Sunny day Friday

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Sunny day Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Mar 28, 2025 11:43 am

Good morning gals!

Beth, I read about the flooding in south Texas, this morning. Hope you didn't get any flooding where you are and that Ty finally got out to do his thing.

One of my brother's mini poodles is a real barker! She has been barking non-stop since 7am and didn't stop until I finally got up. It is one of those high-pitched barks that drives me crazy!
Sophie has been wanting to explore. She jumped over the gate a little while ago but then saw one of the dogs and jumped back over. Romeow sleeps behind the bed all day and then comes out at night to run back and forth over me and starts knocking stuff over and batting at the blinds.

David's doctor wants him to start walking every day, so we are gonna go around the block or so, at 10am before it gets too warm out. No dogs this time.

Starting to get a little less hot out for the next few days. Will still be 86* today but will be in the low 80's thru the weekend. Evenings are very nice to be sitting outside now. If I can find a lighter around here, I will light my new fire bowl out on the patio tonight and see how that looks. Sterno makes a food safe gel canister for roasting marshmallows so I ordered a couple of those. I can make S'Mores on my picnic table! :D

Need to do laundry today and work on one of my other projects I brought with me, while the laundry is getting done. And then figure out what to make for dinner. I am used to just making something quick when I feel hungry, so this planning ahead with a menu for two is very new to me. David is pretty easy to please so he will eat pretty much anything. The only thing I was told he doesn't like is tuna if it is in a hotdish. He will only eat tuna cold. Between him and the dogs, they are pretty easy to deal with. :lol: David is a lot quieter than the dogs tho! The one dog only barks if the other one does and that one barks at everything! That is why I love cats. So much easier to live with and take care of.

OK. Hope all is well with you all today!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Mar 28, 2025 1:57 pm

Good morning. Cloudy and a little breezy today but not as bad as the other day, that was awful. Might get some rainshowers later but it isnt cold out 58 but the little breeze makes it feel a bit colder. Beth I was reading about all the rain you are getting, good grief the skies really opened up for you. Barbie sounds like you are getting along fine brother sitting. I am with you tho on the barking dogs. I hate barkers of any size. Especially when they are barking at nothing!!!
Emma isnt a cat but she might as well be LOL she does not bark. She might growl and do a little "wuff wuff" but you can barely hear it ha ha I like it that way.

Cleaned my stove and oven this morning Well I pushed the clean button on the oven now will just have to wipe it out when it cools. My stove is black and stainless and the black shows everything all the time. It is really hard to keep clean.

Laura is on her way down for a visit so I am excited to see her. We are never at a loss for words to chat. Emma will be excited to see her and Penny. The dogs get along great so that makes it easy. Emma can be a pest but Penny tolerates her pretty well. She should be here soon so I better finish my laundry.

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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Mar 28, 2025 3:49 pm

Just a followup on my weather. Yep we hit national news. I'm about 5 miles from Harlingen and they had over 15 inches by this morning. I know we were probably close but at least over 10 inches here. Flooding all around. My site is good. TY couldn't go out last night so we finally went to bed. I had him out early this morning and he didn't hesitate in going potty and he didn't argue when I told him we were going back to bed lol. Finally I got a few hours sleep.

A ladies dog here managed to crawl under her storage shed and couldn't get out. I think it was simply scared because he's a small dog and should have been able to squeeze through, but wouldn't. I saw the park maintenance man and asked if he had any ideas. Lots of people in the park don't care for him, including this lady, but he went to his rig and brought back what he needed and got a corner up a couple more inches and out the dog ran, so happy to be free! At least this lady thanked him and apologized to me for wanting me to tell him nevermind.

I tried to walk more when I got out today, but after checking around my rig and space and visiting a neighbor and making sure TY did his business, we spent a long time on getting that little dog rescued and while temps weren't bad with the super high humidity I thought I was going to pass out, so came home and rested before going out and tackling my filthy porch from the storms and wind. Now I'm a couch potato until we try another walk in a bit.
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Mar 28, 2025 10:32 pm

Beth, I hope that rain isn't headed here. I decided to mow this morning before the rain got here. I got the grass mowed in front of the barn and the bottom area behind the house before it started to rain. If we get the 5 inches they are predicting I wouldn't be able to mow the low area for a while.

Went to town to get a fish dinner, go to bank, post office, feed store and Walmart. Picked up gas for the mower. I managed to get in and out of places between the rain. Most of the rain is sliding off to the East and Luna and I got to do our walk right before dark. The radar is showing a big area of rain in the gulf but it looks like it will go East too. Right now the wind is blowing hard enough for me to hear it.

Luna, doesn't bark much unless she sees something outside or the cats start something. She thinks she is the cat fight referee.

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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 28, 2025 10:40 pm

Went into town this morning to get groceries and do some laundry. Got groceries at Walmart, but one of the laundromats was closed and the other looked really crummy, so I will wait until Tuesday when I leave here. I have lots of clothes and just bought a couple new pairs of shorts, plus I washed out some underwear, so I'll be OK.

Big problem right now is that my shower pan has cracked, and I cannot take a shower until it is fixed. The shower floor is raised about 6" so the rear furnace ductwork and some plumbing can go underneath it. A supporting piece of wood that goes side to side in now slipped down on one end. I know that there was a big chunk of wood under there that held up this supporting wooden beam under the shower pan, and it seems to have disappeared, probably is now in the utility area there which I cannot get to. What I decided I needed to do was get something to hold that wooden supporting beam up so the shower pan will not further crack. Found a lumber yard and they cut some scrap 2 x 6" boards into 8" sections. I also got some shims, but it is a really tight area through the access panel.

Anyway, I layered three chunks of wood and glued them down and am now waiting for the gorilla glue to dry. There is still about an inch left before the pan, so when it does dry, I'll start adding some of the shims and pounding them into the narrow space so they will force the supporting board up. May not happen tonight. Wish I had a small piece of thinner plywood, but no such luck so i may have to add something else. Still thinking about what I could use--maybe my nylon cutting board or a book as a temporary fix??? Got to wait for glue to dry anyway. Whew.

Oh, and because I have to sit down to see into this space. It is very hard for me to get up because of fragile kneecaps and bad left shoulder to pull myself up. Been scooting on my rear to side door, opening it, and using steps to get up on my feet again. ALWAYS take my cell phone with me in case I have to call for help!
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Mar 28, 2025 11:27 pm

I finally found a news report online of the flooding here in San Benito. I feel super lucky that I escaped the worst of it. I didn't even think about driving anywhere today and probably will do the same tomorrow. The video at this link is good. ... -underway/
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 28, 2025 11:36 pm

Wow, Beth, good idea to stay put for a couple of days!!
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby snowball » Sat Mar 29, 2025 12:37 am

I usually check to see if I posted ok didn't last night so didn't catch that I didn't post right... guess someone else came on but I didn't realize it.. oh well I didn't do a lot yesterday anyway... went to the store that is enough to wear a person out... and oh Labanon bologna is not the same as the bologna that we get for two slices thinking that it wasn't much different ended up eating it on crackers not tucked between two slices of bread, mayo, mustard, tomato and lettuce :(
going to make the angel food cake tomorrow for company tomorrow night only I didn't know when I was at the store how much crushed pineapple I needed... I knew I had some so didn't get any I have 3 cans with 8 oz. in each which is too much but 2 cans isn't enough I wonder if the extra 4 oz. would be too much??? Karen I saw a recipe tonight that I think I am going to try but also thought of you it's loosely called pasta with zucchini and basil I have every thing except the fresh basil.... tomorrow night we are having Hawaiian Haystacks it just feels like I want something that screams spring!!!!
today I did what I've needed to do every since I moved in and that was tackle the linen closet... I got two bags of sheets for the animal shelter a couple for the thrift stores a bag with matched pillow cases for the thrift store and a pile to go through.. mom used to embroidery and did pillow cases so want to see what are mates.... also found two sets of dish towels that she embroidered all I can think of is she finished them put them in the closet and forgot about them... imagine that they were someones for a Christmas gift a project that I will finish next week the closet is still a mess lots of sewing stuff not sure how to deal with it... my sil is the only one that I know is that is into sewing of some sort she does lots of quilting so hope that there is some things she might want and find of a use...
that sounds like a lot of rain Beth hopefully you continue to not have issues except for lots of rain
Can't imagine dealing with a cracked shower hope Judy that you can find the right filler to close it up with... was wondering on the underside if a yardstick would be too thick or what about balsam wood the kind used in making model airplanes surely something
Martha I just finished a word search page that was about Louisianan. made me wonder about a couple of things... what is a Gramble or it might have been grambling and yes it did have a r in it in case anyone is wondering... also Kenner??? and I didn't know that you all have sulfur mines...
I am glad Barbie that your bother isn't fussy that helps a lot... enjoy your time there... barking dog and all :lol:
you all have a great day
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 29, 2025 1:46 am

Sheila, Grambling is a college and Kenner is a town. Really just a suburb of New Orleans. When I was a kid we moved near a town called Sulphur. I'm not sure if they are still mining sulphur over there. We couldn't believe the smell when we walked into the house dad rented. The water smelled like sulphur. The only way we would drink the water was if mother made tea.

I have never heard of Lebanon Bologna. It looks like pepperoni. The last time I bought some bologna I didn't think it tastes as good as it use to.

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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 29, 2025 2:49 am

It was not easy in my small kitchen sink but I managed to wash my hair and give myself a sponge bath. Feel clean. Skipped shower last night so really wanted one tonight but sponge bath will have to do. At least hair is clean. Only shower room here is very long walk but might use it before dark tomorrow.

Stack of wood feels solid but want to give glue more time. Yardstick will not be thick enough so will do more thinking. Got to get it solid so shower pan will not crack more. It’s not a big crack but having it get bigger would e a disasters d I think I very expensive.

Night all.
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Re: Sunny day Friday

Postby Redetotry » Sat Mar 29, 2025 8:59 am

Barbie and others who have barking dog problems. A friend of mine used this and said it works really well. I should order one but I make Emma wear a muzzle when she goes out to potty which keeps her from barking and eating 'delicacies'. .... ... =1https://
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