Thursday, March 13th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Thursday, March 13th

Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 13, 2025 7:33 am

Morning. Lots of chatting yesterday in here. Barbie, I agree with the others, pull that slide in all tbe way in those winds. I assume you don’t have stabilizer jacks on your trailer since you mentioned you were rocking a bit in Wind before. I suggest you think about getting some. Or if you do have some, make sure they are on sometime of hard surface like a block of wood and not sitting in the ground. I just read a nice post yesterday regarding the eagles nest tree. It’s a big thick tree with very deep roots, so they said no worry of storms. It has weathered wi ds as high as 80 mph.

Speaking of animals getting out of trailers via the screen doors, Molly did that to me while we were camping in West Yellowstone. I was sitting on the other side of my trailer with the people who were next to me and all of a sudden she came walking around the trailer. After that I put a hook and eye on the inside of my screen door so when I was in the trailer, I could keep that door latched all the time. for the majority of the time, though, I usually left my door open all the time and my dogs were on their 20 foot leads and they were free to come and go in and out whenever they wanted. Thry preferred to be out, under the trailer for the most part. I only did that when no bugs around, which was pretty much the majority of the tine I was at the campgrounds. I also put some clear plexiglass on the lower half of the screen door to protect it from dogs scratching the screen.

Was thinking about what Barbie said about our National Parks and I’m so glad ai saw a number of them over the years before the crowds and climate issues arrived. I’m sure most of us feel the same way. We

Karen, have a safe and fun trip. Shelia, it’s crazy how mail and other stuff goes these days. I’ve had stuff go through OH to MI and back to OH a second time before getting up here. Depends on the distribution centers. Sometimes you wonder.

As for today, a bit of housework in agenda and then will finish the bathroom project. Got the painting done around the vanity edge, so now to caulk and done. Another thing off my TO DO list.

Supposed to be sunny and 0’stoday, warmer tomorrow and Saturday with showers and storm coming in tomorrow night into Saturday. Colder and more normal 40’s by Sunday. So will be a nice afternoon for a walk with the girls.
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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:28 am

Good morning. Arrived yesterday at around 2. It rained the whole way down. I dont mind the rain so much but the spray from the trucks and other vehicles I dont like. There were no idiots on the road tho so that was good. We had to go do a couple errands yesterday. I needed to go to the bank and deposit my check from one of my CD's maturing. I thought they would just deposit back to the bank I funded out of but noooooooooo. So I just deposited it in my account for now. Will deal with where to put the money when I get home. Then we went and picked up Marjories prescription at Fred Meyer. Came home and visited until dinnertime. Today she has the "Leaf Filter" company coming to install her gutter covers. I think she got sucked in but hey not for me to judge. I havent heard real good things about them but not my business. The fellow I was chatting with at the bank said "you know it is going to snow here the next couple of days"......NO, NO it is not. I checked it out and mostly will be a rain snow mix. Not sure about the 4 passes I have to go over but will worry about that on Saturday.

Just having my coffee and catching up on here

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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Mar 13, 2025 12:00 pm

Good morning gals!

The sun is out and just breezy for now but still several advisories out for high winds, heavy rain and thunderstorms, and a dust storm ahead of it. Oh fun! Probably will start sometime after noon here and last all day.

I have not heard any cooing this morning from the doves. I hope they are OK. Will have to run outside and spy on them.

I need to check to make sure nothing outside is in the way of bringing in the slide if needed. Then move some things out of the way inside. The couch comes pretty close to the kitchen peninsula when the slide is in with just about a foot to squeeze thru. Doable but tight. Need to make sure cats are accounted for too before I move it (another reason I didn't want them to be under the couch where I couldn't get them out). Hopefully, I won't need to tho. Will play it by ear. Also need to make sure everything else outside is secure.

I checked the nest cam this morning and they are only showing camera #2 on Shadow sitting in a tree in a snow storm. No sign of camera #1 all night. I wonder if something happened to that camera from the wind or maybe it is just covered up in snow? I am sure Jackie and the chicks are fine since Shadow is just hanging out on his usual perch in another pine tree nearby. Looks like that area is getting a lot of snow tho! Comments are closed for now, so no info on what is going on. Will keep checking today.

Apparently it is staying pretty warm at night since I am still on the same propane tank from a few weeks ago and heat is still occasionally coming on at night. Once the 30 lb tank is empty, I will switch it over to the 20 lb tank which is full and should last awhile with the temps warming up gradually now. I want to get some window film that cuts the UV rays down quite a lot. I bought some for the windows in the park model but never put it up :roll: . I see some park models here have it in their windows and it looks nice. I can also get some special tape to put around the sides of the windows to block air from coming thru. I hate to put refectix in all my windows because I hate being in the dark and not being able to look outside at all. I have read that if you use the larger bubble wrap on the windows instead, that that will work pretty good at insulating the windows. Will try it at least. I also plan to put up a UV tarp covering the slide-out since those are the biggest windows and get a lot of sun on that side. Any other suggestions are welcome!

I am dressed but still in bed so I better get up and outside before the winds pick up.

Have a good day!

UPDATE: just went outside to secure things. I noticed that I had put the shelves against the slide so I needed to move it over in case I have to put the slide in. The momma was sitting in the nest and I really hated to disturb her, but I had to. I gently picked up the plastic shelving and moved it over a bit. She stayed in the nest at first but then flew out. That is when I saw a tiny egg in the nest! I hope she comes back! I feel bad that I had to do that.

I just went out to check and she is back in the nest. The winds are blowing from the SW so she will be protected on the other side of the trailer from the winds there. The wind is already starting to pick up now.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Mar 13, 2025 1:45 pm

This is where the shelf was before, up against the slide. I moved it over next to the picnic table. The nest is in the pot on the second from the top shelf. I put some small plastic bin lids on the top shelf to protect her a little from the rain. (The picnic table is there because they had to move it out of the way to get the huge RV out yesterday. :shock: )


Here she is...(took from across the lot next to me).


And Romeow looking out wondering what I am doing...

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby JudyJB » Thu Mar 13, 2025 6:01 pm

Barbie, I would put that film only on windows on the south and west side of your RV. That will give you some sunlight. And that dove really has a good setup with the lid you put over her! And any babies will not fall out of that basket, and if they did, they will end up in the basket. Also, I checked the weather map on my iPhone and opened up the wind graph, and it shows you are at the highest point of the wind at 24 MPH. It will start dropping and be at about 16 MPH in two hours.

I am waiting for our predicted dust storm. Winds are expected to be only 20 today and only 21 tomorrow, compared to the 30 MPH in Rock Hound SP. Check my blog for photos of the worst of the storm. Just started to get a big hazy here and I can see the dust in the valley below.

Hiked uphill to the visitor center and asked about paying someone to help me with changing my water filter and trying to pair my backup camera with the new monitor I have. Two of the camp hosts came down and one was able to change my very dirty water filter. Even he had trouble unscrewing it, but put it back on hand-tight, so I should be able to get it off myself in the future. We could not get the camera to pair with the monitor, however, so I will have to call company and possibly take it to local RV dealer.

I have plenty of water in my tanks, so I am not going outside anymore today. I did not even put my table cloth or anything else outside, but will do so tomorrow when it is calmer.
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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:58 pm

We are suppose to start with the wind tomorrow with 25 to 35 mph winds. Then Saturday worse winds with rain. I don't remember a time we have had so much wind except with a hurricane. My sister said her son was coming Saturday to pick up the old mower. Hope he checks the weather.

Karen, I had closed a CD last year and put the money in my checking account so I could move it to another bank. My bank told me I couldn't use that money for a week. :evil: I have only been a customer there for 50 years and they treat me like I'm up to something. They tick me off pretty often.

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Re: Thursday, March 13th

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 13, 2025 11:57 pm

it was a day where I bounced from one thing to another and didn't accomplish anything... :(
did pull out the boxes in mom's closet a pair of shoes never worn... boxes that were kept to put snowbabies back in just not sure which ones... need to vacuum the floor then I'm going to put some boxes with photo's and books back in then put some of the boxes back in one box of shoes probably will toss away... they looked like they were worn
the utensils that came out of the drawer what I'm debating about put in the dish washer so actually the only thing I finished was scriptures....did of course waste time on B and the reels going to the store tomorrow milk I'm sure there are other things I need might look at a recipe that I've saved see what I have for it and get what I don't have... I really need to start shopping here at home so when it's time to leave here I don't have to box up a lot of food
take care in the winds Barbie I think it's the time of the year...
I don't know if the show "America's" is on streaming or not I would think so from the ad's it soubds really good I need to remember to check it out
the computer was over taken guess by an update hate it when that happens doesn't even warn me anymore ... so I still need to check on my e-mails and banking
you all have a great day
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