Beth, I read about the flooding in south Texas, this morning. Hope you didn't get any flooding where you are and that Ty finally got out to do his thing.
One of my brother's mini poodles is a real barker! She has been barking non-stop since 7am and didn't stop until I finally got up. It is one of those high-pitched barks that drives me crazy!
Sophie has been wanting to explore. She jumped over the gate a little while ago but then saw one of the dogs and jumped back over. Romeow sleeps behind the bed all day and then comes out at night to run back and forth over me and starts knocking stuff over and batting at the blinds.
David's doctor wants him to start walking every day, so we are gonna go around the block or so, at 10am before it gets too warm out. No dogs this time.
Starting to get a little less hot out for the next few days. Will still be 86* today but will be in the low 80's thru the weekend. Evenings are very nice to be sitting outside now. If I can find a lighter around here, I will light my new fire bowl out on the patio tonight and see how that looks. Sterno makes a food safe gel canister for roasting marshmallows so I ordered a couple of those. I can make S'Mores on my picnic table!

Need to do laundry today and work on one of my other projects I brought with me, while the laundry is getting done. And then figure out what to make for dinner. I am used to just making something quick when I feel hungry, so this planning ahead with a menu for two is very new to me. David is pretty easy to please so he will eat pretty much anything. The only thing I was told he doesn't like is tuna if it is in a hotdish. He will only eat tuna cold. Between him and the dogs, they are pretty easy to deal with.

OK. Hope all is well with you all today!