjoy them, but will be glad when I can get back to my normal sleep cicle.. :roll: :) .....Hey, I was only the go between on the dog thing.....now it's all in Amy and Echo's e-mail hands.....but we were sure burning up the cyber lines....lol....

Got to go cell phone shopping today when Ernie gets back....it's time for the upgrade and also using the external antenna has caused the back to not want to stay on the phone.....so we'll go and see "what's new" in cell phones.....

Well, haven't finished reading all the posts...so will go do that...

Have a great day, Gals!

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Re: Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby Echo » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:25 am

Yep it's Friday. I'm gonna enjoy it. Today is actually our only official day off this week. So far I have slept in! Yay!!! And otherwise done nothing at all except drink coffee, be lazy as a slug and fried a couple of eggs for myself. Ahhhhhhhhh It feels so good to just sit here and do NOTHING. :lol: Our 2 supervisors tried their darnedest to talk us into working today. I asked mine if she was out of her freaking mind!!! She understood that to mean "NO". ;)

I do have another batch of dishes to do. Son David cooked supper last night. Well with a little help from Jenny. I made an oink out of myself. He did up some pasta and 'gravy' and zucchini squash with 'gravy', fresh grated mozzarella cheese and fresh grated parmesan cheese. He first dipped the squash in egg/milk then flour with seasonings and fried it before he added the rest and baked it. Oh my it was so good!!! I simply love the fact that I didn't have to cook last night. Well worth the price of doing up the dishes. :D

David is off with his buddy to retrieve a Ford Bronco that was left broke down on a different 4x4 trail at a place called Buffalo Mtn. He said that while the plates were still on the vehicle the tires, rims and other parts are missing. So they are gonna go get it off the trail and take it to a junk yard.

Kelly was up when I got up this morning! Which was a real shocker until I found out that she didn't go to bed until about 3am and had only been up for about an hour cause she had to P. And that she was planning on going back to bed. So that is where she is at.... :D

I've got to take a shower, go get a newspaper and check to see if any decent jobs are in the offerings. Maybe put out a couple of apps to try and get a different job.

Hmmmm? Something in the works? Yeah I guess maybe there is. And it's called Ceasar. I sent off an email to Lori's DIL asking some questions. Been checking to see if any answer yet? Nope, not yet. But I'm sure she will get back to me. Kelly I think is more excited than she lets on. It will be interesting for sure. Dogs are funny little critters. Hard telling who he will take a shine to in this house. Kelly has been talking about wanting a dog, never know he just might decide that she belongs to him and is all his!!! :o

Well I guess I had better get this lazy butt in gear and into the shower or I will never get anything at all done today.

Hope ya'll have a great day and be sure to stay safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:36 pm

I slept in today :) Tomorrow is my Monday - back up at 5 - so it was glorious to sleep in. Now, I've been catching up here and doing some internet work - and thinking a nap would fit in somewhere LOL - but best not or I'll never go to bed tonight. Darn it anyway :)

This summer has simply flown by. I can't believe I got here the beginning of April, and we're about to hit Labor Day! I have trouble believing I'm staying put for an entire year - but with the way time is flying it'll be the TX GTG, and hopefully many little gtg's with Lori and Ernie while they're down here in Corpus, then t'll be next summer and the Rally, then heading north and to Alaska before I know it.

Lori, I've been watching quite a bit of the Olympics, too. More than I thought I would. Fell asleep on my couch watching one night, woke up, turned off the tv, and went to crawl into bed. Discovered I hadn't made the bed after stripping it to do laundry that day - so crawled back over to the couch and slept there LOL - made the bed the next morning so I wouldn't do that again!

Jill and Zee - bet you are both excited to be meeting in a few hours. Can't wait to see some pics.

Have a great rest of the day, all!
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Re: Oh my Gawd....It's Friday...Yipeee!!!!!

Postby Paulette » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:12 pm

Good afternoon. I've been busy today as today is our last day of vacation. (We aren't counting the weekend). Olivia goes back to school on Monday and I go back to work. Been gone for 3 weeks so it is going to be HARD to get back into the swing of that! Nothing much planned for the weekend. Sure wish I had been able to get together with the gals in NJ, but not this weekend. Next time! My sister is comin over tonight to sit out in the hot tub with me for a while. She was on vacation with her hubby for 2 weeks and is ready for some time away from him! :lol: Then my best friend is coming over on Saturday evening, with her GD and we are all gonna soak in the hot tub.
Barbzeee and Jill, and Tommy/Timmy, Robert/Richard...I hope you all have a great visit! Pictures.
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