Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby Colliemom » Mon Mar 17, 2025 9:08 am

Morning all. Beautiful but chilly morning here at the 45th. Temp is currently 18°. Was quite the miserable day here yesterday. Rain started in bit after 8 a.m., the transitioned to sleet and freezing rain and by 9 was turning to snow. Snowed all day, a heavy wet snow. Had some wind behind it too, so visibility wasn’t the greatest sometimes. Could barely see neighbors house across the road. Haven’t been out, but looks like 3-4 inches on my deck. Will shovel off walks and decks when I go out to put out trash and then head to town eventually. Give the roads a chance to clear. Supposed to be in 40’s.

Wow, Karen, that was quite a storm you had. Now named Nyla. Heading this way for Wednesday into Thursday. Another rain changing to snow scenerio it sounds like. Shelia, there are fires in the TX panhandle, OK and a bunch of other places in the plains and elsewhere. Fire Watch currently in effect from TX all the way to South Dakota, east into MO, AR etc. Sure was a busy weekend for you Irmi. Judy, the Cornish weren’t weren’t the only ones with Pasties in the U.P., although the best known ones. The Finnish also had them too. A bit different in variation, but not much. I love rutabaga in mine. But I really like them with beef cuts rather than ground beef. Seems like a lot of places grind everything up now. Barbie, could be the threads on the regulator where yout propane hose is attached, might be worn down. I would replace the regulator if it were me. Martha, glad the storms missed you. Lot of people killed this time around. And unfortunately it’s just the beginning.

Trip to town in my agenda this morning. Time to restock the larder and my wallet :lol: Plan to have lunch out while I am there. Just finished breakfast, the dogs got their share of eggs, so all’s well in their world. Karen, forgot to mention those puppies are so darn cute. I don’t think I will have another pup again at my age. Once my two are gone, I’ll see what happens from there. I’ll be pushing the 80 mark by then. Molly turns 11 this year and Piper 10.
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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby Shirlv » Mon Mar 17, 2025 10:52 am

Morning Sue and All, Happy St. Patrick Day. Corn beef is in the crockpot. No damage from the storm last night. Very windy and rain all night. All is good.
Be safe

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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Mar 17, 2025 12:02 pm

Good morning. No rain yet today. Yesterday was wild. Seems like the entire country is having some sort of issues. The worst seems over for us, even tho we have another "atmospheric river" coming towards us. Schools here are closed 3.5 - 4 inches of rain yesterday plus it was in the mid 40's so had some snow melt adding to it. The town 10 miles north of me had extensive flooding and evacuations. The mayor declared a state of emergency. It will take a while for people to clean up the mess the water, trees, slides and mud made. Many highways east and west are closed due to flooding or landslides. We have a river the Umpqua that runs thru here and downtown. There are also lots of creeks so flooding this time was inevitable.

The other wonderful news is that they say this is the worst flu season in 15 years. Hospitals and urgent cares are experiencing a deluge of patients with the flu. I have somehow escaped so far. They say it is up 65%. And it seems to last much longer, sometimes weeks.

I am just working in the house today. I didnt get anything done yesterday so I need to get busy. Will be salmon for dinner and maybe get to the store tomorrow or Wednesdy for some fresh veggies. Sue sounds like you are getting hit with inclement weather also. Shirl is tucked in cooking her St Paddys dinner.

I am off to finish my chores

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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Mar 17, 2025 9:41 pm

There was a St Patty's Day golf cart parade today and then a pot luck at the clubhouse after but I am not into the typical St Patty's Day food. I got my tape today so I put that on where my tester was going off. Didn't make any difference, so I went over to get my neighbor who usually helps me with that. The hose for the 2nd tank was removed before so I could get a longer replacement but I haven't done that yet. So the valve where that goes into was where the propane was coming from. So we put the hose back on for now. Problem solved, again. I did make a small mistake tho. He asked me to go in and try to light my stove to make sure everything was working. I went in, turned it on, lit it and then turned it off. However, I didn't really turn it off. I turned it the wrong way and it was on low instead but no flame lit. I came back in about 10 minutes later and could smell propane. :o I checked the stove and discovered my mistake and turned it off. Luckily, I had all my windows and both doors open and there is a strong breeze blowing thru so the fumes didn't build up in here. I will have to be more careful about that! :roll:

I cut the pieces for covering the steps but haven't put them on yet. The wind came up pretty gusty this afternoon so I decided to wait, maybe tomorrow morning. The material I got is a marine decking rubber material for pool decks, boat floors, inside of kayaks, etc. It is waterproof but soft and textured for traction, and easy to hose off. I used up almost the whole role for the steps.


Now I am checking out UV window tinting for inside the trailer for summer.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Mar 17, 2025 9:49 pm

I am still not able to post any pics on here for some reason. I will see if Beth can post them for me...(I just sent you an email)
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby Bethers » Mon Mar 17, 2025 11:25 pm

Barbie, I didn't get an email from you, but you did post one picture so maybe you got that figured out?
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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Mar 17, 2025 11:46 pm

Nothing St Patrick's for me today. If I go to Walmart tomorrow I might see if there are any corned beef on sale. I know I could find one at Sam's but I'm not that ambitious. We are still having nice weather but a little cool.

I made my own version of Mushroom Soup. I cooked 8 oz of sliced mushrooms in butter for 10 minutes and added them to a can of cream of mushroom soup and a can of milk. Cooked it on low for about an hour. It turned out really good. The only thing I would do different is chop the mushrooms up some. My son is requesting the cookies I make so will have to go get those ingredients. I think the last time I made some I tried to make a double batch and almost couldn't find something big enough to mix it in.

The cattlewomen meeting is tomorrow night at the feed store. There is someone from Purina that is going to give a talk about minerals for cattle. I'm not interested in that so probably won't go.

Barbie, I hope you got your gas fixed again. I grew up with gas heaters and cooking stove and I hated them. Back then they all had to be lit with a match. I would like to have a talk with the people that make Diamond Matches. Now they are so cheap that most of the time a match will break before I can get it to light. It takes me 10 matches to get the trash to burn.

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Re: Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Postby snowball » Tue Mar 18, 2025 12:57 am

I guess that there is someone who is going to come walk through the house to see if it is suitable for what they need... it's an elderly family member with a 24 hour care giver.... we will see so we are suppose to stash the boxes that I have laying around so one of my nephews came over took care of a few things for me and will be back tomorrow... it is a good friend of his that is going to walk through the house .... if they decide it will work it will save a realtor's commission we will hope one of the needs is being close to the hospital we are probably 5 minutes from the hospital... two bathroom's upstairs we don't have
it will be interesting to see what happens... so my day has not been a normal day
we had snow I think looking out the front window at the tree that is there it has fresh snow on it ... this whole week off and on is suppose to be snow or rain we won't complain not totally
do have plans for Saturday which is when the guy is suppose to be here but nephew will walk him through the house...he would anyway... not sure when I will be going to Idaho was going to be on Friday but weather is iffy so might go on Thurs although I need to speak with dd to see if that works... I actually think come to think of it that that was the original plan come to think of it... so it probably will... just checked with Ring and it is snowing the movement of the snow actually activates the lights on the camera...
I think I would like to try the mashed potato/cabbage mixture it sounds interesting...
I think it's a Vensezuela dish that is a sorta Pasty called pupusa's so very yummy... dough that is formed around a filling then flattened some can't remember if it's fried or baked probably fried
you all have a great day
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