Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:10 am


Monday...What can ya say ? It's Morning...and again a start of something ..Well I have some good news...Yes, I do.. Took my Reba yesterday (Sunday) to my Vet's.. Yes, you heard me right.. My Vet and best friend for over 35 years Saul.. is Kosher,his lifestyle that is..(and I tease him about it too) so his practice is open on Sunday..which by the way is great for me...cause DH is home and he can take the ride up with me ..especially when we bring all the critters for their annual physical..yes you heard me right..just like I do.. my critters get annual physicals.. of which I run BUNs and Heart, Ears, Eyes, Nose and Butt checks...I draw blood to do routine HeartWorm and Lyme check..and do fecals for other critters..and oh yeah every 6 mos I give Dronset..that's for even though ya think you're safe's just a teenie tiny flea from der Rabbit that can do ya.. and I do put Advantex on..but the flea can get ya..sooooooooo anyway getting back to my story... but my Reba had two lumps appear under her armpits..I did feel them and they didn't seem to be attached...however, I've been this route before and her being 12 I knew the I've been down in the dumps..trying to think positive.. and going through the routine of the "What If".. (being possible lymphoma) things run through the gray matter..would I make the choice of starting chemo at age 12..and being a Crested (Hairless to boot which are mutations ..) oooooh my...well..the human nature is to always think the worst...but I've been trying to keep again as I said..Posititve..and my prayers came true...She's ok...they were fatty deposits which were aspirated..and tested..and clear..a sigh of relief came upon my heart beat pounding in my chest...She was good...she is good..she's my sweetheart..and all is well again... So that was my gift for this Monday is not Blue for me...oh no, it's a Good Monday... and I'm praying yours is as well.......So now that's my story ...let me see what's been yours..since yesterday :)

SeeyaGal (Jenny and Dan) Master Carver is right... Wow.. that man can carve..and not just a Turkey..I've never seen such beauty.. Jenny you sure do know some talented the way how did your Mom make out at the County Fair with her Gauds ???? Gals you have to check out this carving.. I mean to tell you really a true work of art !!

Avalen (Ava) I'll say Breaking news..geeez good thing I too saw that before...and yes it's true..Mother Nature can do her deed big time... but shame that it struck Wall Arch Great Arches Nat'l Utah...I'm sure a lot of people are gonna be disappointed cause looking at it ya always wondered about that strong wind..and sand blasts ....that caused that to form...

RV Granny (Lori and Ernie) You like that storm we had yesterday.. that was a doozie...dang.. I thought the Heavens broke loose ..we had some strong winds..and yes, that hail..omg.. I thought OO was coming to visit us...Dorothy... I was looking for those Ruby Reds...and here we have no place to go...ooooooh lordy... yep in my area the homes are built on cellar to speak of... mmmmmmmm another food for thought here...I ain't a gonna say it..cause you know how that line goes...although we've had a huge flood a few years back..but ooooooooh my.....

Asirmiraco..(Carol) Yes, we love your place and you is right.. you have plenty of room for us all.. hey gals we can all plug into each other... LOL...yeah we could have a wonderful GTG oh and them Epanadas...uh.. I don't see them in the recipe column...duh... now them are like meat filled, right ? something on the order of those called pasties (not the kind you wear gals) made with a pie crust ?>>>> see I'm going right for the food can ya tell I'm hungry.... well we Italians have one called..calzones..but ours are filled with cheese and sauce and you can put pepperoni in it too... LOL ok Carol.. ifn' ya don't mind explain and share recipe.. and ya made how many ?? did ya have a party or do they freeze well...or someone was really hungry by the size of them babies.....LOL ok ok...we want the scoop... speaking of which...

Dear Fernie... you made what ?????? home made what?????? and what flavor?????? betcha thought I missed that one... never Ice Cream is my thing..well actually all food is lately.. darn those preds... geeeez...

Mtngal..(Diana) here in Pa we can get all kinds of crazy weather... and lately that's what it's been... crazy..but ya know I do love the 4 seasons...I do love to see the first snow.. now that is picture pretty..but that's it folks then I want my sorry asp butt out of town... now I can draw my own and also make it snow...whoopie...LOL and don't have to feel cold either... LOL yeah.. Diana.. we all hope and pray that things work out for your DD and hope that the house sells...and by the way I like that name Moonlight.. neat for a bakery cause they are usually working all night to make them good things...mmmmm smell them now.... speaking of which know what's next.. yep.. my coffee pot and I will put in some cinnamon buns..of course the ones that come out of that funny tube...LOL yeah.. if it's good and ya can make it easy.. why not.... how does that saying go...mmm Nut'n as good as somethin' from the oven ...well you know what I mean... but sure is good and sure is easy...aaaaaaaah life is good..and all is well.. and I can't wait to hear all yours this morning... places set...yep...paper towels for napkins sorry..but got good stuff for sure.... dunken Jenny is one of my favorite things whether it be old fashion donuts or biscottis.. I love too and how many of you do ?????? fess up now

Echo... how did you Sunday go...lordy I'm praying big time for you and Kelly to find another job...too much pressure and boy I know you have to have a large bottle of asprin..... ok come on.. Mtntophoundz (Mollie) I have a big cup for ya dear as you whiz too Ava.. you got to get that bus rollin'...

RetiredHappy (Karen) Getup n'go (Janice) on the count downs ...

Paulette and O.. travelin down that highway...heading due South.. (Florida bound)

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) ok.. where are ya at now...

Marslet (Sharlotte) hey gal.. what are you up to lately ?

Liz you home yet ?

Redetotry... how are you critters doing...and when are you heading to Florida...?

Gentleladybear...(Nan) I know you is on the road ready to head to work....

Cedar.. you is back I feel your I can't wait to read your goodies...

Tipping my cup and I'm a listening..

May your Adventures Be Great Ones and your Joureny be Safe too.....

God Bless

Last edited by Barbzeee on Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Mtntophoundz » Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:17 am

Yeah its Monday, but no one said I had to be happy about it. I am going to need an entire gallon of coffee to get me going. I couldn't sleep last night. I don't know what the problem was! I started off in the bed then went to the couch only to go back to bed. Well, thankfully I can try again tonight to get some sleep... lol Well, gotta go let the dogs potty. Have a wonderful day all!!!
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Marslet » Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:35 am

Hey girl,
Yes, we are back home. Got back in late last night. Went up and did some repairs on the wind damage to the camp. Cut up limbs to turn into firewood for this fall. Had to repair his water line that some bimbo ran over in a boat. Never mind that it is painted bright hunter orange and has orange floaties attached to it and an empty gallon orange juice jug tied to the end of it. They couldn't see it. Go figure. Had to replace the entire water pump, we don't know if they did something that caused it to burn the motor out, but what the heck, got new pump and gonna use the old one for spare parts.
Won't be long until we make the trip to Houston to get Emma. Can hardly wait.
I am so glad of your good news about Reba, I know how they have got your heart all tangled up. Hope you have a great get together with Jill and Tommy. As you are always telling us, pictures, pictures, pictures. Remember this old southern bell's advice, Girl get yourself a FAN.


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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Paulette » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:08 am

Good Morning Ladies. I've been up since before 7. Had bad dreams about returning the rental car...they wanted me to take a drug test and then they took my new Garmin Nuvi and I was having a hard time getting it back! Ah, dreams! Beautiful morning here on the lake. I need to get my buns in gear to take the rental car back and get back here so we can hit the road again. On the way to FLA. The reunion dinner was nice yesterday. Weather was great and lots of kids playing and LOTS OF GOOD FOOD! YUM. Only one aunt and 2 uncles left with us, out of 7, but their kids and their kid's kids were there. It was nice.

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I'm still tryin to keep up here and I will post picture when I get back home or get some serious down time. I've just been too busy.

Barb, I"m glad for the good news for Reba!

You all be good now.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby asirimarco » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:10 am

Good morning every one - we have a nice brisk morning today 0nly 51 degrees out. No shorts and tank top this a.m. Hope all had a really nice weekend and that this week will not bring any one any troubles.
Found out yesterday when we pulled the motorhome into the driveway that the mice did get to some of the wires - so into the RV place it goes some time this week. Drats - thought we had lucked out.
Hum I hear the lawn tractor running - wonder what he is doing now - hopefully mowing the grass before it gets wet again.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:17 am

Just a quick good morning. I have to open the office at 6:45 - yuk! Today is my last day, hip hip hooray!!!! Have a lot to do after I get off work so I can leave tomorrow. I'm so ready to leave and hit the road. I'll keep in touch as much as I can on the road. Gotta go take the puppies potty.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:23 am

Good Morning Barbzeee and all,... no I"m not home yet,.. but we'll be heading that way later this a.m. Of course like every camping trip this season we have to fold the A down in the rain. Not a big deal,.. just keep a towel handy to wipe dry the walls as i fold them in.

I hate to leave this KOA,... luxury with electricity, cable tv and wifi! Back to dry camping week after next though, so I shouldn't get too spoiled!

I'll be catching up here later today!

Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:25 am

Good Morning!!!
finally monday, the day school starts, I know many parents that are praising this
day as well. Speaking of parents, all mine will be so glad to see that I got my
route back and the darling children won't have to break in a new bus driver.
I look forward to seeing how many little kindergartners I get, and don't ya know
some of them will be crying.
Well, I'm off to get my morning routine done, little more coffee, do the trash
and I'll be out the door at 6 sharp.
Ya'll have a great day.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby oliveoil » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:39 am


Barb good news about your fur babies!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen------ last day---------enjoy & safe travels!!!!!!

Well Hubby took the day off work today as we have appointments all day------he is out mowing grass this morning! A very cool morning in Kansas this morning!!!!!!

Well Ladies------pray to God almighty or if ya don't pray have good thoughts about everything being done & us being able to close on the sale of our new home this week--------we have thought we could close for the past two weeks------BUT----- the attorney STILL has not gotten the lean released from the present owners line of credit-----& we are NOT closing with out a clear & clean title!!!!!!!!!
Please pray all the paper work is done this week & the attorney gets things done & correctly & closing happens & with no problems!!!!!!!! And we get to make a run to Branson to close on the sale this week & the house will be ours- & we can get with the moving process---& then get with the process of getting ready for the auctions!!!!! Then get the auctions over with & get settled in Branson! Hubby has one more week of work before he retires from this company!

We have bought & sold OVER 40 properties & businesses & rentals over the years----- & NEVER had the problems we are having with this closing!!!!!!!!! I think one of the biggest problems is the attorney!!!!!!!!!

Well everyone have a wonderful day--------keep safe---I'm clicking my rubies & I'm out of here-------later OO
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Redetotry » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:04 am

Everyone sure sounds like they are having a busy morning. My littlest one woke me early needing to go out. I was fighting a headache so took the time to do a bit of work on myself before starting my day. The hypnosis and Reiki classes I take at the Community college have been such a wonderful discovery. I don't do pain meds well at all so I'm so happy to have this altenative way of getting relief. I also enjoy working on my friends, it is amazing how Reiki will take them from totally stressed out to so relaxed they are ready to nap.

So happy to hear your little Reba is ok Zeee. I know you are very relieved. Andy is doing ok with the meds so far, I started adding a bit of plain pumpkin to his food in hopes that will help. My two little ones really work me, their latest 'request' ahhem..ok demand, is they want their food on paper plates not in their regular bowls! Maybe it makes them feel ike they are having a picnic. No, of course they are not spoiled!
Hope the day goes well for all.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:25 am

Morning, Gang!!! Just out of the sack here......I'm an Olympics fan from way back and watch all that I I didn't get to bed until after Midnight... :shock: ...The kids came to get JoJo yesterday around 5pm....after the hail, rain, and wind.....did hot dogs over the campfire here....and enjoyed their photos and stories about their vacation at the grand kids had a blast with the water and stuff on the boardwalk...i.e....Pirate ships, putt, putt, golf....etc.....little Ava was talking up a storm.....she's doing the "where's your eyes, ears, nose, etc" stage stuff...and she was very happy to see her turned really cool after the we dragged out sweatshirts and jeans......

Well, looks like I need some more coffee as I'm rambling here this I'll go read some and check in with you all later...

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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Liz » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:00 am

Good morning all,

Yep, I'm home; survived my week with the gds. This week is a series of dr. checkups. GP today, Moffitt Cancer Ctr. on Wed., hearing aid check/tune & haircut scheduled too. Then I'm all set to prepare for my trip to NE. :D Need to wash the RV inside & out. Check out the "systems," etc. Must schedule lawn care, put the newspaper on vacation, schedule bill-pay, and pack. Don't have a definite departure date yet, but am aiming for Aug.25. So, won't make the NJ gtg unless that changes. :cry: Have a tentative, more westerly, leisurely route north through eastern TN, WV, western area I haven't toured yet. If it's too hot though, I'll head for higher elevations on the Blue Ridge, which I always enjoy. I'll keep you posted as I go when I have elec. hookup.

Did you know you can get 5% cash back on all gas purchases with a Discover Card for the months of July-Aug. '08? I just noticed that while paying my bill and signed up....going to try that on my trip.

I heard from my SIL, Carol (Carolinagal). She's at her son's in Colorado, and is hoping to get to a library soon to check in.
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Re: Monday....What can ya say ? It's Morning !

Postby Sunseeker » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:10 am

Good Morning from Michigan! Our family reunion went real well and the rain cleared up just in time. It is always fun to get together. There was lots of food and lots of laughs. I don't get to see my son from Chicago very often so it was extra special that he and his fiance could be here. Tommy and I took them out for breakfast before they had to leave for home. Mom and Dad are getting up there in years, so it is good to see them healthy and having a good time. My grandkids are full of energy and I'm exhausted from trying to keep up with them.I had my camera, but didn't get a single shot, (I was kinda the hostess since the shindig was held here at the campground pavilion), hopefully some of the other realitives will share pictures they took.

This is the campground I seasoned in last summer and lots of the regular seasonal friends are here. Tommy is fitting in like he's been here all along. It will be sad to have to say goodbye here in a few days already. We are looking forward to New Jersey and our GTG with Barb (and hopefully Liz too!). I have been reading the campfire thread and everyone seems to be having such a good time. What a silly bunch!

Well, the furkids have been lazing around all morning so it's time to take them out for a walk. There are nice trails here and the weather is nice and cool. I hope all here have a super day, even if it is a Monday

P.S. Oops, Liz, looks like we were both posting at the same time. I'm so sorry to read you won't be able to make the GTG. Perhaps we can meet up as you start your journey north and we head south toward Florida.
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