Mid Month Wednesdsy

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Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby Colliemom » Wed Mar 12, 2025 7:42 am

Morning all. Already heading into mid March, tine is moving right along as usual. Cloudy here this morning with a temp of 24°. Haven’t seen a forecast for today yet. Was a beautiful yesterday, around 40, but a cold north wind. The girls and took our longest walk we’ve done since December now that we can walk Along the highway again. 2 1/4 miles around the next lake over. We will all be glad when our path is melted down enough to start gong through there again. It’s getting there.

Irmi, glad to hear your priest is doing much better. Are you playing for the installation ceremony? Judy, I didn’t realize you were coming back into MI this year. Mostly downstate I assume. Bet Ty feels good after his spa time Beth. Shelia, I agree with you in donating stuff if it’s still useable. Somebody can always use it. One word of caution, toss out any black plastic cooking utensils. They are made fron recycled electronics among other things and the black plastic from computers, TV’s and other electronics have fire retardant in them. There’s been warnings out about not using black plastic utensils due to that.

My dusting plan for yesterday got changed as I was in the mood to replace the caulking around my bathroom vanity, so got into that. It’s a multi day project, as after I cleaned out the old caulk, decided to put some spackling along the edge where the paint meets the vanity and then smooth amd paint along the edge.Once the paint dries, then will apply the caulking. Sanding and painting the edge is today’s project I think. First is trip to the store, ran out of freezer paper and have a few items in my list.

Fed tax return is in the bank, just waiting on the State one. Should be along shortly.

Time to get going here. Shower, wash hair and off to the store. Have a nice day all.
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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby Shirlv » Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:54 am

Good morning Sue and All, I have no interesting news but was in the area so thought I would say Hi. We have had sunshine and decent temps,. Good porch weather since wind usually comes from the north. Have Chocolate and sunshine so life is good. Be safe

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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 12, 2025 10:14 am

Good morning. Rain rain and more rain for the next 7 days. I am heading south to Medford/Talent today to visit my friend. So of course it is raining but no snow so I am good with that. At least it isnt cold out. And so far just a light steady rain. I just mosey, take my time let all the idiots pass me. Will be leaving later this morning or maybe after lunch.

Time for some breakfast, shower, and get packing. The dog wiill be very excited when I get the suitcase out.

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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 12, 2025 10:58 am

Good morning gals!

Yesterday I got a few things done. I raked out the gravel under the steps to make it more level and secure for the new steps. I watered down the dirt to make it easier to level that out later, also knowing it was going to rain all night, which it did. The ground here is very hard so need to soften it up some to work with it.

Also cut up the mattress and took that to the dumpster. Went to water my poor flowers which I had on a plastic shelving unit by the front door. I noticed what looked like the beginning of a bird nest in one of them. Not a good location for that right by the door. So I had an extra pot and put some rocks in the bottom, then some of the little foam fluffy stuff that came off when I was cutting up the mattress, and then put the nesting material that was in the other pot on that. I moved the shelf around to the back of the trailer next to the slide-out where it would be more out of the sun and wind and quieter back there. I knew it was a couple of mourning doves making the nest so I was hoping they would find the new location and continue to work on the nest. Well, this morning they are busy working on it! It is below the bedroom window so the cats are watching closely! The RV next door is leaving today so then it will be nice and quiet back there.

We did get a few hours of good rain last night. Will get more tomorrow and then again on Saturday. So the deserts should be nice and green next week! Need to go hiking soon!

I want to put my stairs together today but need to see if we are gonna get more rain today like they predicted. I can at least level out the area below the steps now that the ground there is nice and soft to work with.

Got my .40 cents off gas yesterday so saved some money there!

So sad what is happening with the National Parks and Forests around the country, and right before the busy spring and summer season. It will be a mess for tourists and the parks. Not enough staff to monitor visitor centers, tourons, animals, trash, rest rooms, roads, etc. :cry:

That's about it for me! Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 12, 2025 2:35 pm

Sheila and Sue, I agree on donating. I try not to throw anything away that's still usable for someone else. Barbie, I think you'll love having those new steps. And I'm so glad I'm not really in travel mode these days as it's rare for me to not have a national park, etc along my way. They are favorite stops. And while there were more rules during the height of Covid, nothing like what's going on now.

I've done laundry and other chores. A couple little things I'll get to yet. I just ordered a baby/dog gate to use at my main door to make sure TY doesn't open the screen door and escape. He's done it twice now, 2nd time today, both times when I'm walking to the laundry. I blamed myself the 1st time but I know for sure it was completely closed today. Luckily he just ran straight to me. He is a velcro dog lol. But even if he might not do it when we're both inside, I now know it's possible and can't take chances.

Sue, the groomer I'm using says he's calming down more each time, but I don't think he'll ever like his nail trims. And she said he's not happy with all the noise and other dogs. But he's certainly thrilled when I pick him up.
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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:59 pm

Just got a weather warning a little while ago. Tomorrow from noon to midnight we are in for a ton of rain and winds up to 60 mph. :shock: At what point do you pull in the slide? My slide is long and extends about 3 feet out. I do not have a topper on it tho. I haven't even thought about putting the slide in during other storms but this one sounds pretty severe. Can I pull it in part-way or does it have to come in the whole way?

My RV neighbors left this morning. The guy even came over to say good-bye which I thought was nice.

I checked the shelving unit this morning and the mourning dove was sitting in the pot/nest. I put a plastic bin cover on the top shelf to keep the sun off the lower shelf. I hope she and the nest survive the storm tomorrow! I read that they can lay their eggs a day or two after making the nest. I hope she waits for a few more days! She is kind of protected from the wind next to the slide, but if I close it, she won't be. I guess it depends on which way the wind is blowing.

Beth, I had several people come by this morning looking for a cat that had escaped an RV (for the 2nd time this morning!). They told me it is a Maine Coon cat and seems to know how to open the door by itself. I told them that MC cats are very intelligent so the owner needs to figure out how to lock the door so the cat can't open it. Luckily, I heard they found the cat a little while later. Beth, sounds like you have a plan to keep Ty inside as well. You gotta do what you gotta do! These animals are smart and where there is a will, there is a way! Luckily, my cats have no interest in going outside. I have found Romeow sitting at the doorway when I went outside and forgot to close the door all the way. He easily could have run out if he wanted to. I did take him outside once when I was in CA and he just freaked out and wanted back in ASAP!

I brought my autobiography bin from the storage unit last week. I pulled out my notes this afternoon and started writing on the Memoir website. I waste so much time playing on my phone, when I could be writing instead. I really want to get the autobiography done this year. My daughter's birthday is in 2 weeks. She will be 24.

Tomorrow will be an inside day so I can get a lot of writing done. Also could stand to do some cleaning and organizing done. I got a name and number of a handyman from a neighbor lady, that I can call about getting my vent fan installed. My neighbor, Erik, doesn't seem too interested in doing that. Will eventually need help removing the top bunk too, and then getting that vent fan installed in there. I didn't get the stairs put together today so that will have to wait probably until Friday before the next storm comes on Saturday. :roll:

OK, enough rambling... I will enjoy the calm tonight before the big storm tomorrow. :shock:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 12, 2025 10:29 pm

Sue, you are right that I had planned to spend next year out west, as well as this year. However, this fall and winter was really cold and rainy in a few places I wanted to stay at, so I ended up spending too much time indoors. Considering that the temperature map kept showing warmer weather in Florida, I changed my plans and am going to head there next late September.

I will be in Ohio for a few weeks in August, and plan a quick drive up to Michigan to visit my cousin who was my baby sitter when I was little. Her husband passed away last fall, and she is missing old relatives. She's i n fairly good health but is 89, so I want to visit her when I can. Right now she is staying with a daughter in the detroit area, and I don't know where she will be in the summer. She and her husband built their northern home about 25 years ago, but it has a basement and two stories on top of that, so lots of stairs--not very practical when you are her age.

Very rough drive today. I did not get much sleep last night and woke up at 9 am to find it windier than i expected, so I got busy, dumped my tanks and headed to Alamogordo, but the wind was hitting me from the back and then the side, so I had to drop my speed. I took a break to visit the WHite Sands Missile Museum, which is about 60 miles south of Alamagordo. It is on an Army base, so had to go through a lot of approvals and then walk to the museum which was just inside the gate. Also stopped for groceries, and before going into Walmart's I was sitting in my driver's seat checking my email and I fell asleep and dropped my phone!! So got to campground and spent considerable time putting my big load of groceries away. I stocked up on a few things I had trouble getting during COVID, so spent a lot of money, but at least won't worry about not being able to get things grown out of the country, such as cocoa!!
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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:10 pm

Poor Jackie and Shadow and the chicks!! There is a big storm blowing thru there tonight and the tree they are in is really rocking and rolling right now! Hope that is a really strong tree!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:17 pm

Another nice warm, sunny day here. Yesterday at Walmart I saw a Picanha roast and I had never hear of that. There was one that was marked down from $30 to $20 so I decided to try it. Most of the recipes online said to cook it in the oven or grill it. I browned it and put it in the slow cooker and cooked it like a Mississippi roast. I think that is the best roast I have ever eaten. It came with a layer of fat on top but I cut off all but about 1/4 inch of it. I will sure be looking for another one on sale.

The company I bought my air conditioner from called this morning wanting to come do the annual maintenance checkup. I told them they could come so had to hurry up and vacuum and clean the utility room.

Barbie, your cats will have fun watching the birds. It's probably time to put the Humming Bird feeder back up. I had sugar on my shopping list yesterday but managed to forget it. There was a picture on Facebook that show lines of cars and RVs for as far as you could see waiting to get into the Grand Canyon National Park. Hope the storm misses you. They were predicting a bad storm like that for here last week and I didn't get much of it. I don't think it would be a good idea to only close the slide a little. I think if it's in or out it seals it.

I like the new time but I keep missing the news. I guess my internal clock hasn't reset yet.

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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:28 pm

I always closed my slide in really bad winds. I agree with Martha, it should be fully closed or fully open.

And my last two cats wanted nothing to do with outside. We had a dog door when I had the last cat. He found out it led outside and never did that again. It scared me that he could, but it scared him more.

Martha, I've never heard of that cut of meat. Interesting. I Googled it and it's also known as top sirloin cap.
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Re: Mid Month Wednesdsy

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 13, 2025 12:41 am

I went through the drawer that held cooking utensils several duplicates... I decided to keep the stuff that I will use while here put the rest in a box family can go through it and then what is left to a thrift store... I did toss in a separate box sharp pointed stuff dull knifes ect not sure what will happen to it don't think thrift stores will take knifes... that drawer was a hazard and I never really dug around in it just knew where the item was that I wanted measuring spoons zester and potato peeler was what I usually got out of that drawer...(the oven door blocked the drawer being opened all the way but awhile back I thought dah you can open the oven door and the handle will be out of the way) amazing what will come to the mind right so did that tonight cleaned out the drawer will redo stuff tomorrow... and probably weed out some more stuff
I have to laugh at the way mail goes granted I don't know if the packet is going through US Mail or fedx but my sister in law told me today that the packet was on it's way... brother said (somehow we ended up on a talking chat) said that the tracker said it was on it's way to Jackson via Nashville Tenn now why????
so that was my day
all that are in the way of the winds be safe
have a fun trip Karen enjoy your few days away
you all have a great day
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