Fri afternoon

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Fri afternoon

Postby Bethers » Fri Mar 14, 2025 3:48 pm

Good afternoon. Before I forget, Sheila, I didn't know about the Americas TV show. I found it and will definitely be checking it out. It looks like something right up my alley.

I had a gate delivered yesterday and it's nice but won't work for me, so returned it and purchased another that I'll make work. I looked at hooks, etc but didn't find a way to use them with my doors. I'll still probably do some work to make the gate I purchased work better but it'll do for the rest of this season.

It's 97 out right now and predicted to go up another degree or two. After a high predicted of 90 tomorrow we'll go back to more normal temps in the low 80's for highs for the following week. That'll make me happy. I'm hoping I'll be able to handle the 90 high that'll happen tomorrow afternoon because I really want to go to the farmers market.
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Re: Fri afternoon

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:02 pm

It was supposed to be a high of a whopping 54, but ended up having a high of 46! Some wind and some dust, but not as much as last night and a LOT less than it was back in Rockhound. This is a very unusual March here because it is about 10-15 degrees colder than usual and a lot windier. Supposed to be 51 tomorrow and 72 on Monday! Wind will be less, at least.

Beth, can you huff and puff and blow some of your hot weather here?

Called the tax people again who are supposed to be working on my aunt's estate, and after three calls, finally spoke to a real person. I returned their contract on Feb 5 and sent a ton of tax stuff on Feb 7th, and had not heard from anyone in spite of emails, text messages, and phone calls. I told the receptionist that I was wondering if the company was still in business or if the tax person who was assigned to be had been fired or was dead!! (Basically, it was one of my better rants because I was furious!) I told the lady who finally called me back from the tax person's supervisor office that I had never in my entire life in business worked with a vendor who refused to respond to my messages, and if the company could not or did not want to do these taxes, that I needed to know ASAP so I could hire someone who could and would!!!

Slept in and lazy today. Up late last night posting on blog. Got one to do now, if I can get the energy. Make pasties the other day, so going to unfreeze one and heat one up for dinner. Had late lunch since I was on phone ranting, so not for another hour or two.
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Re: Fri afternoon

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Mar 14, 2025 10:13 pm

Go get them, Judy. lol Having to handle an estate is hard. The lawyer's office had the judgement of possession for a year and never sent it to me. The CPA that filed the estate tax return said it was closed and it wasn't. My son is not good with paper work so if something happens to me I hope he can find someone to help him. I keep a note book with current statements and information for him.

The weather was ok today until almost dark and the wind got here. I can hear it blowing and it's suppose to be worse tomorrow.

My shoulder and upper arm has been bothering me a lot lately. I put one of the medicated patches on it so now I smell like my grandpa. He use to put something called Snares Relief on every night so he always smelled like menthol.

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Re: Fri afternoon

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:07 pm

And the thing is, Martha, that I am only one of 6 people who are waiting for money from this estate!! Three of them are my aunt's great-nieces and a great-nephew, so are young (mid-30s) and two of them really need the money. One is waiting to replace his defective furnace and add AC to his home in Oregon. The estate has gone on for more than a year because my aunt died in January, and thus we have to deal with 2024 taxes. Had she died later in the year, things could have proceeded faster.

And what kind of a business can just ignore customers and not respond to them?? And even if they were not a business, that is just plain rudeness.
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Re: Fri afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:11 pm

Good evening gals!

I didn't get to bed until after 3am! :roll: Then I woke up at 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I figured I would take a nap later today but didn't feel tired enough. Will head to bed early tonight.

The dove now has two eggs in her nest! :D I can see the nest from my slide window so I can keep tabs on what is going on. They should hatch in 2 weeks.

I ran out of propane last night. I had bought a small space heater a couple weeks ago and had that on in my bedroom. I went outside today to switch to the smaller propane tank. I got it hooked up and turned on and then I could smell propane! :evil: I found my propane leak tester last week so I brought that out. It started beeping loud and fast around one of the hoses where it attaches to the metal piece where the two hoses from two tanks connect. I am so tired of these hose and valve issues! The hoses are all new! Why do these things seem so fragile? So I turned the tank off and now I have the fireplace heater going in the living room.

We didn't get any rain overnight like they had predicted. It was cold and cloudy today but the wind wasn't as bad as yesterday. It is supposed to rain tonight but so far nothing has started. It is supposed to be sunny and a little warmer tomorrow, around 60*. I didn't have to pull in my slide yesterday. It was pretty windy but not any worse than I have experienced before. I do have support jacks and they are on leveler blocks.

Judy, the I-10 at Picacho Peak was almost at a stand-still yesterday due to a Haboob moving thru that area! I didn't get much dust around here but it is pretty built up around here so that probably blocks a lot of it.

Yesterday, Jackie, the eagle, sat on the nest all day during the big snow storm and high winds (up to 100 mph! :o ). This morning I checked the eagle cam and there are only 2 eaglets in the nest! No one knows what happened to the third one. 8-) So sad!!

Tomorrow there is an art fair here in the clubhouse. Some will be from the park here and some are crafters from outside the park. Will check that out. I was asked by my neighbor if I wanted to participate with my gourds. I told here I just don't have any to sell right now. There is another craft fair here in November so I hopefully will have some made by then. I can make smaller ones that RV'ers would have space for, and make some Christmasy ones. I have a bag of small round gourds with the metal tops on them to hang as ornaments.

Cats are almost out of food but I need to wait until tomorrow to buy more. I am hoping to get my SS check deposited tomorrow morning and then I can go shopping. I think the cats will survived until then.

Julie's brother had an accident and is in the hospital in Orlando. She wants to fly out there late next week and see him for a few days. She asked if I can go stay with David while she is gone. I said I will. I can take the cats with me.

Have a good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Fri afternoon

Postby snowball » Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:22 am

I think the time change is still messing with me...I woke up early went potty back to bed then when I woke up with the first alarm actually only dozed through 2 finally gave in and got up vacuumed the closet and part of my room and down the hall ended up pulling the cord on vacuum up short so pulled a bunch of stuff off the chest there the power thing was sitting got every thing back in place... niece and nephew came and took me to the library to sign the papers... so that is done... I mentioned how it went to somewhere in Tenn. the weird thing about it was my sister in law lives in Newdale Idaho... about 90 mins away it came through FedX she would probably have taken it to Rexburg to send it off... about 2 hours away the hub that FedX uses to send packages to Jackson in in Rexburg and it's flown to Memphis or whichever town in Tenn it was????? Totally mind blogging on to the store and I of course over buy in actuality all I really needed was milk but came away with oh so much more than that!!! but ham steak was 5 sounded good buy two and get two free o coke products I don't drink a lot of pop but I do enjoy the Freska sparkling water so got two of those and then 1 ginger aide and 1 cherry lime sprite I think it was it sounded good it could be my 2 year supply of pop :lol: :lol:
good thing I had people to bring it all in
hopefully I will be able to drive next week
got some potato chips that sounded good didn't overly like them the one that I ate
Beth I'm not remembering where you are putting a gate? you will have to share a picture of how it is I thought when I've seen the ads for that show you would like it as well as I bet Anne and Sue both would I need to see if I can remember it to watch at least part of it Tracker is on at 7 I think that show is on for two hours starting at 6 on different networks...
Judy too bad that you are having so much winds not fun when traveling
Barbie I am sure that you can get some gourds ready for the Nov craft fair
you all have a great day
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