Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:04 am

Good morning. VERY chilly this morning 33 brrrrr I was just getting used to the warmer early mornings. I am very excited to change my clocks tonight. In fact so excited I already changed the ones in my bedroom and living room. Will wait to do the kitchen ones later. And a couple of them change themselves...I like that.

Just watching some tv and getting ready to have a small breakfast as we are going to lunch about 11 so I want to be hungry then ha ha Coffee tastes good this morning and am snuggled under my heated throw with a dog enjoying the warmth also.

Sheila your soup sounds like it was a hit for sure. Martha glad you got your new mower fixed already LOL They just dont make things like they used to no matter what you buy. Irmi is getting some chilly weather too. This year has been screwed up for sure weatherwise all over. I just hope we have enough snowpack to maybe deter the wildfires this year. I need to peek in on the Eagles and their eaglets.....I hope they all do well.

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Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:17 am

Martha, could you wear a mask while mowing the grass to help with your allergies?

The 3rd eaglet hasn't finished hatching yet. It looked promising yesterday morning but seems to not be making any progress or movement for awhile now. Hoping it is just hunkered down during this snow/cold spell and will continue trying today. The other two look healthy and have good appetites.

UPDATE: the 3rd chick has finally hatched! Yay!

Julie wants to go to the art fair today. Weather is good so should be a good day for it. Sunny with a high of 63*. There is a classic car show there as well so I am sure David will enjoy that too.

I went outside last night to see if my Amazon delivery came and it did but the driver put it by the other door and it was raining out so the packages got a little wet but not too bad.I got a little wet running over to get them. It must have rained all night since my car is still wet. Hopefully, it got a good bath! I haven't washed it since just before I moved from California! We sure needed this rain tho! Wasn't nearly as much as what they got up in Phoenix, but every little bit helps! It did get sunny and no wind for awhile yesterday afternoon but then the clouds and wind rolled in later along with the rain.

I better get up here and get my hair washed and get ready to go.
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Postby Shirlv » Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:59 am

Morning Karen and All. At least the wind isn’t howling today’s gets in my nerves. Garfield doesn’t like it either, he spends the day sleeping in my spare chair. Raised buttoned on air fryer not a success. I can see them but pushing them is hit or miss, that gets on my nerves too. lol. Ask daughter if there is some kind of pen or something that can be used to circle the flat black buttons with white. The dome buttons did glow in the dark but I don’t cook in the dark so will remove them. I am happy the time is changing too. I have a wall clock I couldn’t reach which was never changed in the fall so that is good. That didn’t get on my nerves because I couldn’t read the time anyhow. lol I always fix corned beef and cabbage for St, Patrick day but saw a recipe for colcanon that sounds better so that and corned beef

Politics has invaded YouTube so I am struggling to avoid that. Have a couple loads of laundry to do. Will make up salmon cakes for dinner . That will be my day. Be safe

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Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 08, 2025 12:48 pm

I guess I'll enjoy the longer nights but I'll have a very difficult time going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. That one thing I appreciate in Arizona is not having a time change. For some reason I acclimate to it much better when traveling.

Much of the group I do things with are heading, actuality right now, to a park in McCallen where they'll have a bbq. I'm glad I'm said no thank you as it's going to be very hot today and already was too hot to walk as much as I wanted this morning. But we did pretty good. Probably won't be much of one this afternoon but temps are cooling tonight and only showing a high of low 70's for tomorrow.
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Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Mar 08, 2025 1:01 pm

A catch up sort of day here. I need to trim the nails on the four puppies that are left and use the clippers again around their heads. They need the exposure to the grooming that will be so important to the life going forward. I make a road trip down to Beckley, WV, to meet up with one of the puppy's new owner at a halfway spot. I am debating whether to take the minivan or the RoadTrek. It will be a long day either way. 250+ miles down and 250+ miles back. I would go slower but I really don't want to take all the dogs and puppies with me and I can get by with a one day turn around with limited back up here at the house. The Pottery Man says her will help but I don't trust him to remember details. He also offered to drive down with me but that would mean riding in the van for over ten hours with him. I would rather enjoy Books on Tape. There are reasons that I have been traveling solo all these years. I still have two boys that are searching for their forever homes and have put more feelers out to other breeders.

One of the puppies went to the pet food store along with Lark and I. They are all at the age that they need to get out and about and experience the bigger world and new experiences. So one at a time I will start including them in ride alongs and brief store visits.

They are currently out on the back deck chewing in some appropriately sized Bully Chews. It is better than trying to chew a few of the older deck boards. Puppy do have to chew something. Very glad to have the sun.

I have whittled down my misc. chores. I did make all the appointments for dogs and for myself. I really don't like making appointment for some reason. Only a few remain. One os completing the Body bequeathal form for the University of Cincinnati Medical School. Both my father and my stepmother donated their bodies. I appreciated how easy it was to call the funeral home and just pay to have the body transferred to the University. All I have to pay for was an obituary and transportation fee. They automatically cremate the remains at the end of their usefulness and you have a choice of picking them up or having the university be responsible. I think my stepsister chose to have her mother's remains buried with her grandmother. My brother and I just divided my father ashes and scattered them places that we knew my father had loved. Planning Memorials services or Celebrations of Life are planned when it is best for the family to make arrangements. My step mother said she wanted my father's to be at the church. I told her she could do whatever she wanted but that my brother and I were gathering with what family and friends were still available (my dad lived to be 93) at the Nature Center he was a Charter Member of, had volunteered to for years and loved deeply. My dad was never religious but he understood the spirit of things, particularly animals and nature. I took both goldens, Hannah and Herschel, to the memorial. If no one else needed them, I needed therapy dogs that day.

It is gettting quiet out onthe deck. It might be time for their mid day meal.....
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Postby Colliemom » Sat Mar 08, 2025 6:59 pm

Good Evening. . Just chiming in here. Nothing new here, just been monkeying with my little to do list. With moving pictures around and getting rid of a couple big ones, there’s always those little nail holes left. So took down the pictures in the living room and one in a bedroom, the spackled the holes and painted over them, leaving the new hooks in place though . Put the pictures back. Then we took a walk and I’ve been working on my new DP. I had a custom canvas made from this picture. Shelia, you might recognize this spot in Grand Teton.

The 3rd eaglet was feeding this afternoon. They say they don’t need much at first because it has eaten the egg yolk as it hatched. They sure are cute. Will be fun watching them grow. They have captured the hearts of the entire country.

Clocks are set ahead here too. Not looking forward to the dark mornings again. We won’t see daylight before 8 a.m. till April 12th here. Nice warm spell coming in this week, but can’t do anything outside of course. Might be able to do some reorganizing in my garage shop maybe. With daylight coming later, it takes half the morning for the sun to rise high enough for any warmth out there.

Tina, hope you find homes for the last two pups. I took Molly out into the world with me when she was a pup too. Thry need that socializing.

Egg prices here are running from $5.79 for regular size to $9+ for 2 dozen. No shortage. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of people buying as a lot have their own chickens up here or sources for farm raised eggs. But we are in the between seasons lull right now. As the snowbirds return and summer season starts, there will be more people in the stores.

Tine to give Molly her first eye drop, so I’m off.
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Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:45 pm

Good evening. It turned out to be a great day here, with lots of sun but not too hot. I did not end up going to lunch with Ann today as she called and just said she was too tired as she did not sleep well last night, so no big deal. She assured me she felt ok she was just tired. She is 80 and has had a couple strokes so I imagine that has taken a toll on her health for quite a while. I know Steve (hubby) has had some concerns about her forgetfulness and worries about her. He called here to see if she was with me. I told him she was home and was just too tired to go.

I got my errands done, went shopping at Winco and bought quite a few things, most were on my list LOL and I did not buy any snacks of any kind, or ice cream. YAY ME Bought veggies and some meat. And a few "cardboard dinners" for a quickie lunch when I am working outside and need something easy. I wasnt real hungry tonight so I did buy a pack of 6 frozen corndogs and threw one in the air fryer and it was pretty good. Not like at the "fair" good but it was fine.

Clocks are all set now. I dont mind the dark in the mornings longer for a while as I usually dont get outside early anyway this time of year. I have to have coffee, local news, facebook, email ha ha then get showered and dressed to start my day. It is light then ha ha

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Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:20 pm

Not much wind today, but it was really cold--15 degrees below their normal! Supposed to be 65 tomorrow and 6 on Monday, so that will be nice. Mostly, I am still staying inside with relaxing and reading. I also made some phone calls on Friday about the interment of my uncle and aunt at Miramar National Military Cemetery and arranging an honor guard. He was in the military at least 22 years and got a pension, so he is eligible. No fee for anything, even the honor guard and flag ceremony. We chose Miramar in San Diego because they lived there for over 20 years when they were first married, and they then moved so he could get his PhD at Stanford. Also California is closer to the other niece and I plan on being in California fairly often also. They had no relatives in Georgia, and it was difficult for us to get there, so San Diego it is. Now I need to fill out the 40+ items in an application for burial required by California. When I get them filled out, I will print and sign and send out for approval.

Wish they had had more than a few drops of rain here. They really need it to keep the dust down.
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Postby snowball » Sun Mar 09, 2025 1:29 am

I did change one clock... not looking forward to getting up an hour earlier... simply because I go to sleep to late need to try and go to bed earlier than what has gotten to be normal... was a slug today read scriptures and finished a word search talked to the person in charge of units at Gold Star in Q to see if there are places up for rent or selling can't really buy right now but put my name on a list... sorta torn would love to get my old spot out in the desert but as I told Bill I need to be realistic before with Kerry not far away and others that we knew I didn't feel alone being out there with no one that I know close by seems different... then stairs are getting to be more and more of a problem unless sil figures out a way to stabilize them the stairs into the trailer are a real problem... so finding some place in town feels better... but I do love it out there...
my niece and his family came over and stayed for quite awhile I wish I could have thought of something to fix for supper but really had no idea they came about 5 and left about 7:30 he tried to use the snowblower on the ice field it didn't work :lol: just sat and chatted... I had almost talked myself into doing something but then they came excuses excuses :?
I have a high school classmate that now lives in a town north of Wickenburg AZ they got a lot of rain either yesterday or the day before... the desert needs rain
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Postby Acadianmom » Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:45 am

It was overcast and it rained off and on all day but never much at a time. About all I did was make a strawberry pie. The next time I make one I think I'll make it with the sugar free jello. The regular jello is just too sweet. Didn't cook anything because I'm trying to finish the leftovers in the refrigerator. Shiela's mushroom soup sounded good. I like mushrooms and usually put more than a recipe calls for.

I checked on the eagles a couple of times but there's not much action like the bears catching salmon. I could watch them for a long time.

I haven't tried taking Luna into a store. I should take her to Petsmart and let her pick out a toy. She loves her toys so much she might go crazy. Tina, 500 miles in a day sounds like too long of a day.

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