Saturday, March 22nd

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Saturday, March 22nd

Postby Colliemom » Sat Mar 22, 2025 12:21 pm

Good afternoon in this frosty Saturday here at tbe 45th. Cloudy, chilly 24°. Was snowing this morning but has since stopped. Been having these rounds of 50-60 degree Weather toward the end of the week with strong gusty winds, then rain in the evening, followed by falling temps and then snow overnight into the morning hours for the past three weekends. Not much in terms of snow, just enough to turn the ground white. Supposed to do it tomorrow night Into Monday again. And th dust from the western dust storms filtered this way again. Little brown snow here yesterday.

Karen, those are pretty good CD rates. I’ve seen 3.75% for two years my credit union. Barbie, I too drink a protein shake in the morning, but not everyday. Cottage cheese, hard cheeses, nuts, eggs are good sources of protein as is fish. But sone not necessarily for breakfast of course. I alternate my mornings with a shake one day, a hamburger or sausage patty with cottage cheese, scrambled eggs with sausage or bacon, or scrambled eggs with diced ham and shredded cheddar cheese mixed in over the course of the week. Shelia, how did the walk through go?

Not a lot going on here either. Just monkeying in the house. Finished up my spring cleaning and have som things for donation sitting on guest bed to take to town next week. Was not happyhow the bathroom caulking job turned out, so redoing it. Just have some touch ups to do on my heat baseboards and upstairs will be all done. Kitchen cabinets got a going over with Old English. Need to clean up the basement a bit, no big deal down there. Last year was total remodel of front porch, this winter it’s good cleaning of inside and later, if all goes well, should have replacement of patio door and two bedroom widows. Got to go through these house Maintenance things once in a while. Need to shake things up. Nothing big planned for this summer other than getting some new perennials in the flowerbeds. I’m sure sonething outside is gong to need a coat of paint or touchups after the winter. I know my deck will.

Off to get my ne charge card bill taken care of and do some Diamond painting.
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Re: Saturday, March 22nd

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 22, 2025 12:54 pm

My high yield savings account is getting 3.9% right now. I'm renewing a dinky cd next week at 4.5% for 14 months (it was at 5.5%). I'm happy with those rates but not as happy as what they were. Lol. I don't have a lot of money to save like this but figure every little bit helps.

We got a good walk in this morning. Partially cloudy so will repeat it soon. We visited various friends in the park. I'm cleaning today and changing bed linens. I'm doing a good job of eating what I have in the freezer and cabinets. Hopefully everything will be close to empty in a month.
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Re: Saturday, March 22nd

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 22, 2025 8:33 pm

Really tired today. Got a good night's sleep this morning, but got up early and joined a tour of the old ranch house that was owned by the person who once owned the property this state park resides on. Interesting stories about the rancher and cowboys in the area, who seemed to spend a lot of time stealing cattle and shooting each other! The tour is available only on Saturdays, so glad I went.

As I am getting close to being 82, I am getting more tired walking and having my back hurting when I have to walk or stand in one place. And while I really like this state park with its big sites, the sites are square and no where near level. They are gravel, and I do not have levelers, so when i put boards down to raise the front and one side, they slide out from under my wheels and also crack. Luckily, I do not have to use them very often, but I need to figure out a new solution--maybe some plastic pads that are larger and thinner? Rubber over the boards I use? It has also been hard to back into my spot uphill and get my rig even partly level. Every time I do it, it wears me out. After driving to the ranch today, I must have got out and looked or adjusted the boards a dozen times.

Also got to do more walking now that I am not stuck inside my rig because of dust storms. I will have to do a lot of walking in London, so need to work at it more.

And while I cannot eat that much protein per my doctor, I was thinking that there has to be recipes for homemade protein shakes that are less expensive. What about protein bars that you make yourself? If shakes, maybe you could mix a couple of days worth at a time??? Might also have fewer chemicals than the ones you buy.
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Re: Saturday, March 22nd

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 22, 2025 11:27 pm

I made it to the brunch this morning. It's a new restaurant that has only been open a couple of months. It's a chain called Ruby Slippers. The food was ok but there are a couple of breakfast places that I like better. The place is so noisy it's hard to hear someone talking to you. It's in a popular area so it was hard to find a parking place. After that I went to Ross, TJ Maxx and Ollies. I finally found something to send to my grandson's half sister for her birthday. I was going to stay in Lafayette and go eat supper with a friend but I started getting messages from my pet monitor that my power was out. Good thing I came home because the switch on the transformer was open and I had to call the electric company.

I have been letting the 7 month old kittens come in at night. They go crazy during the night and I never know what I will find. This morning the valance over the kitchen window was in the sink. I am going to take a couple more down and wash them while I'm at it.

Judy, I know what you mean about standing in one place. I can walk but it kills me to just stand. My motorhome has jacks but sometimes sites are so un-level that my front wheels will be off the ground. Jacks aren't meant to do that so I have to get out the boards. I found some plastic levelers that are about 3 foot long with with some dips. You can just drive up on them how ever much you need.

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Re: Saturday, March 22nd

Postby snowball » Sun Mar 23, 2025 12:20 am

back home again... Sue I haven't heard anything yet... I doubt that anything will come of it but who knows
my dd slid off the road today I guess there was someone who hit a slick spot and was somewhat out of control then she hit a slick spot was afraid if she continued the way she was going she would hit him and hurt him so she turned into a snowbank that turned out to be more ice than snow ... she was on her way to pick me up at my grandson's so he took me to Idaho Falls as well as his wife we meet everyone there after we finished at the temple we went back to grandson's house as they had her brother and sister in law coming then dd got an other car took me to one of my other dd's and she and her husband brought me home... good to be here tomorrow is Sunday hopefully I will manage to get up in time for church... Monday I think this body is going to recoup think I will clean the dish washer though. probably though if I'm going to wait that long I'd better wash the dishes... we will see I don't use a lot so perhaps I can fix some things that use fewer dishes... like peanut butter sandwiches :lol:
I saw a recipe just now that is suppose to be good with protein one that you can put in the fridge and snack on looks really good I ought to go one pintrest so I can file these recipes were I can find them I have a file on my computer but it's some times hard to copy and paste when there are pictures in the article...
I think I am going to say good night need to go in and put stuff away read scriptures
you all have a great day
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Re: Saturday, March 22nd

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Mar 23, 2025 4:02 am

It is late but will post now before I fall asleep.

Judy, here are some rubber pads that you could put under your leveling blocks for better traction... ... 08&sr=8-16

I went to David and Julie's this morning. Julie and I went to check out the home garden tour at their community. Some really nicely decorated and planted back yards! I think Julie got some good ideas for their back yard. It isn't very big but has a lot of potential for looking nice. After that, we watched a movie and then Julie cooked some burgers on the grill and we had a nice dinner outside on their patio. It was a beautiful evening!

Julie is flying to Orlando on Wednesday evening to spend a week with her brother who had surgery for an injury he got playing pickleball last week. I will be staying with David that whole week, along with the cats. I have a lot to get ready for that. I need to find the cat carriers. Julie also wants me to tell her what food I want her to buy for the week, so I need to look into some recipes I want to make, and then let her know tomorrow. I have quite a bit of food here I can take over to clear some space in my overcrowded pantry. I did finally get the last sliding shelf done yesterday and that helped get the top pantry shelf more organized. I think I will bring a couple of projects with me to work on there, as well. I am going to sell my propane fire pit that I have never used and am making a tabletop fire bowl instead, that I can put on the picnic table. It will fit the Sterno canisters in the middle with rocks around it. They cost a lot to buy but very cheap and easy to make. I will post pics when I am done with it.
Next Thursday and the following Tuesday, David's caregiver will be coming for 4 hours each day, so I can get out to run errands or go home and get anything I forgot to bring with.

I better get to sleep here! Got lots to do tomorrow around here. Monday and Tuesday will be in the mid to upper 90's so they won't be very good days to be outside working on stuff. Need to clean out my car so I have room for my stuff and the cats stuff on Wednesday.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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