Calmer Wednesday March 19

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Calmer Wednesday March 19

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 19, 2025 3:25 pm

I was up at 5:30 am to try to get a camping spot in Florida, but no luck. Will wait until tomorrow, and if none where I want, I will wait until the COE sites open. Also, I can always go to my ace-in-the-hole of Midway, in the Big Cypress. Few tourists drive that far down, but I like it because it is quiet and I get to watch the alligators in the pond that the camping sites overlook!

Winds started out today at 21, but are now down to 17, and will be lower later in the afternoon. Next few days will be calm. Otherwise a boring day.
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Re: Calmer Wednesday March 19

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 19, 2025 10:07 pm

Not much going on. My ex sister-in-law called and talked to me for an hour. She made me miss the mail so I had to go to town to mail a letter.

The other day when I went to Walmart I found some mini pie crusts. I tried to make a fried pie with them but that dough soaks up too much grease.

We have a dust storm coming but I don't remember when it's suppose to get here. It's suppose to be cold tomorrow and maybe in the 30's at night. I hope the dust doesn't start up my allergies again. On my way to Lafayette I started sneezing and my nose started running. It lasted for a couple of hours and was gone.

Judy, hope you get your sites in Florida. My friends are camping this coming weekend but I couldn't get a site in the loop everyone is in and I can't hike half a mile back and forth where they will be.

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Re: Calmer Wednesday March 19

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 20, 2025 12:17 am

Not much happening here either. Unless something changes, I've made reservations for two motel nights to head back to Arizona just after mid-April. I have myself getting into Benson on Easter Sunday.

Judy, I'm wishing you good luck at getting Florida reservations where you want them, when you want them. Martha, my temp is going down some tonight, but nothing like yours. That said, I only used a sheet for a cover last night and have my light cover over it now and my heavy one at the bottom of the bed to pull up as it cools off overnight. We'll only reach 71 tomorrow which is fine with me. I'll make sure I take a sweat shirt to my eye appt. It's usually cool in their offices.
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Re: Calmer Wednesday March 19

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 20, 2025 12:43 am

we always have jello plans right??? got up did some organizing of the one bedroom then my nephew came said dad's in town right now... so he went to put a charger on the car because it's not been started it died... so then another nephew came oh yes my youngest brother came about 9:45 and dropped off a trailer to put stuff into whether it's garbage or good stuff going somewhere... saw him on ring as I'd just gotten up to go potty then was going to try and sleep a little longer... so his son showed up and between the three of them they got some old very old mattresses out of the basement as well as enough other stuff to fill the trailer (it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be) but guess it will work so then I more or less worked on getting mom's room to look somewhat better somewhere amongst all that dd called said it would be nice if I could go tonight instead of tomorrow over to grandson's house so decided that I would get the majority of the stuff off the tables and stashed somewhere... did that called and told her that I could go tonight called niece told her I had finished what I thought was enough and if she could vacuum I'd appreciate it... she was going to come over tomorrow and help me a bit in getting that dining room and the addition in better shape if she see's something that possibly should be done I guess she will do it... I was to the point of I didn't care ... it's just a walk through... if the think it will work for their needs then we will see what happens.. I did tell brother that I didn't want to have to be in a rush to get things taken care off... we will see what happens
so over at grandson's till Saturday have family things on Saturday in Idaho Falls this way I don't have to deal with the pass if the weather is bad... suppose to snow whether it will or not remains to be seen...
I always bring more than needed but this way I have options
bought a book light when in Ogden hadn't put it together because here they don't have a light by the bed just an over head which is hard when one needs to get up or when one is trying to find the bed in the dark so I put the thing together can't get it to turn on and I didn't bring the light I use on my bed (it doesn't work on the frame here so thought this other would be better) guess that is what I get for thinking ... so bummed about it
you all have a great day
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