Morning, All.....was here earlier, but wasn't awake enough to get the fingers and brain to work well enough to type...
Yesterday was a busy day.....still doing the eye drops for the FIL so that starts my day....then good friends have borrow the 5er for a weekend camp out before their daughter goes back to school...also it is a trial run to see if the lady of the family likes RV camping.....Ernie mows lawns for Jerry and he wants to get a camper so bad, but his wife isn't sure.....she' not into tenting or rustic-no running water- cabins, but she did come take a tour of the 5er last week and told Jerry that she would camp in it.....hope she enjoys herself......they have a handi-capped child who needs alot of attention for his personal care, so campers would meet his needs and that's where she's coming from........they've invited us for supper tomorrow night.....they are at Round Top Campground in Gettysburg. We set the 5er up for them yesterday there.....for those who maybe interested....Round Top is pretty nice....has pool, playground, resturant, and lot of other stuff....for $41/night.....
Then we went to visit the kids, grandkids, and all the fur-babies there.....(see my post about Ceasar in the pets section, please.)....had lunch with them and a good visit.....going to miss them all terribly when we leave....
And to top off the day.....FIL took us to the county fair for a fair food supper and to see the exhibits.....watched horse pulling and the judging of the open class on Beef Cattle.....
Then back to the homebase to watch the I slept good....
Okay, more coffee....then got to get my butt in gear......Have a great day all!!