Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Mar 24, 2025 9:57 am

Good foggy morning here. 46 but supposed to get up to 75 today and 73 tomorrow. Then the rain and clouds return lol wacky weather for sure. I have a couple of inside projects to finish and maybe another to start. Just trying to organize and get rid of the stuff I just do not use. Took a couple of boxes to donation center yesterday so that helped. I need to reorganize my pantry but will save that for another day.....closer to garbage day for the expired stuff.

Was up early so had my 2 cups of coffee and my english muffin with avocado. I am all set until lunch.

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Postby Redetotry » Mon Mar 24, 2025 11:39 am

Good morning, It is around 65 here and the sun is out! It is supposed to be warm for the week. I've been trying to catch up on all the things I keep putting off and have actually accomplished quite a bit, mostly paper work. I can now see the top of my desk :). Emma is home and so it is a constant I want in no I want out kind of day. I have been putting a muzzle on her when she goes out because she has a taste for waste, ugh. Also it keeps her from annoying the neighbors with barking at the deer or imagined dangers. I'm ready for her to go back to 'school'.

Anne are you still looking for a place to move or have you abandoned the idea? Shirl that is wonderful news about your granddaughters scholarship !!!
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Postby JudyJB » Mon Mar 24, 2025 5:41 pm

BJ, maybe she thinks if she asks often enough, you will forget to put the muzzle on her!!

I ordered that non-skid pad but had to send it to my son's house in Napa, so I will not get it until we meet in mid-April in southern Oregon. If it works, I might try to get something similar but bigger for rear wheels. I also need to get some more boards since three are now broken, but I was thinking of trying out a large, 3/4 thick plastic cutting board to put on the pads, then add a chunk of plywood. Am going to experiment.

Still nice weather and no dust storms in the near future. I have been walking a little every night, but this campground is uphill, and I just get too out of breath. Will work on more distance when it is level--and at least London is level!!

Ohio son and his family are scheduled to take a plane to london tonight. Hope it is not cancelled again.
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Postby snowball » Tue Mar 25, 2025 12:20 am

didn't accomplish as much as intended to do but then what else is new??? put the clean dishes away and stacked up the dirty cleaned the filter ran the cleaner looked at it and it didn't open... it has a wax plug that is suppose to dissolve it didn't I even ran hot water for awhile hoping it start with hot water... didn't help I finally scraped off some of the wax put it back in the dish washer and ran it again... now it's being ran just so that I feel it's totally rinsed... I also cleaned the salt and pepper shaker's if I'd know it would be that easy would have done it sooner :lol: just ended up wiping them with a micro cloth... came clean so then took pictures of the shaker's now to post them on the messenger page when brother says too... don't know why he didn't want me to today but he is the one calling the shots...
nephew and wife came over tried to got the place on the sidewalk that seems to collect water... therefore ice... don't know if they succeeded or not... I asked them to fix a drawer that wasn't closing correctly guess one of my brothers has worked on it several times they did get a screw in and it is working just can't pull it out too far... it's cause of the heavy silverware that isn't silver heavy drawer... that took a lot longer than I expected I didn't know what was wrong just thought it was off track... they are leaving tomorrow for a two week vaca I'm sure that they will enjoy it immensely
was watching something today that made me wonder if any one knows where Louise ended up at or if she is still on the road...
Saw on FB that Anita's brother passed away ... felt so sorry for her and his wife...
you all have a great day
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Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 25, 2025 1:38 am

My son called and wanted to know how I liked the storm last night. I slept through it. I could tell we had wind but nothing like Lafayette. Some places around Lafayette had 80 to 90 mph winds. Their recycle bin blew over and he had to pick up cans in his neighbors' yards.

I went to the post office to mail the birthday present. It almost costs more for postage than what I was mailing. I gave up thinking I was going to wash the car and went through the car wash in town. My car looks a lot better without the New Mexico dirt.

BJ, you can come clean my desk. I keep forgetting I need to do my taxes.

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Postby Cudedog » Tue Mar 25, 2025 10:15 am

Redetotry wrote: Anne are you still looking for a place to move or have you abandoned the idea?

Thanks for asking, BJ. Probably I will never abandon the idea - especially on a day like today (March 25!) when temps will likely be in the mid-90's. This is not "normal" here for only mid-March, but what is normal anywhere these days?

The real estate prices in Klamath Falls, the small city/town where I was hoping to move, have seen home price increases from about 50% - 75% over the last three or four years. No longer do-able for me. When I first started looking home prices for KF were a lot less than they were for where I live, so it would have been a net gain for me. Now home prices of where I live are much less than they are in KF, so it would be a net loss.

So it looks like I will probably be here for the duration, although I still keep looking.

I am working on the "Want what you have" rather than the "Have what you want" sort of thing.

It is what it is, I guess - and life goes on.

Thanks for asking. :D

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