Cloudy Wednesday

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Cloudy Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 26, 2025 11:16 am

Good morning gals!

Today is the day I head to my brother's for a week. Have been busy getting things planned and packed up. I am taking a box of food I have here to hopefully make for meals there. Stuff I haven't gotten around to making for myself here. Planning to make a couple hotdishes and some chili, and sloppy joes. Julie will have other things for me to make for lunches, etc. I am bringing along some project stuff to keep me busy there. Also some books, etc.

I have a new neighbor next door. He has a big red truck and a nice 5th wheel. I went over to meet him yesterday and ended up chatting with him inside for an hour or so. Nice guy. He is leaving today so will chat again a little before he leaves.

My little dove's eggs should be hatching out today or tomorrow! I will miss watching the little ones in the nest while I am gone. I will be back tomorrow for awhile when David's caregiver is with him from 10 to 2. Will work on a project or two here. I have my firepit for sale, and made a small fire bowl for my picnic table. It holds a sterno can inside it surrounded by clear stones. I am going to get some little lights to put under the stones that I can turn on with a remote and can change the colors. Will look very cool! :D Only cost $15 to make and looks great! I painted it with high-heat copper colored paint.

I got my vent fan put in yesterday in my bedroom. Had to give in and hire the RV tech who lives here in the park but I got a little discount for being in the park. He has the same fan he put in his rig and says it is really a nice one. Took about an hour to put in and works great! Looks so much better too, than the old yellow cracked one that didn't even have a fan! It has a remote, goes both directions, has 10 speeds on the fan, and has a rain sensor. I figured if I am out for awhile and a monsoon storm comes thru, it will close by itself so I don't get a ton of rain inside before I get home to close it. I will get the other one installed once I get the top bunk removed for my craft room. That will be awhile yet.

I checked my file box to get my tax stuff so I could do that while at David's but it is not in there. I have no idea where else I would have put it. :? So I will have to get copies of what I need to get that done. :roll: Things get so messed up with moving!

It has been in the mid 90's here the past couple days. Not sure if that is a record here but Phoenix broke records for the past two days and will again today. It is overcast here today so will "only" be in the upper 80's. Very unusual for this time of year. The average is upper 70's. Looks like it will cool down to the low 80's to upper 70's later this week. My AC has been working great altho it is a little adjustment to getting used to the AC noise, especially for the cats. I will keep the AC at around 80* while I am gone. I will dump tanks this morning and turn off the propane and water as well.

For someone that doesn't cook much I sure have a lot of recipes.

Martha, I am the same way! I look up and save a ton of recipes but never make any of them. If I had someone else to cook for on a regular basis, I probably would. (Or better yet, someone to make them for me! :D )

Well, I better get up and busy here. It is 9am and I need to head to David and Julie's around noon. She has a lot of stuff to go over with me for David's meds, food, and the dogs stuff. I will have to take good notes! I need to put up the gate I had at Heather's house, to keep the dogs out of the bedroom area from the cats. They will have run of the bedroom, hallway and bathroom.

I am so sorry to read about Anita's brother passing. :cry: I know he struggled a lot but was a fighter thru it all.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cloudy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 26, 2025 1:16 pm

Good morning. Another really nice day here right now but of course we have a storm coming in with big winds supposedly. North of me will get the most of it. I have not really worked in my yard yet. I need better consistent weather before I tackle my raised beds. I am also waiting for Lowe's or Home Depot to have their raised bed garden soil on sale. The rain sure makes the soil disappear or sink down and compact so will have to do some digging in the bigger one for sure.

Not much going on inside here still just organizing for a while. Going to see what I can do in my freezer. Threw some laundry in, and will send Henry to vacuum. Need to change my bed and towels this morning. Not sure what I will have for dinner or lunch but had a good breakfast this morning. Pancakes and bacon, was good.
I need to go to Costco this week or next and buy more Wild caught Salmon. That is so easy to fix in my air fryer and so good for you. I might eat my last piece of salmon for dinner tonight with either green beans or asparagus, we shall see.

Barbie you sound all dialed in to "brother sit". Nice of you to do that for Julie. She can probably use the break. Caregiving is hard. Sheila is still trying to get things sorted out at her house. Beth will be on the road again soon....hope your eye appts go well. I am sure happy that I got the cataract surgery I can see so much better now. Who knew??

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Re: Cloudy Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 26, 2025 9:58 pm

I went to my doctor's appointment today. I saw the doctor's nurse practitioner and I really did like her. They x-rayed my knees and I have bone on bone on the inside of my left knee and bone on bone on the outside of my right knee and arthritis in both. She gave me an injection in my left knee, the one I fell on. The room I was in had two medical posters, one for knees and one for shoulders. I ask her if they worked on shoulders too and they do. I told her about my arm being dislocated twice. She sent me back to x-ray and x-rayed my right shoulder. My shoulder and upper arm hurts a lot more than my knee but I don't have to walk on my shoulder. I have arthritis in my shoulder but not as much as in my knees. She said that I might have a tear in the rotator but that I would have to have an MRI to find that. She gave me an injection in my shoulder to see if it will help with the pain.

After my appointment I called my son and we went to eat lunch at Piccadilly. That place isn't cheap any more. I can remember when a meal there was about $5. Two lunches were $28 today.

I don't know why I put off doing my taxes so long, I did them yesterday afternoon and turned them in this morning.

Barbie, I must have inherited collecting recipes from my mother. She would cut them out of the newspaper and magazines. If I dug around I could probably find that I still have some of hers. I found out I can save them in notes on my computer so unless I plan on making one right away I put it in there. Glad you got your fan installed. Do you have a pet monitor for your cats. I got a Waggle last summer for my camper and it sends me texts if the power goes out or it gets too hot. It doesn't take very long for a camper to get really hot in the summer. That's how I knew the power was out at my house last week when I was in Lafayette. Good idea to turn off the water when you are going to be gone. If something breaks it could flood the camper. Don't ask me how I know. :shock: It's nice you can stay with your brother. Being a caregiver 24/7 is about the hardest thing you will ever do.

Karen, how do you find out when things are on sale at HD or Lowe's? I get grocery ads in the mail but not for them. I need some soil too and would rather buy it on sale.

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Re: Cloudy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 26, 2025 10:37 pm

Martha I go to their website and look at their weekly ads. I save recipes too but I use the

I can create folders such as casseroles, seafood, hamburger etc and put my recipes in there. Love that app on my computer.

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Re: Cloudy Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 26, 2025 10:45 pm

Like Karen, I use Copy Me That also. Love it.
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Re: Cloudy Wednesday

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 27, 2025 12:11 am

I need to look into that web site... I get recipes sent to me and although I have a recipe file that I set up on my computer I would like this for those that come in e-mail that I want to save... it's so hard to cut and paste when there is a bunch of pictures... and I'm getting so many e-mails saved that how in the world will I ever find anything that sounded good???
I wrote down the stuff in the guest bedroom from memory didn't miss to much :lol: for some reason I don't like that room even when we visited I'd rather have the other room even though it was a smaller room... it's the room I occupy dd occupies the guest room when she comes I opened up one of the doors in the dresser it only has 3 drawers and two doors odd it also has a mirror... found a box o photo's and those things that don't always get tossed away some graduation announcements birthday cards found one that wasn't signed think she got it to use sure was cute ...made me chuckle don't know what the message was now though... that was hours ago... so had to stop and look at the pictures... it was necessary :lol: and a treasure chest some I had seen some people I know some no idea who... I actually think although not sure that I found a picture of me my mom grandmother and great grandmother... not labeled so not positive but I think I am right... I remember as a kid that there was a two headed calf born in the neighborhood there was a picture of it... my dd says she has yet to see pictures of her as a baby (the third child) and unfortunately we didn't get enough of her but I did find a couple today ... also the envelope of pictures of my dad and sister in their casket's see them every twice in awhile although it's been a very long time... they were in that box... some I want to make sure that the family they were of get example would be this picture of this cute little guy turned it over and it has his name well I know him he is my cousin's son there is also pictures of his great grandparents a good hour spent going through the box so didn't get into mom's bedroom and the bins that I expected to be beanie babies isn't but think I need some one to get them down for me so I can see what is in them ... my nephew and his family is on vacation so can't call them if brother makes it here this week (he is suppose to come and that the stuff in the trailer away) when he comes I might have him get them down
that was my day although I did call about taxes found out when they will be doing them... and looked on google for pedi's one wonder's what to do when a place has really good reviews but the one's that are not are accompanied with pictures and it sounded really bad not just rude servers... although that was part of it... I really need to get one...
you all have a great day
Barbie enjoy being with your brother I am sure it will be a good week
most places Martha aren't what they used to be in prices unfortunately
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