Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 15, 2025 9:00 am

Good morning. I am up and packed, ready to head home. Have had a good visit. Did a little retail therapy too. Went to Hobby Lobby and helped my friend purchase a few things LOL I did buy a couple of things too :lol: Able to have lunch at Jersey Mikes, we only ate half our sandwiches saved the rest for later. As we had a very important visit to go to. Went to a friends house and got my puppy fix.......5 of the cutest 8 week old puppies. OMG they are adorable. Maverick the dad was not impressed with the puppies at all he hightailed it to the bedroom as they rushed to greet him ha ha He likes them in their xpens. It was fun to snuggle 5 wiggly puppies all at once...their teeth are very sharp. They are super busy pups right now, all over the place. I would never get anything done if I was around them. The funny part is there will be 5 more coming down from her aunts in Alaska next month but they are only 6 weeks old right now. I resisted the urge to smuggle one home with me. Nothing cuter than 5 wiggly Tibetan Spaniel Puppies to me. We were so happy she made some time for us to come visit.
She needs a bigger cot was the thought of the day ha ha 4 boys and 1 girl. The girl is the black and tan on the left. She is definitely snuggly sweet.


Emma was all over the vest I was wearing when we got home as she smelled "foreign dog smells".

Last night had some good Mexican food so I need to get back home and eat LESS again. I wont leave until about 9, no rain here yet. Maybe it wont rain today we shall see.


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Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 15, 2025 11:27 am

Morning Karen. I hope you are having a good drive with no problems at the passes. Those puppies are adorable. I always liked having two dogs but, like you, think one is better for me now. And luckily TY agrees.

One of my friends here is going with me to the farmers market this afternoon. Temps will be about 10 degrees less than yesterday and it's windy, but not obnoxiously so, enough though to make the higher temps we've been having bearable, so I'm happy. Yesterday with no breeze they weren't. TY and I were able to get a good walk in just a bit ago and hopefully will repeat before dark, with a short one after the market.
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Postby Redetotry » Sat Mar 15, 2025 3:22 pm

Ohhh Karen those puppies are really cute! I don't know if I could have resisted. it was in the 80's yesterday
and I turned on the A/C to cool the house down. I think that was an early record DH just shook this head. We were in the bad storm warning zone yesterday evening and the newscasters kept interrupting the TV shows. I wish they would do one or the other! We were lucky in that we only had a little wind and not the heavy rains that were predicted. Temps are going back to more normal spring type weather now.
Beth I'm happy for you that the temps are cooler and your going to the market. Barbie I hope you get your propane issue fixed right. Having all those leaks sounds dangerous
I just went to TJ Max for some retail therapy awhile ago but when I walked in I looked to see how long the check out lane was and decided that if I found something I wasn't going to wait in a line that long. So many stores have closed here they are always busy and I think have trouble keeping cashiers. Also Frontier internet was down for awhile this morning and some stores were only able to accept cash as payment. So many people don't carry cash anymore I know they lost a lot of sales. I think I need an afternoon snack DH brought some apple crisp at a food truck last night and it is calling my name. He also bought a BBQ brisket sandwich that was one of the best I've had.
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Postby snowball » Sun Mar 16, 2025 12:28 am

hope you had an uneventful trip home Karen... what cuties those puppies are... it's always good to go away for a few days ....rejuvenating
how was the market Beth? love to go to farmer's market... they have a huge one in SLC during the summer always fun to wonder through usually get a mint lemonade that was so yummy...
I missed two alarms today... I tell myself I must have needed it... although I didn't do anything today to speak off... read scriptures thought my nephew and niece were going to come over to move a couple of boxes for me but they didn't make it... even had the rooms open so they would warm up a bit...
it was a cloudy somewhat snowy day here... not a snow that is going to last long at all suppose to be more of the same tomorrow and tonight
I was going to mention yesterday about something I saw in the store... a seasoning put out I think by Dan'0 called devil's spit.... I am assuming that it is hot??? I resisted though not into overly hot stuff
been watching a show called Unexplained by W. Shattner he is the narrater been interesting strange things and happenings I think it's on the History Channel
every since I've been here I've wondered where mom's pizza cutter was she has one of the big sturdy ones and all I could find is the normal whimpy one .... I found it the other day... I knew she had one or used to cause I've always wanted one like it just never found it when I was looking for it...
you all have a great day
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Postby Acadianmom » Sun Mar 16, 2025 1:15 am

BJ, you made it farther at TJ MAXX than I did. I made one loop around the parking lot and left. Too many people. After the storm passed about noon the weather was nice. I decided to go visit my friend that I use to work with that moved back to Lafayette. They bought a new house in a new subdivision but the houses are so close together.

Sheila, I watch the show Unexplained sometimes. You probably have one of the Pampered Chef pizza cutters. I have one and it's really nice.

I haven't made it to one of the Sunday Farmers Markets yet. Maybe tomorrow.

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