Morning all. Already heading into mid March, tine is moving right along as usual. Cloudy here this morning with a temp of 24°. Haven’t seen a forecast for today yet. Was a beautiful yesterday, around 40, but a cold north wind. The girls and took our longest walk we’ve done since December now that we can walk Along the highway again. 2 1/4 miles around the next lake over. We will all be glad when our path is melted down enough to start gong through there again. It’s getting there.
Irmi, glad to hear your priest is doing much better. Are you playing for the installation ceremony? Judy, I didn’t realize you were coming back into MI this year. Mostly downstate I assume. Bet Ty feels good after his spa time Beth. Shelia, I agree with you in donating stuff if it’s still useable. Somebody can always use it. One word of caution, toss out any black plastic cooking utensils. They are made fron recycled electronics among other things and the black plastic from computers, TV’s and other electronics have fire retardant in them. There’s been warnings out about not using black plastic utensils due to that.
My dusting plan for yesterday got changed as I was in the mood to replace the caulking around my bathroom vanity, so got into that. It’s a multi day project, as after I cleaned out the old caulk, decided to put some spackling along the edge where the paint meets the vanity and then smooth amd paint along the edge.Once the paint dries, then will apply the caulking. Sanding and painting the edge is today’s project I think. First is trip to the store, ran out of freezer paper and have a few items in my list.
Fed tax return is in the bank, just waiting on the State one. Should be along shortly.
Time to get going here. Shower, wash hair and off to the store. Have a nice day all.