Tuesday, March 11th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday, March 11th

Postby Colliemom » Tue Mar 11, 2025 8:42 am

Good Morning. Sun trying to Stsy out but fighting with clouds. After a 60 degree day, we are only in 30’s today. But going back up as week progresses. Typical March Westher as the seasons battle it out. From looks of l g range forecasts, Wi ter may well be over, but around here,nyou never say never this time of year. Snow’s melting though and bare ground is appearing. Snowbanks will of course take longer.

I’m not keen in the time change this spring. Throwing my day off schedule. Waking up later cause dsy,ight doesn’t come till close to 8 and it’s dark by 8:30, so not gaining much right now. Not accomplishing much as I’m a morning person. . Would rather we just keep standard time. That’s my vote anyway :lol:

As said, haven’t done much around here. Ran vac yesterday and that was it. Need to dust this morning. But I am working on my DP and had a mid afternoon appt. To get my hearing aids checked and cleaned yesterday, so couldn’t really get into anything anyway. Didn’t do a dog walk till after supper yesterday, which was nice and the one thing I admit is good about DST. They haven’t been too active either. Getting themselves adjusted too I guess.p, sine their routine revolves around mine.

Martha, glad you got the new mower fixed. Hopefully you should be in business now. Won’t be long amend I’ll be taking mine out of the mothballs for summer. Just, hope yo have a not too windy drive to your next stop. Beth, you talk about AZ not changing time. I read that the Navajo Indian Reservation follows DST. Crazy. Shelia, hopefully you will have all the paperwork signed by everybody including yourself and things can proceed.

Guess I had better get going if I want to accomplish anything this morning. And watch more drama unfold in D.C. big funding vote today. Sometimes I think they should just let the govt. shutdown. We’d be better off without them :roll: oh well. Governments are the biggest source of problems between countries. Us people would be fine otherwise. Onward and upward. Have a nice day all.
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby Irmi » Tue Mar 11, 2025 11:20 am

Good morning Sue and all!

Sue, with it not getting light where you are due to the time change, I can understand why you'd rather stay with standard time.

It's finally warming up again in central FL. We've had our share of cold fronts this winter. It was only 45 this morning when I got up and we'll be only in the low 70's for most of this week. By the weekend we should get back into the low 80's. We've had lots of winds here, too, but nothing like Judy or Barbie have had.

The priest of our church will be consecrated as a Bishop next Saturday, the 22. Due to the weakened state he is in due to chemo and being bedridden for a month at the Moffett Cancer Center, he hasn't made it back to church for services yet. I talked to him by phone this past Friday and he sounded wonderful. He said he is having trouble putting the 30 pounds back on that he lost. But he said he will be there next Saturday, using a walker. He said he would not be traveling to other churches, as many Bishops do, but doing most of his work for the diocese by phone.

Yesterday, Steve and I met both of my sisters and a bil at a restaurant in Gainesville FL. It was a lot of fun.

Enjoy the day!
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue Mar 11, 2025 12:12 pm

The puppies are out in the soon to be 70 degree sunshine. I just jumped on to share that the "mud" rain carried high above from places far far west did make itself know here in Ohio. As soon as I saw it all over multiple vehicles I at least knew what it was and from where it came.....
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Mar 11, 2025 1:10 pm

Good morning gals!

Tina, sorry about the mud rain :oops: . It probably came from around here with all the wind we have been having. Glad the pups are enjoying being outside!

Last night, I heard some commotion outside and looked out to see a giant Class A coming into the space next to me! All I saw were headlights just a foot or two from my slide-out as they were turning in! :o . They finally got straightened out and parked so I went out to see what was going on. The camphost was there helping to get them in, and my neighbors Penny, and her husband were there too. I talked to the owners and they seem very nice. Their rig is a 45 ft, very high end diesel pusher! Plus they were towing a jeep behind them (which they unhooked at the entrance to the park).

Yesterday morning I had camp. I still go for 2 hours, once every 2 weeks. I overslept and had to hurry out of here to get there on time but made it just 5 minutes late. It is over by where I used to live so is quite a drive from here. Then stopped at Lowe's and WM before getting home. Didn't do a whole lot after that. :roll:

Today, I need to get some things done around here. I still have that foam mattress I took off the bed last week, to cut up and take to the dumpster. It has been too windy to do that since when I cut that stuff up there are small pieces of it that come off and I didn't want them to be flying all over in the wind. Not too windy today so I think I should be OK getting that cut up. I was supposed to get my new steps delivered last night but I guess Fed Ex got here after the park closed the front gates so they couldn't come in to deliver them. Hopefully, the steps will get here today sometime. I want to get them put together and set up soon. I also need to get gas in my car. I have a Circle K membership and if I get gas there today, I get .40 cents off per gallon, as part of a perk. Good thing I was too tired to get gas yesterday! Just saw the e-mail last night. There is a Circle K just down the street from me and they are always lower than most other places around here anyways. My tank is almost on empty so it is great timing!

I better get up and moving here. Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 11, 2025 2:41 pm

I'm waiting for a phone call to pick up TY from his bath and nail clipping. The poor boy fights going in. Good thing he's not heavier than he is because I pick him up and carry him. We switch him to one of their leashes and he reluctantly goes with. But last time he came out perky and she said he got over it, and I just can't do his nail clipping anymore. He fights me much more than he does them even. He's always been bad about it so I've acquiesced and decided he gets a spa day now and then. And where I take him down here is close to Jersey Mike's, so you know where I picked up lunch. Actually lunch and dinner as I cut it in half. I vacuumed and meant to do laundry when I got back but didn't start it right away so either I do it after returning from picking TY up, but more likely it'll get done tomorrow.
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby snowball » Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:30 am

Some days it's hard to find something to say... this is one of them but then yesterday I didn't even try... we did have a warmer than normal day it was close to 50 at one point like 48 I think I saw...
I found a container one of those that lock with the wire locking thing to me it looked like a container that one would use for sour dough start especially if it was a start that was kept on the counter... so opened it up didn't expect there to be anything in it unless it was some sort of grain or who knows what... but it wasn't empty a pkg of orange colored stuff looks like cheese no idea if that is what it is... sealed with those really strong metal almost staple looking? my dd said open it but not sure I want to.... it's soft pliable just weird
did finally get the one counter top pretty much the way I want it most of the other is better need to move some stuff still and then go through a bunch of cooking utensils and weed out what I want and or use and put the rest in a box for others to go through... it will either end up at a thrift store if one of dd's was going through stuff it would all just be tossed.. I feel like if it's good and we don't want it then why not put it where it might be of a help for someone who can't afford shopping anywhere else... I may also go through one drawer that was used for cooking utensils not sure what all is in it as I use just three and four things out of it ... can't pull the drawer all the way out due to the oven but I had a thought awhile back I can just open the oven and be able to pull it all the way out... but will work on the rest first in truth I think I am procrastinating working on mom's room :?
it sounds like the weather is evening out... for the moment I think I saw something about snow storm coming but didn't see it fully and don't know what part of the nation it was going to affect... up till some time Thursday no chance of moisture...
you all have a great day
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 12, 2025 1:11 am

Been busy today filling out forms for the military burial for my aunt and uncle. Made some calls to the cemetery and the other niece, to decide on what we wanted for a brief cemetery. Still have questions about forms as California does not use same terms as does Florida and Georgia. Also made some reservations for Ohio and Michigan this summer. Got all my Florida reservations for the fall up until Dec 27, and am waiting for the COE campgrounds to start accepting reservations for the rest of winter. At least Florida residents do not get a month's head start on those!

Also, updated my blog with the steps I used for making my new front privacy curtain. Check it out here, if you are interested. http://grandmajjb.blogspot.com/ If you get a "not secure" warning, please ignore it. It just started up and I am not sure what is the cause. Am working on it, but I do not want to pay an annual fee for an SLL certificate when I am using Blogspot.

Moving on to another campground tomorrow. Supposed to be a little windy, but not too bad, I hope.
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Re: Tuesday, March 11th

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 12, 2025 1:39 am

I made my Walmart trip this afternoon so we should be good for a few days. Bought a bag of the robin eggs Easter candy. That's the only Easter candy I will buy and I leave it in the car so it's not so handy. I got an Easter card to send to my brother and his wife. They always send me cards and I never think about sending one. Hope I can find it when it's time to mail it. I looked at toys but I don't have a clue what an 8 year old girl would like. It's for my grandson's half sister. Her mother is no help, she just tells me I don't have to send her anything.

My neighbors had a pecan tree in their yard taken down today. It was a beautiful tree but they were afraid a storm would make it fall on their house. The company worked on it all day and they are still not through. It was a huge tree.

My sister had given me three cans of apricot halves. I decided to cook them down and try to make a filling to make fried pies like my grandmother did. I have only seen fried pies sold in North Texas and that's where she grew up.

I figured out that if I don't sleep on a pillow my shoulder doesn't hurt as much. I don't like laying flat so I put one of the wedge pillows under the mattress to raise the head of the bed up. I tried sleeping on the wedge pillow but it works better under the mattress.

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