Morning. Lots of chatting yesterday in here. Barbie, I agree with the others, pull that slide in all tbe way in those winds. I assume you don’t have stabilizer jacks on your trailer since you mentioned you were rocking a bit in Wind before. I suggest you think about getting some. Or if you do have some, make sure they are on sometime of hard surface like a block of wood and not sitting in the ground. I just read a nice post yesterday regarding the eagles nest tree. It’s a big thick tree with very deep roots, so they said no worry of storms. It has weathered wi ds as high as 80 mph.
Speaking of animals getting out of trailers via the screen doors, Molly did that to me while we were camping in West Yellowstone. I was sitting on the other side of my trailer with the people who were next to me and all of a sudden she came walking around the trailer. After that I put a hook and eye on the inside of my screen door so when I was in the trailer, I could keep that door latched all the time. for the majority of the time, though, I usually left my door open all the time and my dogs were on their 20 foot leads and they were free to come and go in and out whenever they wanted. Thry preferred to be out, under the trailer for the most part. I only did that when no bugs around, which was pretty much the majority of the tine I was at the campgrounds. I also put some clear plexiglass on the lower half of the screen door to protect it from dogs scratching the screen.
Was thinking about what Barbie said about our National Parks and I’m so glad ai saw a number of them over the years before the crowds and climate issues arrived. I’m sure most of us feel the same way. We
Karen, have a safe and fun trip. Shelia, it’s crazy how mail and other stuff goes these days. I’ve had stuff go through OH to MI and back to OH a second time before getting up here. Depends on the distribution centers. Sometimes you wonder.
As for today, a bit of housework in agenda and then will finish the bathroom project. Got the painting done around the vanity edge, so now to caulk and done. Another thing off my TO DO list.
Supposed to be sunny and 0’stoday, warmer tomorrow and Saturday with showers and storm coming in tomorrow night into Saturday. Colder and more normal 40’s by Sunday. So will be a nice afternoon for a walk with the girls.