Windy Thursday

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Windy Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 06, 2025 8:09 am

Morning. March is known for its wind and dong a good job this morning. One minute it’s quiet and the next my flag is jerking the pole :roll: They said we would have 35-45 mph gusts today. All behind that big storm movibg east. We had a lot of rain Tuesday night into yesterday morning and then again late yesterday. Once the cold air came in, it changed to snow but just a little. Everything froze up again.

Karen, sounds like a fun dsy for you yesterday. Shelia, sounds like you are making progress. Judy, hope sandstorm isn’t as bad as last. Catherine, that was too bad about that young boy. He touched a lot of lives.

Speaking of steps. I had just two on my trailer, but I built a square box about 3x3 feet out of 2x4’s and plywood. It was 4 inch’s high and I covered the top with an old rubber backed rug, rubber side up. Then I could just slide it under the bottom step. I made it for the dogs, so they could go in and out easier and it worked great for me too. We just had to step on that, the top step and into the trailer or reverse it going out. I don’t like the new type they have now, that fold up inside the door, as they are too high off the bottom step as some of you have said.

Not getting into much today as have my yearly eye exam this afternoon. My project for the morning will be to hang. Up my latest DP that I finished. But first off to the shower, make the bed etc.

Here’s the latest DP. I got the frame at Habitat, painted the mat from white to ivory, leaving a white border so it looks double matted.
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Mar 06, 2025 8:37 am

Morning Sue. It is a bit chilly outside 34/57 today with sun breaks and clouds. The fog will probably be here soon but not the dense fog we usually get. Supposed to clear by 10am then sunshine and cloudy coming our way for next several days. No rain until Monday. Need to change our clocks this weekend YAY

Sue good job on the DP frame. Martha as much mowing as you do I think a good mower is a good investment. I believe at this stage of life we need to make our lives as easy as possible. Sheila why dont you have a family meeting at your house and let everyone take what they want and then you can get rid of the rest or keep what you need. If they dont come and get it they are out of luck. All this should not be on your shoulders. You have done way more than your part already. Beth and Barbie you are lucky to have such helpful neighbors. I tend to buy my spices at the bulk section of the store. I can buy just a small amount, especially of something I rarely use or just want to try. It is so much cheaper that way for me. Alot of my spices age out before I can use them so this is a helpful way to keep them fresh and much cheaper.

Time for more coffee. Had the news on but I need something happier to start my day.

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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:30 pm

Got a dust storm warning on my phone about an hour ago this morning, so got up and dressed and took out my trash. (We have individual trash cans here.) Checked my water level in my tanks, and it was enough for two days. Came in and am all set for two days of strong winds, which started about half an hour ago! Not as strong yet as monday, but distance mountains and town have disappeared and closer mountains are hard to see. Also rocking and rolling!!

Watched two rigs pull in and get hooked up in the wind. Glad I am all tucked in here and not out on the freeway or hooking up right now.
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:49 pm

Dang hit a wrong button and poof went my post. Very windy here today also. I've had to hold my dress down several times on our walks. SpaceX has delayed several times on this launch but are claiming it'll go today. I would think this wind would have stopped it so who knows. We had the park meeting that introduced the new manager this morning. First meeting that filled the rec hall. Joe came over later this morning and replaced my dining table top. His sister, Nancy came by to see if I liked the one picked out (she helped with that decision). She hasn't been back to see it installed yet but im she'll agree with how much better it looks.
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:59 pm

That table looks really nice Beth especially with the blue in your seat pattern. Good choice.

All done either my eye exam for another year. No changes, so don’t have to order new glasses. Dilation hasn’t even bothered me. Drove home, no problem. Z fixed supper and now waiting for local news to start. I mentioned this morning about the winds. Been gusty all day.
Up to 45 mph. Mix of sun and clouds this afternoon. Marquette in the U.P. Has been in a blizzard since yesterday. Heard they has 18 inches yesterday, don’t know how much they would d up with, but pretty big meets up there.
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby monik7 » Thu Mar 06, 2025 5:57 pm

A few of you are aware that my son Joshua was murdered by three gang members when he was 22 years old. Joshua was walking home with his friend when they were attacked for $17. That was in 1995. The 3 guys who murdered him were captured and have been in prison. One was granted patrol a few years ago and was released leaving 2 still in prison. Today was a hearing for the leader and it looked like another would be granted parole. However, that didn’t happen. He was denied parole and will be in prison for at least 3 more years. That’s not long and as how painful going through these parole hearings is, we will continue to fight my son’s murderers and do our best to keep them in prison.
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:59 pm

((((((((( Sandi )))))))))
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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby Cudedog » Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:40 pm

My heart goes out to you Sandi.

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Re: Windy Thursday

Postby snowball » Fri Mar 07, 2025 1:23 am

(((((hugs))))) Sandi
It truly was a do nothing day was expecting niece to pick me up to go to the store's but she didn't contact me by the time I really no longer wanted to go when nephew text me to see if I needed to go to the store... I said it was late or if we went tomorrow needed to go earlier like 12:30 as I needed to make supper for this couple niece will be here at 12:30 so just couldn't get any desire to do anything did fix supper and started the dish washer... oh yes went through a container that I dumped one of the junk drawers into tossed real junk away set aside other that may or may not be used.... still have a couple of dividers to go through from the same junk drawer... probably not tomorrow with going shopping making supper not to forget to put stuff away... dd is planning on being here Sunday to do laundry so think I will make Chicken Supreme saw the recipe it looks good
It will be ideal if we could my brother who is who mom put in charge wants to wait till the paper work is all done which seems to be hanging out with sister in Vegas perhaps on it's way or will be... :roll: part of the issue is one brother is 3 hours away the other is 1.5 hours away put works 6 days a week sister in law is 2 hours away and doesn't drive the pass and of course sister is in Vegas...extremely hard to get us all together actually impossible but we will work it out we have some idea of some of it one day it will be all done and you all won't have to hear about it...
Sandi enjoy your trip to the Islands
Judy glad you aren't driving in the winds... I've gotten stopped more than once due to winds.. my favorite place to get stopped at is the KOA in Needles CA
Beth table top looks great might want to wear legging when out in the wind and a sundress :o
We got snow over night and part of the day enough that they came and cleared the driveway...
Sue your frame and DP looks nice...
you all have a great day
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