Good evening gals!
I didn't get to bed until after 3am!

Then I woke up at 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I figured I would take a nap later today but didn't feel tired enough. Will head to bed early tonight.
The dove now has two eggs in her nest!

I can see the nest from my slide window so I can keep tabs on what is going on. They should hatch in 2 weeks.
I ran out of propane last night. I had bought a small space heater a couple weeks ago and had that on in my bedroom. I went outside today to switch to the smaller propane tank. I got it hooked up and turned on and then I could smell propane!

I found my propane leak tester last week so I brought that out. It started beeping loud and fast around one of the hoses where it attaches to the metal piece where the two hoses from two tanks connect. I am so tired of these hose and valve issues! The hoses are all new! Why do these things seem so fragile? So I turned the tank off and now I have the fireplace heater going in the living room.
We didn't get any rain overnight like they had predicted. It was cold and cloudy today but the wind wasn't as bad as yesterday. It is supposed to rain tonight but so far nothing has started. It is supposed to be sunny and a little warmer tomorrow, around 60*. I didn't have to pull in my slide yesterday. It was pretty windy but not any worse than I have experienced before. I do have support jacks and they are on leveler blocks.
Judy, the I-10 at Picacho Peak was almost at a stand-still yesterday due to a Haboob moving thru that area! I didn't get much dust around here but it is pretty built up around here so that probably blocks a lot of it.
Yesterday, Jackie, the eagle, sat on the nest all day during the big snow storm and high winds (up to 100 mph!

). This morning I checked the eagle cam and there are only 2 eaglets in the nest! No one knows what happened to the third one.

So sad!!
Tomorrow there is an art fair here in the clubhouse. Some will be from the park here and some are crafters from outside the park. Will check that out. I was asked by my neighbor if I wanted to participate with my gourds. I told here I just don't have any to sell right now. There is another craft fair here in November so I hopefully will have some made by then. I can make smaller ones that RV'ers would have space for, and make some Christmasy ones. I have a bag of small round gourds with the metal tops on them to hang as ornaments.
Cats are almost out of food but I need to wait until tomorrow to buy more. I am hoping to get my SS check deposited tomorrow morning and then I can go shopping. I think the cats will survived until then.
Julie's brother had an accident and is in the hospital in Orlando. She wants to fly out there late next week and see him for a few days. She asked if I can go stay with David while she is gone. I said I will. I can take the cats with me.
Have a good night!