Friday, the 21st

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Friday, the 21st

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Mar 21, 2025 1:22 pm

Good morning gals!

Thank you Beth for getting my pics posted! Sorry that was a PITA! I need to learn how to resize my photos. :roll: I can't believe how much easier it is to get in and out of the trailer now! Major difference! :D

Yesterday, I went to WM to get my meds and a few other things. I decided not to buy the protein drinks so I grabbed a half carton of eggs to have for breakfast instead. When I got back home, I realized I forgot to pick up my meds at the pharmacy :roll: but also, my eggs were nowhere in any of the bags. I know I put them on the belt at the checkout. So I will go back today for both. Hopefully, they will believe me that I didn't get the eggs and let me grab another 6 pack. I am sure it would seem a little more suspicious if I had gotten a 24 pack! :shock:

Need to clean inside the trailer today. Small spaces get messy really fast!

I am seeing more RV's and trailers pulling out of here and more empty spaces. The snowbirds are heading north. I wonder how the new laws for Canadians having to register and get finger-printed will affect the snowbird population next fall?

I fell asleep around 12:30 last night and didn't wake up until 10:30 this morning! :o Must have really needed the extra sleep since I usually automatically wake up at 7:30am.

Tomorrow, I am going to Julie and David's house in the morning. There is a garden tour at their community of people's back yard gardens, that we are going to check out. David's caregiver is part of that as she has a beautiful backyard area! Then there is an ice cream social afterward at their clubhouse. Should be a fun day! I need to stop at my storage unit to get a couple things I need too.

I better get dressed and busy here! Will probably head to WM first. Have a nice day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday, the 21st

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Mar 21, 2025 3:15 pm

Morning Barbie well afternoon now. Just finished some lunch and thought I would pop in here for a few. Cloudy off and on rain today but better weather is coming for a couple of days anyway. Soon better weather will be here every day, then be complaining about the heat ha ha at least we do not have the humidity.

Went to Fred Meyer (Krogers) to pick up my online order at 9am, was home by 9:30 Swept and mopped the kitchen floors, Henry was busy doing his thing in the living room and family room. Since I had a couple of CD's come mature now I am looking to see what I want to do with the money.....another CD or High yield savings. I am leaning towards the savings as I have an account that is paying 4.50% so that is very good for a savings acct. When they change it I will reevaluate.

Better not sit here too long, need to do a couple more things before I relax

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Re: Friday, the 21st

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:04 pm

I woke up at 5:30 am to use bathroom, as I often do, and was almost getting back to sleep when my OH son texted me and my other son at 7 am. He and wife had a flight out late tonight from Pittsburg to London, and of course it was cancelled. They were going to arrive in London tomorrow am and spend three nights there, then take Eurostar to Paris for a couple of nights, then fly back to Heathrow, and wife and kids were going to catch plane back to US. Son was then supposed to fly to Amsterdam for a few day's meetings. (He works from home with no U.S. main office here.)

So, of course you have heard about Heathrow shutting down. Plane was cancelled, and he and wife were upset about losing their money for three nights in an air-bnb apartment. (Turns out credit card has travel insurance.)

Anyway, texting went on between the three of us for a couple of hours, so I finally got up, but did not get dressed. British Air finally rebooked them for Monday night to arrive Tuesday, so they have one day in London, and then will take train to Paris on Wednesday. Keeping kids out of school on Monday and Tuesday, so they can return to London for three more nights. By this point, my head was ringing, as you might guess. ANd kept almost falling asleep in my chair this afternoon. I talked him into staying at a hotel I am staying at in June that is right across from Paddington, which is where express train comes into London from Heathrow on Tuesday. It is sort of a slightly better than Holiday Inn type budget place but with a restaurant. He was worried about it being too cheap and maybe crummy at $200, so maybe he will stay at the Paddington Hilton for $400!!! Dumb. The biggest problem is that they have three teenagers, which probably means a second room for 18 year old. (I told him he could blame me if the hotel was not nice enough, but what is wrong with a similar to Holiday Inn directly across the street from the train station?? :roll: Anyway, I assume they will all survive.)

I think he should have chosen one city--London or Paris, not both, but he wants to take the train through the Chunnel, and you know how adult kids listen to their mother!! Haven't heard from him since noon, and I am taking a quick shower and going to bed!! whew!
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Re: Friday, the 21st

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:33 pm

Another do nothing day, About all I did was hem some jeans. I had a pair that was too long so I decided to cut them off and make Capris. There aren't many days I wear long pants unless it's freezing.

I have a brunch with the meetup group in the morning and the hospice dinner on Sunday. Hope I can get up early two days in a row. I really hate to have to set the alarm.

Barbie, it will be interesting to see if the Canadian snowbirds come back. Canadians are really pissed with Trump now. Other countries are warning their citizens not to come here because of all the trouble some people are having.

Judy, hope your son's trip works out. I don't think I would want to be flying anywhere right now.

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Re: Friday, the 21st

Postby snowball » Sat Mar 22, 2025 12:02 am

last night was game night for my grandson and his wife they have several of her nieces and nephews come in and play whatever they were here until midnight ... after we ate I went to my room ... I've never gotten this site on my phone was wishing that I had... keep thinking that one day I should do so... one of the couple's that comes (a niece and her fairly new husband) brought stuff to make a quick soup for everyone... it was hot and sour which is a favorite when I go out for Chinese food... it was so good for my taste they put too much vinegar in it but I still ate my fair share... :lol:
it's been a quite few days we went out to get ice cream yesterday DQ was having free ice cream but the line in was so long that we went to Freddy's and got theirs much more expensive but only 3 cars in front of us :lol: I actually prefer concrete (the custard ice cream) to DQ anyway.... Grandson doesn't work on Friday's as they do a 10 hour day the rest of the week... so today we went to a place in Ashton that Larry and I used to stop at when we worked up in Island Park as camp hosts still good still much to much to eat
yesterday we as in granddaughter and I (reading her the recipe :lol: ) made the quick bread that my nephew's wife brought to mom's house the day before she passed away... really tasty so I got the recipe ... so we made that I don't remember it being that sweet but think after texting her know what the problem is even though it's sweet it is still really good... however it does give one a sugar high.. :oops:
BJ it is always hard to watch our fur babies when they are declining... so hard to understand what they need us to do
Beth it's good that you are able to get whatever taken care of before heading to Benson. it will be strange to be back in your motor home I am sure... I need to call about a couple of sites in Gold Star before they are not I may have mentioned but I actually had the information incorrect... it's a site that has only a shed with a washer and refrigerator in it... big enough for the 5th wheel and with a car port on it there is another site with a smallish trailer on it adequate for a single person with no slide outs ect... I am afraid I would feel cramped in... I don't like the feeling a closed in so not sure it would work something I would have to see and I've heard off a trailer that is larger but don't know anything about it just where it's at... I actually have seen it but don't remember (it's on the left side of the trailer the man I was talking to place) had it been on the right I would have wanted to get more information about it but think if I remember to do so either tomorrow or Monday I will call about the shed...
I bet that you do feel safer Barbie going up the stairs...
Karen an 8 dollar win was good...
Martha I know that you mentioned something yesterday as I just read it but now I can't remember what I wanted to reply to...
Oh Barbie to you like cottage cheese? I've seen lots of recipes using it to up the protein
you all have a great day
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