Good Morning. Beautiful sunny day here in northern Michigan. Currently it is 47°. High of 50 predicted. My generator is humming along outside, doing its weekly exercise session. Should be shutting down in a few minutes.
As has been the routine for the past 4 weekends, we are having a nice warm up with a storm coming in tomorrow. Looking like a crazy scenerio as it keeps changing. Was first predicted as rain/sleet/freezing rain/snow from tomorrow afternoon through Monday. Now it looks like an ice storm about 40 miles to my north on into eastern U.P. Possibilities as much as .25” of ice. Rain for here, maybe a mix, lull for awhile on Saturday then mix through Sunday. But not down to an exact thing as yet and temps are the key. . Forecasts hard to predict this time of year and those big Grest Lakes influence them. Have to watch the forecasts. We got dumped with about 3 inches of wet snow Sunday night and it snowed all day Monday and Tuesday, but was wet so didn’t amount to anything. Temps were in the 30’s.
Martha, hope the injections help. I had an episode with my wrist toward end of last week, don’t know what I did, but was painful and swollen. Shoulder hurt a but too. Could have moved wrong while I was sleeping. Couldn’t use that hand for much of anything over weekend. It happens. Finally called chiropractor and went in Monday. She did sone adjustments and also did a cold laser treatment. Used ice for past couple days and then yesterday, since I was going to town stopped by and had another laser treatment. Back in business.
Barbie, enjoy the time with your brother. Judy, might be time to dump that tax person. Shelia, glad you finally have the car to drive now. Karen, you sound like me, puttering around and organizing. I’ve got stuff to take to donation, but waiting forbetter weather, BJ, talk about branches and limbs, I’ve got them all over too. Will clean them up when the weather breaks and rest of snow is out of my way.
Have my morning chores done, so afternoon is free to do whatever. Definitely a walk and some Diamond painting. I just Painted along edge of my bathroom vanity and will caulk tomorrow. Only thing left is touch up heat baseboards. Then I can head to the basement and do some cleaning down there. Not a big deal as it’s pretty empty.