Sunshine Thursday

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Sunshine Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 27, 2025 11:34 am

Good Morning. Beautiful sunny day here in northern Michigan. Currently it is 47°. High of 50 predicted. My generator is humming along outside, doing its weekly exercise session. Should be shutting down in a few minutes.

As has been the routine for the past 4 weekends, we are having a nice warm up with a storm coming in tomorrow. Looking like a crazy scenerio as it keeps changing. Was first predicted as rain/sleet/freezing rain/snow from tomorrow afternoon through Monday. Now it looks like an ice storm about 40 miles to my north on into eastern U.P. Possibilities as much as .25” of ice. Rain for here, maybe a mix, lull for awhile on Saturday then mix through Sunday. But not down to an exact thing as yet and temps are the key. . Forecasts hard to predict this time of year and those big Grest Lakes influence them. Have to watch the forecasts. We got dumped with about 3 inches of wet snow Sunday night and it snowed all day Monday and Tuesday, but was wet so didn’t amount to anything. Temps were in the 30’s.

Martha, hope the injections help. I had an episode with my wrist toward end of last week, don’t know what I did, but was painful and swollen. Shoulder hurt a but too. Could have moved wrong while I was sleeping. Couldn’t use that hand for much of anything over weekend. It happens. Finally called chiropractor and went in Monday. She did sone adjustments and also did a cold laser treatment. Used ice for past couple days and then yesterday, since I was going to town stopped by and had another laser treatment. Back in business.

Barbie, enjoy the time with your brother. Judy, might be time to dump that tax person. Shelia, glad you finally have the car to drive now. Karen, you sound like me, puttering around and organizing. I’ve got stuff to take to donation, but waiting forbetter weather, BJ, talk about branches and limbs, I’ve got them all over too. Will clean them up when the weather breaks and rest of snow is out of my way.

Have my morning chores done, so afternoon is free to do whatever. Definitely a walk and some Diamond painting. I just Painted along edge of my bathroom vanity and will caulk tomorrow. Only thing left is touch up heat baseboards. Then I can head to the basement and do some cleaning down there. Not a big deal as it’s pretty empty.
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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Mar 27, 2025 12:31 pm

Our weather is totally crazy. Had BIG hype yesterday on thunderstorms, hail, big winds, rain. Possibly a tornado LOL Not much came of it for us. Had some wind with gusts but nothing really bad. Now the Seattle area had so many lightning strikes you just couldnt keep up with them.
Today is quite windy outside. So, I will just stay inside ha ha No rain yet but I do know it is coming for the next 7 days. right now intermittent clouds, blue sky and wind.

Sue I took stuff to the donation center this week too. Have some more to go but just keep pecking at it. Today I will do some rearranging in my freezer, that should be fun. Not much else on the agenda, Henry will do his thing and I will dust and be done. Martha hope your shots do well for you.

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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 27, 2025 3:56 pm

No sun here today. Hard rains were predicted overnight (correctly) with some flooding and rain off and on all day picking up again this afternoon when hard ones predicted to last well into the night. It was only drizzling so tried to get TY out again before it picked up again. At least he peed before the rains came back and we headed home. Hopefully there will be another lull. I changed clothes and TY came and laid next to me getting my side wet again. Luckily I had toweled him off pretty good.

Martha, I surely hope you get some relief from what was done.

I've mainly been watching TV all day. Pretty much caught up on the series I watch. Oh and I refilled my weekly vitamins. Such a tough job lol

Now I'm watching old Cold Case episodes.
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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Mar 27, 2025 9:21 pm

Sue, you must have gotten all the sun, it was gray all day here. We are suppose to start getting bad weather again tomorrow and Saturday.

Last night my nose started running like a faucet and I was afraid I might have picked up a bug. I took some Sudafed but that didn't help much and I went through half a box of Kleenex. I only got about 3 hours of sleep. I was ok this morning until about 10:00 and it started again. It must be an allergy to something. I took a Benadryl for allergies and that is working. The injections in my knee and shoulder are working so far.

I just let the three man wrecking crew in, the orange kittens. Todd is on top of the refrigerator looking at a bug on the kitchen light. I wish I had a big cage outside to put them in at night.

I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. I guess if we have bad weather I'll just stay home. My sister and ex-sil are coming in a little over a week to spend one night. I really need to clean out the guest room. I keep the door closed to keep the cats out of there and It's too handy to just open the door and put something in there.

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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Mar 28, 2025 12:09 am

Slept good and got up early. Let the dogs out, fed them and then laid back down for awhile. Later made some toast for David and got dressed. David's caregiver came at 10am, so I left and went back to the trailer. Brought in some Amazon packages that arrived yesterday and then relaxed for awhile. The trailer was cool inside with the AC at 82* so I moved it up to 86* since I won't be back until next week. Doesn't need to be cool in there, just not really hot. Stopped at a small park with a lake near my place. Nothing to write home about. Saw a couple ducks and turtles tho. Then stopped at WM for a couple things and went back to David's just before 2pm, when his caregiver leaves.

Had a splitting headache all afternoon. Had some Stouffer's Cream Chipped Beef over toast, with mashed potatoes for dinner. Easy meal and we both scarfed it down. Watched some TV and now I am in bed before 10pm after falling asleep on the couch.

I brought my laundry with me today so will do that tomorrow. Maybe work on a project or two also. I am supposed to get David out for a walk each day but not sure if I can actually get him to go. Julie wants me to take the dogs with us, but I don't want to try and deal with 2 little hyper dogs and watch David too, as he is a fall risk. I will probably have him take his walker tho.

Cats have been pretty quiet and scarce all day. The dogs barking, scares them and they hide, even tho the dogs can't get near the bedroom because of the gate. Now that I am in bed, they are both out wandering around in my room. I put up a TV tray in front of the window so they can look out at birds and lizards.

Those of you in the bad weather areas, hunker down and stay safe!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby Bethers » Fri Mar 28, 2025 12:52 am

I just tried to get TY out so I could go to bed. The storms had calmed down and I thought we'd be safe. Ha, we didn't make it to the street and thunder boomed followed by rain which was coming hard and fast immediately. TY made it back under cover faster than me and we're inside waiting for another opportunity. Poor boy has to be miserable. Luckily we made it out long enough this morning for him to go and on one attempt this afternoon he started peeing before the rain got us both. Needless to say, we've both been wet more than dry today. And my phone just buzzed to let me know the bad weather is continuing longer than they said earlier and the danger of flash flooding here has been extended into tomorrow morning. I'm very lucky that TY handles the thunder ok. I've even jumped at a few close booms that he barely lifted his head at. So I'm waiting till I see another lull and will hope we get lucky soon.
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Re: Sunshine Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 28, 2025 12:57 am

Am in a different NM state park, and had a weird night last night. Could not get to sleep until 2:30 am, woke a 6 and awake until after 9 pm, fell back asleep until noon! I really wish I could just get to sleep and sleep all night, but no such luck. Headed to bed in a few minutes.

No shower tonight as my shower pan cracked last night. It is slightly raised so the heating duck can go under it and to the hall outlet, and it has a couple of wooden bars sort of like rafters, holding up the pan. Opened the access panel and took some photos with my flashlight on because it was dark in there, and discovered one of the bars has come loose on the end, which caused a 4" thin crack. So tomorrow when I go out to do laundry, I will stop at hardware and pick up a couple of chunks of wood and some shims so I can pound it back into place and support it. Not sure what I will use in the floor of the shower to repair the crack--maybe something like that guy on TV used to cover a screen boat so it does not leak??? Tape??? Will ask at ACE hardware.

Other task tomorrow is to get groceries, so I need to get to sleep and try to sleep all night so I can get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow to get all this done!! Temp today WAS 82, by the way, but only 78 tomorrow.

Oh, and tore apart the under my bed storage to find some printer paper I knew I had. Found some other things I had been missing so glad I did it, but hard to reach all the way in there even with my grabber.

Oh, and I had to sit on the floor in my bathroom and practically lay down to check under the shower pan. So, of course I could not get up and ended up scooting to the side door on my rear and opening it so I could go out the steps. (I cannot kneel because of fragile knee caps, and used to use both hands to grab onto something to pull myself up, but bad shoulder makes that really hard these days. I do always take my cell phone with my, when I get down in places I know I might have trouble getting up from.)

Oops! Forgot to add. My Ohio son and rife and three teenagers are in Paris for a couple of days. Son reported that yesterday they saw a person poop and pee on the sidewalk. They are getting an European education, obviously. Flew into London, took Chunnel train next day to Paris, but heading back to London tomorrow. Not my idea of a relaxing spring break, but I am glad they went.
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