Tuesday March 25

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Tuesday March 25

Postby Shirlv » Tue Mar 25, 2025 8:45 am

Morning All, the sun is shining and birds singing so I’m a happy woman, almost. lol The air fryer is straight and easy for me to use. I have a yearly doctor appointment coming up and things have changed. They want me to check in on line and need to verify it’s me. I really tried but I can not see well enough verify I am not a robot. Don’t know why a robot would want to take my physical or lab work. Sorry but the world is getting crazier. I sent a note to my doctor that unless I died I would be there. I think answering their stupid questions to verify I am not senile and being stuck multiple times for blood without hitting anyone should be enough hoops to jump. Sorry for the rant but I feel better. I just needed someone to listen. lol Enjoy your day and be safe

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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Mar 25, 2025 9:13 am

Good morning Shirl. Having a couple of days of awesome weather. High 70's yesterday and today and then the rain returns for a bit. 70's is my kinda weather. Not too much going on here today. Just continuing trying to get rid of some stuff and reorganize other stuff. I did tackle my pantry yesterday and got rid of some expired or not going to use kinda stuff. I have more room now in there but definitely not going to fill it up. I have lots of soup as I enjoy soup in the cold damp rainy days of winter. Dont eat much soup in the summer. Then I switch to salads and BBQ stuff. I still need to organize my freezer so might do that today. Little bit of laundry, vacuuming, dusting and bathrooms today. They just need spiffing.

Time for another cup of java and start my day soon.

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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 25, 2025 9:38 am

Good Morning all, We have sunshine today which is very welcome. Shirl I share your frustration, I can never do the thing to prove I am not a robot! Also very annoyed that I had to sign for my doctor to record my appointment! I'm not sure if its a requirement by insurance or something else. Martha I decided if it had been on my desk since I last cleaned it off it probably wasn't worth saving. I took my taxes in early on the disillusion that they were due in Feb....
I finally found someone to clean up all the branches and limbs that are in the yard so it can be mowed, which so far I have been unable to find anyone.
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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 25, 2025 12:17 pm

Shirl, I know what you mean about the stupid "prove you are not a robot thing" and I can see. Sometimes it takes me two or three tries. I have an appointment tomorrow for my knee and had to fill out all the health information on line. I don't doubt that I will have to do it again when I get there. The office had to look up all my insurance information before they would make me an appointment.

BJ, last year when someone was coming to work on my house phone I took all the stuff off my desk and put it in a tote. It's all still in the tote and I have a new load of crap. I had started going through it and decided I needed something to put service manuals in so that slowed me down. For someone that doesn't cook much I sure have a lot of recipes.

It's already 78 so will probably be in the 80's later.

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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby Cudedog » Tue Mar 25, 2025 6:09 pm

Currently 93* here at the moment (4:00 p.m. - March 25).

Cool down again tomorrow, with maybe a bit of rain later in the week.

I'll take it.

Anyone else care to post their high temp of the day today?

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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby JudyJB » Tue Mar 25, 2025 7:39 pm

Hugh of 78 today, but I spent the whole day inside! Instead of one major investment and one savings account, and a couple of small CDs, my uncle set up investments with four different investment brokers, plus had savings accounts with one bank and a couple of the investment companies. Basically, it has been confusing, and luckily we already had closed a couple of the really small investments they had made quite a few years ago. So, I have received a lot of end of year statements and estate statements after my aunt passed away, plus two of them decided that since my domicile is i n Ohio, that my aunt must live in Ohio also, so they listed that as her home on her 1099 forms, AND they deducted for Ohio state income taxes!!

I had taken photos of a lot of forms on cell phone because I don't have a scanner, so I decided I really needed to clean them off my cell phone and put them in folders on my laptiop. It was not easy because for some reason, I just could not transfer them using a cord so ended up having to email about 30 files, and then making sure they arrived, naming each something logical other than numbers so I can find them again, and deleting them from the cell phone. And then a couple of things I could not figure out what they were.

So, basically, I do very well with words and writing, but I am really impatient with numbers and details that include numbers. I would have made a lousy accountant. And to make it worse, the tax lady has been very unresponsive. I sent her all the files I had and she has not responded to me in a month, so I sent them again. And I even talked to the assistant to her boss, and was promised she would call me. Need to move to new campground tomorrow, but will make time to call her or her boss. Maybe find another tax person.

Have not done anything with my own taxes! Anyway, I am going out for a quick walk and to put away my hose so I only have to unhook electric in the morning. Because of the wind and dust I have not put anything else outdoors here. Need to calm down from my frustration so I made some choc chip oatmeal cookie dough and will have some after dinner. I have started making only half-batches, by the way--takes me a long time to eat a whole recipe. Sunny day at least!!
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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 25, 2025 11:04 pm

I hate those "prove your not a robot" things. Hate more that it sometimes takes me more than one try on the images and I feel I was right lol

I got 3 of my friends here together to go out for a late lunch/early dinner today. I wanted to do it while all 4 of us were still here. One leaves the beginning of next week, then me a week or so later. We had a great time but I was frustrated because I did the inviting and intended to pay. My friend Nancy was faster with grabbing the check. I'll get her out again before leaving and I'll make sure I pay. Lol. She and one of the other guests, her brother, stay here year round.

Tomorrow is the day that Jersey Mike's donate all profits of the day to local charities so I may head over and get a sub. Then, with my leftovers from today and that I won't be doing a very good job cleaning out my cupboards and fridge, but I still have time.

As for temps, they are pretty perfect in Benson right now but I can't leave until my next two eye appts, thus why mid-April. It's warming up both here and there, but nights stay cooler there. And I predict both will follow last year's summer with weather breaking highs.
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Re: Tuesday March 25

Postby snowball » Tue Mar 25, 2025 11:25 pm

unless I have something going on in the evenings I pretty much do things pretty routinely if things get through earlier than "normal" I wonder what happened what did I not do?? that is the case tonight it's normally close to 11 or after that I get on here... it's slightly after 10 really makes me wonder what didn't I do????
went out to lunch with some friends they have been so kind over the years coming to visit mom each week we went to a Mexican place debated between three... it's a good time to go to one because the time of year not quite to busy but we opted for the authentic :lol: it was really good although I was surprised that my rice and beans weren't as hot as one would expect them to be... still the enchilada's were good and I brought some home to enjoy tomorrow perhaps...
read scriptures should have not opened FB so didn't do anything else today tomorrow right???
you all have a great day
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