I’m not keen in the time change this spring. Throwing my day off schedule. Waking up later cause dsy,ight doesn’t come till close to 8 and it’s dark by 8:30, so not gaining much right now. Not accomplishing much as I’m a morning person. . Would rather we just keep standard time. That’s my vote anyway

As said, haven’t done much around here. Ran vac yesterday and that was it. Need to dust this morning. But I am working on my DP and had a mid afternoon appt. To get my hearing aids checked and cleaned yesterday, so couldn’t really get into anything anyway. Didn’t do a dog walk till after supper yesterday, which was nice and the one thing I admit is good about DST. They haven’t been too active either. Getting themselves adjusted too I guess.p, sine their routine revolves around mine.
Martha, glad you got the new mower fixed. Hopefully you should be in business now. Won’t be long amend I’ll be taking mine out of the mothballs for summer. Just, hope yo have a not too windy drive to your next stop. Beth, you talk about AZ not changing time. I read that the Navajo Indian Reservation follows DST. Crazy. Shelia, hopefully you will have all the paperwork signed by everybody including yourself and things can proceed.
Guess I had better get going if I want to accomplish anything this morning. And watch more drama unfold in D.C. big funding vote today. Sometimes I think they should just let the govt. shutdown. We’d be better off without them