Thank you Beth for getting my pics posted! Sorry that was a PITA! I need to learn how to resize my photos.

Yesterday, I went to WM to get my meds and a few other things. I decided not to buy the protein drinks so I grabbed a half carton of eggs to have for breakfast instead. When I got back home, I realized I forgot to pick up my meds at the pharmacy

Need to clean inside the trailer today. Small spaces get messy really fast!
I am seeing more RV's and trailers pulling out of here and more empty spaces. The snowbirds are heading north. I wonder how the new laws for Canadians having to register and get finger-printed will affect the snowbird population next fall?
I fell asleep around 12:30 last night and didn't wake up until 10:30 this morning!

Tomorrow, I am going to Julie and David's house in the morning. There is a garden tour at their community of people's back yard gardens, that we are going to check out. David's caregiver is part of that as she has a beautiful backyard area! Then there is an ice cream social afterward at their clubhouse. Should be a fun day! I need to stop at my storage unit to get a couple things I need too.
I better get dressed and busy here! Will probably head to WM first. Have a nice day!